
Tuesday, January 07, 2014

A haircut, some baking and a little crochet!

It's been such a busy day.  I just realized as well that I tend to start a lot of my posts this way, but I am not making this up, it really is the way it goes around here.

I feel like some days I open my eyes and I'm already busy doing something and then I don't stop until around midnight.  Geeze!

We started off quite early this morning with another trip to base, this time to get my daughter's hair cut.  She has been needing one for a while and I just couldn't take her split ends anymore.

My beautiful daughter

There now....much better and she is totally rocking the bangs. I love this child to death, she brings us so much joy. The haircut suits her but in a way it makes her look much older and I find myself staring at her and wondering where the time is flying to.

Remember when I started my blog back in 2006, she was this little munchkin with curly red hair, now she's an almost 15 year old. *sigh*

My boy also got his haircut but I didn't manage to snap his photo, he's been hiding from me all day LOL

After the haircuts, we came straight back home and I got right into laundry and house cleaning and dishes etc.  I also got dinner in the crockpot as today was and is still quite cloudy and cold.  I tried out a new recipe for a Slow Cooked Coconut Chicken Curry and it was delicious.  Got a big thumbs up from the whole family so it's on the list to make again, and so easy too.  I'll share the recipe tomorrow morning when I upload it to the blog.

After getting the crockpot going, I started two loaves of my Buttermilk Bread which I've posted here before, but nonetheless, if you missed it, here is the link to that recipe if you want to try.

Buttermilk Bread

While the bread was rising, I started a Date and Nut Loaf which is a big favorite around here, especially of my sister in law's, she just adores this loaf.  I do too, it's so good and even better when you slather on some butter.  Yum!

Date and Nut Loaf

So most of my afternoon was spent in the kitchen, which I don't mind at all. I have to tell you that the past 6 months have been such a huge adjustment and one thing that kind of took a back seat was my cooking. I mean, I still cook every night but I haven't been trying new recipes or posting any on the food blog, and that is something that I'm now ready to get back into. I've missed it dearly.

Once everything was baked and out of the oven, I still had about an hour before dinner was ready, so I started my crochet square for day 7 of my Crochet Mood Blanket.

It's coming along very nicely already. I wasn't going to join any squares until the end of the year, but I've decided to just start joining every week and so far I'm loving it. I'm using the Flat Braid Joining method, you can find the tutorial for that through Google or on Youtube.

The squares I'm using are the Simple Filet Crochet Starburst.

Crochet Mood Blanket 2014

Just love the colors. Today's color is grey though to match the cloudy skies outside.

I'm also thinking that I may do a few smaller blankets as I make this one.  It would be easier for me to just do 2 or 3 squares a day and make say, 3 blankets?  The main one is going to be for my bed and that will be quite a big one, but the others I may do lap blankets and give to the all the kids for Christmas.

Anyway, just a thought.

And now I think I deserve a cup of hot tea, a warm blanket, and a book so I can finally put my feet up and relax a little.  Yes, I think that is exactly what I'm going to do.



  1. Oh Sandra, I love,love, LOVE the white trim, SOOO pretty!

  2. Jasmine looks so grown-up and so pretty!

    Busy days here too xxx

  3. Your DD is stunning, what a beautiful girl!! Love your blanket, so soft and sweet looking

  4. I love this blanket. You are inspiring me to begin one of my own...maybe for the new grandbaby I have coming this summer! Thanks and have a great day. Enjoy your Wednesday!

  5. Your days are so full. Your attitude so positive and you keep creating. You are an inspiration.

    I had to look up the flat braid joining and love it and plant to make a granny square afghan using this to join squares.

    Jasmine is not a little girl anymore. She is quite the gorgeous young lady.

    Have a great day ~ FlowerLady

  6. You are right, that haircut makes her look more mature! Don't you hate that! If my opinion matters to her at all, tell her this Souther Girl from Ga thinks she is beautiful. I love her cut.....and tell her to stop growing for a while, lol.

  7. I LOVE your daughter's hair! And she is totally rocking those bangs!

  8. Oh your daughter is beautiful, I love her hair!

    I love your mood squares, a lovely pattern you are using!

  9. That crockpot dish sounds yummy! I cant wait to see the recipe:)

  10. Love the colors in the quilt. That's going to make a gorgeous blanket.

    Your daughter looks great with bangs. Funny about your son hiding from you and the camera after his haircut.

  11. Your daughter is gorgeous and she looks just like you!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
