
Thursday, May 29, 2014

A tiny peek

Roses in front yard

First, I want to thank you all for the kind comments on my last post.  I appreciate them so very much :)

It's been so busy around here, we've slowly started moving things in and as I bring them to the new house, I immediately put them where they're going.  It does make moving that much easier when you can go at your own pace and organize and clean as you go, as opposed to moving in with a gazillion boxes laying around and then having to unpack every single one of them.

Slowly, the new house is starting to take shape.

I wanted to come in and give you all a tiny little peek at the progress so far.  One thing is for sure, I'm so ready to get in there permanently and start making it our own.

Living room

I am still smitten with the green wall color. For a girl who has spent the past 17 years with bland colored walls, on base housing, this is like a whole new world for me.

Makes me wonder how I ever survived with no color. I am thinking that is not going to happen again.

Living room shelf

Like I said above, as things get moved in, they are placed where they belong. I love it because I can slowly start to see my house come together, and it provides a sense of home, a sense of accomplishment, and a very big temptation to just get in there and get settled.

Remember the pantry that I'm so excited about? I'm sure you won't be surprised to know that it was one of the very first areas I tackled the past few days.

I've never had a pantry, we don't have them in military housing, and this house we're currently in doesn't have one either, so it's something I've wanted for a long time.


Oh the joy it brings me just looking at it. Pretty baskets all ready to be filled in.

The top shelf is going to hold my cookbooks, or as many as I can fit up there because, trust me, I can not fit them all on that shelf. I may possibly, maybe, have a tiny obsession with cookbooks.

Organizing the pantry

The rest of the shelves will hold baking supplies, snacks, canned goods etc. I can't wait to get everything in it's basket. I'm not sure that it will remain exactly as seen on these pictures, because once I move the food items in, I may have to switch things around here and there.

I will take more pictures afterwards and show you how it all turns out.

In my kitchen, there is this tiny little corner shelf which I am not quite sure what I'll do with. For now, it holds my Cath Kidston cups and glasses.

Kitchen Corner

Looks quite cute as is.

So, the dining room window already has lace curtains up and my two plants have already found a home on it's window sill.

I am going to put up some shelf and drawer liners in the kitchen drawers and cabinets, before moving things in. If I have any leftover, I may use it in the pantry too, not sure yet.

The living room already has the DVD shelves up, with the DVD's inside. They're not organized, but that is something I will get to once we're in there.

My laundry room is out in the garage, I haven't taken a photo of that one yet, but I'll do it this morning when we take more things in. The good thing is that I noticed it had a tension rod just above the opening to the washer and dryer, so I've already put up some curtain panels that I had in my linen closet. Best thing about it, is that I didn't have to go and buy curtains, I just used some that I have had forever, but were just sitting in the closet.

I believe that is the best way to decorate, make use of things you already have around the house.

Roses in front yard

A tiny little peek at the moving process.

Oh and don't you just love my roses? They are all blooming in the front yard, and look not only beautiful, but the scent is amazing.

Right, now I am going to go visit all of you who left me a message on my last post, and then I need to get things ready to move to the house.

Have a wonderful Thursday my friends, and as always, thank you for taking the time to come by and leave me a sweet note, it touches my heart.


  1. Moving is such a huge task! You have a beautiful new home, it won't take long at all to make it your own! Good luck, and enjoy those beautiful roses!

  2. Oh Sandra how exciting I am so happy for all if decorating, planning and what a way to start off the summer...can not wait to see it all put together......

  3. Your house is looking great!

  4. its coming along beautifully Sandra..
    love the rose, so pretty..

  5. The new house looks great. You will have it all organized in no time!

  6. Love the green walls! Makes me want to redo my living room!

  7. Everything is coming together so nicely! And what a beautiful rose -- they are one of my favorite flowers!

  8. You sound so relaxed and happy dear Sandra. I love what I am seeing so far and those green walls are really lovely and serene.

    Happy moving and settling in ~ FlowerLady

  9. I have green walls in my great room. In fact I have green rooms, in various shades all thru my house. It is a relaxing color I believe. Your house is coming together nicely. What fun.

  10. Congrats on your beautiful new home! God is so good! Thanks for sharing the process with us:)


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