
Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Bright and early....


Oh my allergies have been bothering me something fierce, if I could scratch out my eyes and nose, I would.

Had a bit of an off day yesterday, just wasn't feeling very well and so by 8:30pm I had bid my goodnights and headed off to bed.  Took a pill for my pounding headache and was out pretty soon after.  Think my body needed that early night too, I slept quite well and woke up feeling rejuvenated, so I'm hoping today is a much better day for me.

How are you all doing?  Anything exciting going on?


Yesterday I did some homemaking, got some things started and replenished, like my infused vinegar for cleaning.

I had just made a batch of my Fat Flush Water, and instead of throwing out the peels from the orange and the grapefruit, they went straight into a big jar of vinegar.


I'll let it sit there on the window sill for a few days and then it's ready to go. Don't think there's quite anything like cleaning with vinegar so I always have a jar on hand.

When we left the old house, I actually brought my onions and my squash plant with me and surprisingly, they made the trip and are thriving.


I do wish I could have brought everything with me, but I couldn't, so I hope whoever moves in next will take care of the veggie garden.

I can't wait to get my garden started at this house, going to have hubby build me some raised beds and get to work, I miss have fresh veggies out of the garden, on hand.

I think this one is a Hosta, but I could be wrong as I'm not very good with flower names LOL  So if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.


After watering the garden, I came back inside and started a batch of Freezer Pickles, which I love.  It takes 3 days to make them but they are delicious and well worth the wait.

Spent the rest of the day relaxing, trying to catch up on my shows and diffusing fights brought about by games of Nerf gun in the house.  Annoying to say the least LOL

Oh I have to tell you, remember I mentioned that right after we moved in I had noticed a nest on the tree next to the deck?  The mommy had laid two eggs and pretty soon after they hatched into the cutest little mourning doves ever.  


I couldn't believe when we went back less than a week later, just how big they had gotten and just the other day they left the nest with mommy.  How amazing that life is created and developed and moved on in such a short period of time.


Not quite sure what today brings, but I may need to make a stop at the library to see if the books I put on hold are ready for me.


Learning how to fly.  I could just sit and watch them for hours :)

Alright the house is stirring and that is my cue to start breakfast.  Have a wonderful day everyone.


  1. I didn't know that was a hosta by the picture of the flower alone, but the picture you posted with the flower coming out of the plant, is definitely a hosta. I planted a lot of those at our last house. I love them and would love to plant some here under our tree in the front yard. but my husband has plans for us to buy our house before we do a ton of permanent changes like building flower beds. If we are still in this house next spring though, I'm doing it, because our landlord doesn't mind. Right now, we are just doing everything in pots.

    That's so neat that you got to watch those baby birdies grow. I showed my kids the pictures and they loved them. I wish we could experience something like that too so they could see it.

    I love that Welcome sign you have!

    I hope you feel better today. Allergies are no fun! 4 out of the 5 of us in my house take medicine for them. When Rylie is a little older, I'm sure she'll take meds for allergies also. I guess it's the trade off you get when you get gorgeous greenery and country living.

  2. Your welcome sign is adorable! I have never tried the infused vinegar for cleaning. I might have to make some for the bathroom.

    I hope you feel better soon. My hubby has allergy issues and they are no fun!

  3. My allergies are awful too and I can totally relate to your itchy eyes. It's amazing how fast those birds grow. We had baby robins at work and they were flying in no time also.

  4. Love the baby birdies! How wonderful to be able to watch them hatch, grow and learn to fly. So beautiful.

  5. Hopw you are feeling better, your photo's are lovely!! Sweet little birds

  6. We can learn so much from watching the mama bird and her babies, can't we. God watches over them and us. Marvelous truth!!

  7. Sounds like you're settling in well. :) I'm sure after a season or 2 of being bake in a moister climate your allergies will settle down - gotta get that arid desert out of your system.


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