
Monday, May 19, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday - 05/19/2014

Happy Monday and welcome to my little corner of the world.

Can you believe that a whole week has come and gone, the weekend whizzed right by and here we are again?  Goodness.

I want to apologize for my disappearance last week, I've been very busy packing and looking for houses and just getting things done around here.  I haven't been online very much, and it's honestly been wonderful to disconnect and recharge, so to speak.

But, I'm back and so happy to be here.  Let's jump right in to our Happy Homemaker Monday, shall we?

As I look outside my window:::
I thought that I would start actually showing you what I see when I look out my windows.  Instead of just describing it, you can get a real sense of what I'm seeing, and this morning it looks beautiful out there.  The fields are getting watered, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, it's a gorgeous spring day.

May 19, 2014

Right now I am:::
Enjoying the breeze coming in through the window, writing this post up and drinking my coffee. 

Thinking and pondering:::
On my new healthy lifestyle.  I have decided to get back on the wagon, eat healthier, cut out the junk food, control my portions, watch my calories, drink my 64 oz of water each day and also do my Zumba.  I've neglected myself since we moved back to Idaho and I'm not feeling very well, so it's time to get back to being healthy. 

On my bedside table:::
My Bible, TV control, glass of water

On my tv this week:::
Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil
The Little Couple
19 Kids and counting

Dr. Phil
Catch up day (clear the DVR)
Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil 
Ghost Adventures
Long Island Medium
Granite Flats

Listening to:::
K-Love.  I wish they were here in Idaho on the radio, but unfortunately I can only listen online.  That's ok though, at least I can still listen to it right?   Right now it's playing Hello my name is by Matthew West.

On the menu for this week:::
Monday - Hubby has a business dinner with his boss, the kids and I will eat something easy
Tuesday - Pepperoni Pizza Pasta
Wednesday - Creamy Mustard Pork Chops with Rice
Thursday - Curt's Birthday - out to dinner
Friday - Creamy Oven Chicken with Mashed Potatoes
Saturday - Smothered Burgers and Fries
Sunday -  Lazy Sunday Crockpot Chili
On my to do list:::

Laundry - put it all away.  Got everything washed, ironed and folded yesterday, just needs to be put away. 
Homeschooling with the girls
Run errands with hubby this morning (UPS to return all the school materials, Pharmacy to find Iodine for the girl's Biology project)

Happening this week:::
Monday - UPS Store to ship boxes, Pharmacy, Homeschooling, Tae Kwon Do
Tuesday - Mow front and back yards, outside work, Homeschooling
Wednesday - Packing, moving stuff to storage, Homeschooling, Tae Kwon Do
Thursday -  Housework, more packing
Friday - Trip to base (library, thrift store etc)

What I am creating:::

Have started the decreasing on he corner to corner blanket.  It's going to be a small blanket, I didn't want to make something huge right now, just something that I could work on when I get a chance here and there but not big enough to bored me.
Finished the water bottle cover but am not happy with it, need to change it a bit.

My simple pleasure:::
Watching BBC documentaries.  

Homemaking tips:::
Give yourself time to work on all the things you enjoy.  I used to think that my routine and schedule should only include the usual housework and things that I considered to be of utmost importance, and my hobbies were just extra.  WRONG!!!
I've now changed my routine to include time for everything.....and I don't know about you guys, but I enjoy crocheting, reading, watching TV shows etc, and usually I just do whatever on any day.  I've decided that if I organize myself better and assign a day to certain things, I actually get more accomplished.
Monday - Crochet
Tuesday - Reading
Wednesday - Sewing
Thursday - Catching up on my shows
Friday - Free day to do whatever comes up
Saturday - Blog Reviews
Sunday - Time with God, devotionals, reading the Bible etc

Looking around the house:::
Needs a little tidying up, as usual after a weekend of relaxing with the family.  The living room windows are open,  and the sun is shining through. 

From the camera:::
Spring is the time of birth and growth and I've just been loving watching all the little birds in my yard.

Prayer List:::
I'm praying for myself, to stay motivated with my new lifestyle and to not give up.  To get closer to God, to really take in His word.
My friends who are needing prayer at the moment. 

Bible verse, Devotional:::
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?
Psalm 42:2

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!


  1. good monday morning Sandra..Glad to see you back..HOpe you find a home really soon..
    i am also trying to eat better and drink more water..
    take care,

  2. Hey, was going to link up today ... but I'm not finding the linky thing (might be my computer??) ...
    Anyway, have a great week!!!

  3. Hi Sandra! I am wishing you the best in your move and hoping you find a place right for you and your family. I did not see Mr. Linky but I do have a HHM post up!

  4. What a beautiful view! Good luck on getting back to that healthy lifestyle. I try so hard to drink a lot of water throughout the day and exercise. I love Zumba!

    I did my HHM but I can't see where to add my link today. So it's here

  5. What a beautiful view you have!

    Enjoy your week. :)

  6. I love the picture of the outside of your window. It looks so relaxing. We have recently started back on our health journey as well. We have cut out most sugar, eating tons of veggies and fruit,and portion control. I hope you get back on the wagon with us!!

  7. I'm and Idaho girl too, and I love seeing the sun shine, and I especially love these warmer days! Although I am afraid we will start getting the California smoke...not to offend anyone from California... ;0)

    Love your pictures, menu and TV list, it looks a lot like mine!

    What a fun post, I think I'll jump in!

  8. Getting back and staying on a healthy lifestyle track can be so hard. I'm in week 5 and I'm stumbling left and right. Ug!

    Love your view out the window, there is something so peaceful about fields in the spring time.

  9. So hard to move again already! I hope you find just the right house for your family but where ever and whatever it is, you will make it a home!

    These warmer days are wonderful and it is so nice to see everything growing and blooming:)

    Have a great week!

  10. the farmers are watering already? You'd think they would do that a lot here in SE KS, but I have honestly only seen 1 field with an irrigation system similar to the one in your picture. I guess the rest of the farmers just wing it. Might be the difference in crops too, here it's mostly all corn and wheat.

    Have a great week Sandra!


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
