
Thursday, May 01, 2014

Books and Lilacs!


It is such a beautiful glorious Spring day.

My windows are wide open letting in the breeze, the birds are chirping loudly outside, we are at 77 degrees and the sun is shining.

I'm sitting here in shorts people, in shorts, and a tank top and flip flops and I couldn't be happier.  Well, I could be if I wasn't so deathly pale white and in desperate need of some sun.

I truly cannot wait to spend more time outdoors, to watch the sprinklers going, to smell the fresh cut grass and the barbecue grills going.

Everything looks nice and green, and I attribute that to the rain showers we've been getting, last week we even had hail, but it's good because we need all the precipitation we can get.


One of the things that has been loving the rain, are the Lilac bushes, we are surrounded by them, they line the streets, they line the neighborhoods, there are tons in all the houses, I actually have 1 big one in the backyard and 4 in the front.  Oh the scent is amazing, it's one of my favorite flowers.

I just had to bring some of that beauty inside.

Lilacs on Window sill

Two Lilac jars now sit on my living room window sills, not only do they bring in a pop of color, but they allow for a wonderful scent to permeate the air.

So, this past week I was extremely busy.  We had State Testing that the kids needed to attend, which meant all four children Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  The good part is that it took place at our local library, and if you know me well, you know it is one of my favorite places on earth.

I love going to the library and spending hours there.  I took my laptop and while the kids tested, I was able to get my Happy Homemaker Post up, check my email, facebook, edit some photos etc.

And I also picked up a few books, but of course.  Want to see my list?


There's a little of everything in there.

This one I actually started reading at the library and couldn't put it down. I've always been curious about the Oregon Trail and the wagons and how they moved from place to place, what they took, what happened etc. This book takes you along as a husband and wife, son and a relative retrace the steps of the westward expansion starting in 1840. Fascinating to read.

Corner to Corner Blanket

I even ready it while I'm working on my corner to corner blanket.

Foxfire book 1

Then there are the Foxfire books, which I'm sure many of you know about and have read. I have wanted to read them for a while, but our previous library didn't have all of them, there always seemed to be a missing book or two. I found the first and the third volume at this library, so I grabbed them.

Foxfire book 3

What I most like about these is the tons of information that they provide. They really do teach you a lot about self sufficiency and homesteading. Two things that I would love to one day say I am good at.

As for the rest of the books on the list, here they are:

An Amish Miracle by Beth Wiseman
The White Princess by Phillipa Gregory
The Spymistress by Jennifer Chiaverini
The Lodge Cast Iron Cookbook

Today I have been catching up on my housework and laundry.  It's incredible how when you are out of the house for most of the day for just 3 days, how everything seems to go haywire.  You could have sworn that I never clean the house the way things were looking around here.

But it's all back on track.

I finished my menu planning, paid all the bills, worked on my budget, got the laundry under control and now all that is left is some sweeping and mopping.  I'll get to those tomorrow.

I need to get started on dinner, the family has requested Hamburger Helper, which I honestly could do without, not a fan at all.  But once in a while, I don't mind.

Also plan on watching something on TV, not sure yet what.  I might continue on with The Americans, I'm enjoying that one a lot.  Oh and speaking of things I've watched, I watched a documentary earlier from England about the poor care that a lot of the elderly get in nursing homes.

It broke my heart and I sobbed through the whole hour.  I can't understand how it's acceptable to mistreat these people, to hit them, to swear at them, to humiliate them and laugh in their faces.  It's not right and something needs to be done about it.

The amount of times I wanted to reach through the screen and protect these elderly, or just give them a hug, a simple gesture of kindness, anything.  They are so alone.  Heart breaking.

Anyway, I think I've chatted long enough, I have things to get to around here so I better get on with them. 

If you could please say a prayer for us.  We have the upcoming move at the end of the month, and my husband is once again on the job hunt.  I just ask the Lord to provide as He has always done with us, to find a job that my husband will really enjoy and be appreciated at, and a good home for our children.

God Bless, and thank you for visiting my little corner of the world :)


  1. LOVE The Americans and all its 80's fashion! Good luck with your move :)

  2. I would love to read that book about the Pioneers on Oregon trail book also, but only showed part of the Title in photo. Could you tell me the name and author please?
    thank you

  3. Sending prayers for your family and the upcoming move and job Sandra. Loved the lilacs! I DREAM of them as they're one of my favorites too, however in the north we still have some snow banks around and nothing blooming yet. :( Please send some of that sun and warmth this way!

  4. Your lilacs are oh so lovely.

    Hope your dear hubby finds a great job and that you find a home just right for your family.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  5. Books and lilacs, two of my favorite things! I am a little jealous - we haven't had one of those glorious spring days yet. It's either cold, rainy, or humid, but I am looking forward to them! I wish you the best on your situation, and will pray for the right outcome. Enjoy your day!

  6. Love your posts. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. hee 77* I'd still have a t-shirt, long sleeve shirt and jeans on if I were just sitting. I think Spring is finally here too, or maybe it's summer now. It's hard to tell in Kansas. :-D

  8. Love lilacs. Can almost smell them through the computer. Almost. I really like that first picture of them you took. It was 71*F here on Wednesday and Thursday and today I woke up to snow. Sigh, gotta love Southern Alberta. It's melted now but enough already. You know I'm with ya on the whole library thing. I can get lost in there for hours!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
