
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Living in the moment


And when they carve my stone all they need to write on it
Is once lived a man who got all he ever wanted
Tell me something who could ask for more
Than to be living in a moment
Lovin every minute

I was listening to Ty Herndon this morning, and his song "Living in the Moment" came on.  It's one that I have loved for many, many years but hadn't heard in quite a while.

As I listened to the chorus, I realized that I have forgotten how to live in the moment.   I have forgotten how to just *be* in a joyful mood even when things around me may seem to be stress filled.

And when they carve my stone all they need to write on it, it once lived a woman who got all she ever wanted.

Yes, yes and yes!

Because I have everything that I ever dreamed of.  A God who loves me unconditionally and is always there to wrap me in his arms even when I've been not a very good child, a husband who loves me just as unconditionally and who continually tells me I'm beautiful and he loves me, children who make my days even in those moments where they push my patience to the limits, a house in the country, food on the table and now family nearby.


So why is it that I tend to fall into the trap of focusing on the things that we don't have at the moment, or how different life is now, or the why's and how's?

Such a waste of energy and time.

I woke up this morning, stepped out onto the deck and saw the beautiful sunrise, and it dawned on me that I need to go back to that contentment, back to that feeling of living in the moment and soaking in every second of every day, no matter what may be going on.


I have so much going on around me, so many changes, so many new things, so much to adapt to and I've shamefully let some things my morning devotionals with God, my quiet moments with his word, the ability to see everything in a new light and to smile even if inside I feel like crying.

Because it's all in our attitude and how we act and react to the events around us.


First step is to admit when we're doing something wrong, and I have caught myself going about my days in the wrong way by allowing small things to tick me off, to throw me out of whack, to deplete me of my joy.

Fall and Winter are my time of the year, they are when I feel the happiest and most content.  I'm not so much a Summer person, I do enjoy the warm weather and wearing shorts and flip flops and having fun with the family but in a way, it also makes me lazy and boring.


Whether I'm staring at a sink full of dishes and lavender scented hot soapy water, or a bathroom that is needing a cleaning, the laundry that seems endless or a particularly difficult day with my kids...


Whether I'm standing on the deck in my pj's and slippers soaking in the morning fresh air



Every single one of those moments is a learning opportunity.  Oh I know, it's not always easy to see what it is when we're preoccupied with other things, but trust me, if you just take a moment you will often see that every single thing we do in our day is for a reason and to be enjoyed.

Count it all for joy, I say.


Live in the moment, dance like no one is watching, love as if it's your last day on earth and sing like no one can hear you.


  1. Yes, yes, yes! I am have been pondering living in the moment often lately. It seems that things are always rush, rush and that is not the way I want to live.

  2. What a lovely, lovely post. Thank you!

  3. Thanks for the reminder, Sandra! Such a true post and I want to live in the moment! I have so much to be thankful for and yet each day something tenses me....I need to remind myself of this everyday! This would make an excellent post for Joy's Faithful Friday! It is inspirational and right on!

    Hope all is going well with you! I'm so glad you got your house in the country! I know it makes you happy! I can see you with coffee cup in hand on the back deck, maybe with your crocheting in hand one fall morning! (Fall is my favorite too!)

    Hugs to you my friend!

  4. I am in the middle of the most stressful time of my entire life but I wanted to drop by and say thank you, Sandra, for reminding me to count my blessings.

  5. That's a beautiful reflection Sandra, and thank you for that reminder!

  6. Great thoughts Sandra. So true about living in the moment. I need to do a whole lot more of that.

  7. Very good advice. Thanks for sharing


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