
Monday, May 05, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday - 05/05/2014

Good morning friends, how was your weekend?

I had a pretty good one, Saturday was spent packing boxes and moving things to storage for our upcoming move, and yesterday my husband took the kids and I to the Zoo and the Idaho History Museum.  Had a wonderful day!

Now, it's back to a working/school week.

As I look outside my window:::
The sun is trying to shine through the clouds.  We've had very nice temperatures and beautiful blue skies, but this week we are getting a little more rain.  It's currently 47 degrees.

Right now I am:::
Sitting at the kitchen table and typing up this post.  Drinking my coffee and also enjoying some toast with some Zucchini Apple Butter which is delicious. 

Thinking and pondering:::
On life, on how no matter how much you help or do for others, some people are never happy and you're never good enough.  Sad but true! 

On my bedside table:::
My Bible
The White Princess by Phillipa Gregory

On my tv tonight:::
Granite Flats
Star Crossed
The Little Couple
The 100
Impractical Jokers
Hangar 1:  The UFO Files
Ancient Aliens
Ghost Adventures
Long Island Medium
Granite Flats
Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Listening to:::
Nothing but the hum of the refrigerator. 

On the menu for this week:::
Monday - Enchiladas, Salad
Tuesday - Parmesan Crusted Tilapia with Herbed Rice
Wednesday - Roast chicken and potatoes
Thursday - Spaghetti, Garlic Bread
Friday - Mushroom Swiss Burgers, Curly Fries
Saturday - Chicken with Green Peppers and Rice
Sunday -  Cheesy Garlic Pizza Calzones

On my to do list:::
Laundry, got two loads to wash.
Pack a few more boxes and move them to the garage and then the storage unit
Go by the realtor
Go to the bank

Happening this week:::
Monday - Tae Kwon Do
Tuesday - More packing
Wednesday - Tae Kwon Do
Thursday -  Tae Kwon Do
Friday -More packing and moving to storage

What I am creating:::
Making progress on the corner to corner blanket. 

My simple pleasure:::
Taking a ride with my family and enjoying the beauty around us

Homemaking tips:::
Make as much as you can at home.  It is cheaper than buying store bought...for example Tortillas, Hamburger and Hotdog buns, Bread, cleaning supplies etc. 

Looking around the house:::
It's very quiet, everyone is still asleep.  There is a box in the living room waiting to be taped up and moved to the garage.  I need to tidy up here and there too.  The kitchen needs some tidying from the weekend, things always seem to collect on the counters. 
From the camera:::
Beautiful day spent at the zoo.

Prayer List:::
My husband decided that the job he was doing was not a good fit for him, he was working very long hours, it was interfering with his college work and it just didn't feel he is back looking for some kind of job.  Praying for the Lord to guide him. 

Bible verse, Devotional:::
Live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Ephesians 5:2

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!


  1. Glad you had a good family day. Love your picture of the giraffe. Our zoo is getting ready to open a new Africa exhibit and we will finally have giraffes and zebras back. They haven't been at our local zoo since I was a kid. My kids are excited to go see them.

    Hope you have a good week and I hope your husband finds a job soon that will be perfect for him and your family.

  2. Praying that your husband finds a new job that he will love. We recently went to the National Zoo with our children and it was so much fun.

  3. Sorry to hear that your husband's job isn't working out the way he wanted. Good luck to him on finding the right fit!

    Super photo of the giraffe.

    Have a wonderful week.

  4. Good luck with the packing, hopefully you haven't lost your mind in all the boxes and tape yet. I swear if we ever move again I'm selling everything and just buying new. I'm the only civilian I know off that has moved as much as some military families in the past 10 years. (last running count was 25)

    That giraffe picture is priceless!

    I love the verse for the week too, I needed that verse today.

  5. Good luck to you and your family on your new journey!
    I was a chaperone for my son's kindergarten field trip to the zoo and although it was a bit hectic we had a blast and are looking forward to going back as a family when the weather is better. The day we went was so cold and terribly windy. lol
    I love making homemade bread. I have not yet made homemade hamburger or hot dog buns, but it's something I'm excited to try soon.
    I hope you have a wonderful week! It sure does sound like a busy one. I detest packing. lol

  6. I LOVE apple butter but have NEVER hear of "zucchini apple butter". Interesting.

  7. I absolutely love that picture of Jasmine with the giraffe. What a cool zoo you guys have!

    Praying for your husband and your family. It's hard to find the perfect job but when he's done with school I'm sure he'll find what will make him happy.

    I love your homemaking tips. I'm very much behind the idea of making things at home rather than buying them. I do a lot of making my own things but not as much as I probably should...

    Have a great week!

  8. It wasn't that working at the thrift store was too tempting? Kinda like why I couldn't work at the local bookstore in high school. Best of luck to him on his hunt.

  9. Hope you have a blessed week Sandra! Thank you for hosting HHM each week.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
