
Sunday, March 02, 2014

Easy Sunday!!!

Oh what an easy, quiet, productive Sunday it was.

Woke up early this morning and watched the sun beginning to rise.  I just love watching the sun making it's entrance, creeping up over the horizon and slowly starting to bathe the world in glorious golden tones.

Morning sunrise

I got the coffee going, and while I waited for that, I just sat at my kitchen table, quietly, enjoying the silence.

Morning sun

I wanted to get quite a bit done today, and I managed to do it. First thing was the kitchen, I cleaned out and organized the cabinets. They were driving me insane. I am so weird in that my cabinets need to be neat and everything packed in it's proper place, but for the past few months I've just basically thrown things in there, there were just too many items for a family of 8 and not enough room to keep things like I wanted.

Glad to report that it's all nice and tidy now.

Fridge Organization

Also gave the refrigerator a good cleaning, threw out things that were expired or close to expired.  That was another one that was just crazy looking, things everywhere and not how I like them.  I feel better now that they are semi organized, still not exactly how I like it because this fridge is so old and falling apart.  Definitely one thing I WON'T miss about this house.


Washed the dishes, gave the counters a good cleaning, moved things here and there etc.

Herbs on window sill

My herbs are doing great on the window sill, they just make me happy and remind me daily that Spring is just around the corner.  Above you can see my garlic on the left and my Sweet Basil on the right.


Picked up some fresh Tulips from the store.  I love having fresh flowers in the house and I love Pink, and I love pink and flowers with there.....a little of each equals a big smile on my face.

Sewing Table

So here is my Thrift Store find, an old sewing machine table.  It brings back so many memories of my grandmother sewing.

I just can't wait to have it set up, with my sewing machine on and my thread and my basket.

The fourth bedroom, which was previously Nicholas' is going to be turned into a craft/school/office room.  I'm hoping to move my yarn there, my rocking chair, etc.  Can't wait to see it all together, and I DO have a quilt that is still waiting to be finished so this will give me the incentive I need to get going.

Organizing Homeschool Material

Also hoping to get a bookshelf in so I can get the kid's school supplies all packed away neatly, but for now we've been using this stackable baskets, they work great and they're light enough for them to move from room to living room etc when needed. For now though, I'm stacking them into the empty closet until I get that shelf up.

And that's basically what I was busy with. I finished getting the kids all moved into their new bedrooms, also started on the living room, going to move some things around to make it a little more functional for us.

Will share photos when it's all done or as I go along.

I ended the day by making a big pan of Buffalo Chicken Lasagna for dinner, the family came over to eat and watch Walking Dead, so that was fun.

Buffalo Chicken Lasagna

The recipe will be up in the morning on my food blog, which I am so very excited to start updating again, it's another thing that got put on the back burner for the past few months.

Anyway, that was my Sunday, have a busy week ahead but looking forward to it.

Going to get into my warm bed, turn on the TV and see if there's something on to watch until I fall asleep. I'll be back in the morning with our Happy Homemaker Monday.



  1. What a lovely day you had Sandra. May your week be just as lovely.


  2. What a nice day! Your garlic is amazing and the lasagna looks devine!

  3. Welcome back. I love reading your blog first of all.

  4. I'm so glad to have you back to blogging. Your pictures are always so gorgeous and I like to read about your day. The day to day stuff is very interesting to me. I love all of your plants. I'm the plant killer. Really, I just don't have a place in my house that gets good sun. Maybe my bedroom, or when we finally get the rec room upstairs under control then I can put some up there. For now, I never go up there so I wouldn't ever see them.

    That sewing table is amazing. I'm jealous. I never find anything that good when I'm at the thrift store. Thrift stores always leave me disappointed. :(

  5. The buffalo chicken lasagna sounds yummy!


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