
Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Hello January....Hello 2014!


A blank slate, a completely white book just waiting to be written.

I used to hate the end of the year and the beginning of a new one, because I always felt like I didn't know what was around the corner and I worried about what was to come.  Ridiculous!

The past few years I have chosen to concentrate on the bright side of things, to think about the fact that it's a whole new unwritten chapter that I get the privilege to pen.  What is more exciting than that?


Will there be things that are out of my control?  Absolutely, but for the most part it's up to me to make it the best year possible.

I started today on a quiet note.  Hung around the house, puttered around a little here and there, got all the holiday decorations put away and things cleaned up.


Hubby and I also reorganized our bedroom and moved some things around.

Dinner was supposed to be beef stew but the men got a sudden craving for burgers, so that is what we had instead.  The stew will be for tomorrow night, at least I don't have to worry about making dinner right?


It's now almost 11pm but I am still plugging away on the computer, working on the new menu plan and grocery list so I can go shopping tomorrow.

The hubster and I will be making a quick trip to base for some errands, some groceries and I'm hoping, a hair cut for myself.  I've let my hair grow super long but honestly, between you and me, I don't like it.....I think my long hair days are over and I'm ready to go back to my spunky bob.

So yeah, this is how I spent my first day of 2014, looking forward to the future and not worrying about things I have no control over.

How did YOU spend yours?


  1. Happy New Year!

    I've always got so excited about a new year...too much so, in that I plan and set goals to such an extent that I rather set myself up for a fall. So now I set very general goals, but tell myself firmly that it doesn't matter if I don't meet any of these goals - God might have other plans! LOL

    We decided to have a quiet new year - but as I shared on my blog it wasn't (and not really in a good way!).

    I expect pictures of your new hairdo! ;) I want a change of style too. My hair at the moment is a dark blonde and quite long. I want to go a lighter blonde and a bit shorter.

    Hugs Sarah x

  2. I am with you on a hair cut! I need one in the worse way. DD#3 is a stylist but when she works I have Kara so the hair cut is always put off, Ha. Now that 2 of our DD's are married I always wonder will there be a new baby come into our life each new year. God is good, another blessing is headed our way

  3. I so want to get my hair cut too, but I really think I am too scared to make a big change to it. It is quite long now and I typically always wear it up...I don't know....

    Yesterday, we just hung out at home. I made some updates to my blog, wrote some blog posts, worked on transferring some recipes into a new recipe book that my sister in law gave me for Christmas and just hung out with Bill and the kids and watched football. Today it is snowy and cold, so I will be working on laundry and redoing our household notebook for 2014.

    I hope this is a great year for you Sandra! :)

  4. I love what you wrote at the beginning of your post: "it's a whole new unwritten chapter that I get the privilege to pen." I am excited for a new year and excited to see what God has in store for me to "write."
    Have a blessed day!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
