
Saturday, April 12, 2014

11 years!!!


I had the best intentions of coming  by yesterday and dedicating a whole post to my boy, but it was one of the busiest days I've had in a long time.

You know when you step out the door with plans of going somewhere and only taking a certain amount of time, and then suddenly things happen and you're out for hours and come home and get a phone call and are out the door again?

Yeah, something like that.

But, anyway, yesterday was my son's 11th birthday.  Oh goodness, I just don't even know what to say.  Each year as my children get older I get a little sadder at the fact that I no longer have little kids, knowing that they are inching ever so near to being out on their own.

Why does time have to fly?  It never seemed this way when I was a child myself, matter of fact, days seemed to just drag on by.  As I get older the days seem shorter, crazy.

We were up early yesterday, my son was out of his room and in the living room at his age birthdays are still exciting and filled with anticipation of presents and cake and fun.

After he opened his presents, he sat down to play with some of them and I quickly got the dinner dishes put away, made some breakfast and then got dressed.

He desperately needed a haircut, like bad, I mean I could have taken my boy and turned him upside down to mop my kitchen, kinda bad.

We got Jasmine up and she got ready and off we went, got the haircut, got a few things, went out to lunch at Jack in the Box, took some lunch to my husband and then came home.


I made him a Lemon Pound Cake and decorated it with one of his Minecraft characters.

While I was in the middle of decorating, I had a phone call from hubby and I had to make a quick run to his work.

Came back home, finished the cake and by that time it was 5:30pm.  We had to quickly get dressed because we were heading out to Wahooz Family Fun for the night.  As soon as my brother and his family arrived, off we went, 45 minutes drive away.

We had a great night, I even played Laser Tag which is something I never do, but it was fun and I did it for my boy.

My boy, who is now 11 years old and quite the young man.  He is so smart, so funny, and so much like his daddy, and he keeps me amazed every single day.  I can not wait to watch him grow and see what he does in the future.

I do wish that he was still just a 1 year old climbing into my arms with his bottle in his hand.  *sigh*

Here are some quick pics we took with the birthday boy, and some rare ones of me and my daughter, something that does not happen often.





  1. GREAT family pics!! and Happy Bday, Nic! :)

  2. You have such a handsome family. My children are all married and have children of their own who are grown. Cherish your time it all changes so quickly.

  3. You have such a beautiful family! I can't believe how much the kids have changed since I first started reading and following your blog. You and Curt look just the same and cute as ever. (I love your hair by the way!)

    I know the feeling about time flying and am not ready for double digit birthdays. We were watching my kids play soccer yesterday and thinking about how big they are and how much time had flown by.

    I love that you go the extra mile for your kiddos. They are just as lucky to have you as you are to have them. Hope Nic had a wonderful birthday.

  4. awww he is so handsome...
    great pics of you all Sandra..

  5. Thanks for posting these pics of your handsome and lovely family..and when you can get yourself in a picture, that's extra nice!! Wishing a Very Very Happy Birthday, Nicholas!!

  6. I agree, lovely family pics. Your son and daughter look so much like you, Sandra.

  7. They grow way too fast for our liking don't they. Here's hoping Nic had a fabulous birthday!

  8. Love the family pics! Happy Birthday, Nicholas!


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