
Saturday, December 21, 2013

One more snow day....


Well I don't think we'll be having a white snowy Christmas, but the Lord sure has gone out of His way to give us a little of the white stuff  before hand.

Last night the flakes started coming down, and for a few hours it steadily covered our area.

Icicle lights

And as always, snow has a way of bringing out the kids in our hearts.  The children quickly bundled up and headed outside to watch the flakes, and us adults bundled up too, but ended up in a huge snowball fight.

We laughed until our sides hurt, we ran, we smiled and we enjoyed every moment of the beauty that is fresh snow.

Winter Pasture

When I woke up this morning, this was my view, and I smiled big and uttered up a quick prayer to God for allowing me to enjoy this moment.

I'm so truly blessed to live where I do right now.

Winter Scene

Tiny snowman

Snow covered pine cone

The boys especially, have been loving the snow, no matter how cold they get out there.

My boy

Winter branches

Kicking snow seems to be one of the favorite activities, seeing just how far it goes and how high the snow flies.

Kicking snow

Kicking snow

Snow boots

Yes, there are a few things that I could completely do without, like the wet boots and the dripping gloves and coats that are dumped at the doorway, but it's all part of it right?

Other than the snow, we've been enjoying having my mother and father in law here, it has resulted in the usual card and board games, good food consumption and lots and lots of laughs and catching up on each others lives.

Unfortunately they won't be staying through Christmas, but that's ok.  We'll just make the best of it.

The presents are all wrapped, the Christmas tree is overflowing, the menu has been decided, and baking and cooking begins tomorrow.

Only downside to it is that a few of us are starting to come down with a cold.  There are quite a few sore throats going around, including my hubby and I.  Oh boy!

Well, I need to get on into the kitchen and whip up some Grilled Cheese and Tomato Sandwiches.  Being that is is my nephew's birthday today, we had cake, ice cream and some snacks earlier so no one is very hungry.

Might end off the night with a board game or a Christmas movie, not sure.

Have a wonderful Saturday night friends :)


  1. Looks beautiful! Our snow all melted here today. It was 50 degrees. Crazy weather. Right now we are praying the ice stays away from us.

    Andrew and I are both sick. I do believe we came down with the flu. Thankfully it didn't hit until after his surgery.

    Merry Christmas!!

  2. I have a houseful of sick people here... :( Hopefully everyone is on the mend by Christmas though! I do so love your photos... always gorgeous! :) Hope you're feeling better soon too!!

  3. Beautiful snow! Sounds like a cozy, fun Christmas for your family! Enjoy today and get feeling better soon!

  4. This is the first time in a while that we'll have snow on the ground for Christmas. It's been quite brown and warm the last few years. But this year, wonderful white snow. Enjoy your time with your family and Merry Christmas to you all!


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