
Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Feeling it.....


We've taken our time with this move, and moved things slowly, but we still have managed to do a truck load a day.

I've carried big boxes, I've hauled heavy pieces of furniture onto the bed of the truck, and I've unpacked and climbed on chairs, and moved things here and there.


For the most part, I've been fine, but last night I really started feeling it.  I guess age is not forgiving of certain kinds of exercise, and trust me, I feel so silly saying that since I am only about to turn 40 years old, but the truth is the truth.

My lower back hurts, I have bruises on my arms and thighs from the boxes and I'm feeling so tired.
My body is telling me to stop, to slow down and to take a break, and that is exactly what I've done today.  No moving, no packing, no carrying, no nothing, just housework and a lot of sitting down and relaxing.

I feel slightly better but I know I won't be completely fine until this move is done.

As I've been able to slow down though, I've immediately reached for my camera and snapped a few things, here and there.  Just little snippits of my days lately.

First, here is another sneak peek at the new house...

Rose Bushes

I am surrounded by gorgeous rose bushes, all different colors, but this one has to be my favorite. Scentimental Roses.

Scentimental Roses


After moving yesterday, I enjoyed a yummy lunch of Spicy Sushi Rolls, which are my favorite.


Then enjoyed some sunshine.  Sometimes it feels so good to just sit on the deck, in the quiet afternoon and watch, just watch and take it all in.


Today has been full of housework chores, starting with the ironing which I had been neglecting over the past few days.  Just been so busy, but had to get it all done this morning and that is exactly what I did.


The plants all got a good watering too.


After the housework was done, I grabbed my camera and stepped outside.  I wanted to take a few shots to keep as a memory of this place, once we've moved out.


So much has gone on the past year and the house that I at first thought was wonderful, has proven to be nothing but a hassle over the months we've resided in it.


But one thing that hasn't changed, is the way I feel about being out in the country and surrounded by nature.  I don't think I'll ever forget what it feels like to look up and see the beautiful trees towering above me, their branches waving too and fro.


Or the way the clothes look hanging on the clothesline, with the mountains in the distance as a backdrop.


Or the way the sprinklers look on the vast fields next to the house.  All little moments that have now become etched in my mind and will forever hold a place in my heart.


No matter where we go or what we do, the places we've been all play a part in the fabric of our lives, each one being like a tiny fiber making up our whole experience.

I've been places I didn't like, I've been places I loved, and I know there are still so many other moments that are in my future but will also be marked in my heart.  I welcome them all and I face very new journey as just that.....a new chapter, a new blank book to write in.

So yes, I will miss the area this house is in, and I'll miss my deck with the beautiful view of the mountains, and the fields, and the cows, and the neighbor's goats, but for some reason, this is not the place I should be, and that is fine with me.

It's time to make a new home for my family and I, and I can't wait to get started.  For now though, I'm going to sit back and watch some TV, do a little more crochet and relax, because tomorrow, it's back at it. :)


  1. Moving is so much work, but it's a fresh start, and it looks like a beautiful start for all of you. The flowers are gorgeous and I know you'll make everything your own inside too.
    Thankfully you're almost done!

  2. Lots of back breaking work, moving is! You deserve a day to recuperate before going at unloading everything.

    The roses are lovely!

  3. Moving is just about the hardest of all the things we do in a lifetime, IMO. It's tough, regardless of age. I know you're anxious to set up house and be settled again. It's the excitement that will keep you going forward.

  4. things are coming along sandra..soon all will be done and you can relax some..

  5. Moving can be very stressful, physically and emotionally as well.

    It's good that you took a day to just do simple things and rest.

    Your roses are beautiful and the photos you are taking of the beauty of where you have lived this past year will help preserve the memories.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  6. Moving is very hard work, mentally and physically. We've moved twice. Those roses are gorgeous.

  7. Sandra,
    I am so glad you have been able to move in slowly and that you have taken the time to relax today! I think the new house looks great and you will make it your own in no time! Good luck and God Bless!

  8. I've only moved once. And I really don't care to do it again! Your rose bushes are so pretty!

  9. Moving is hard work. Your new house looks great - can't wait to see more of your pics as you move in!

  10. I'm so excited for you..a new place, new friends etc. Enjoy.

  11. Moving is a lot of work - but it sounds like this move is well worth it for you and your family. Take a break and enjoy your new home.


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