
Monday, June 16, 2014

I'm here....

Hello my sweet friends!

First I have to apologize for the absence of our Happy Homemaker Monday.  I only got internet up and running about 5 minutes ago, so I couldn't get anything done on the computer until now.  Sorry about that, but I'm sure you understand.

Well, the move is finally over.  It has taken a lot of my husband and I, we are definitely no spring chickens anymore, and even doing it slowly, some of the heavier items have just broken us.  I feel pain in muscles I had no idea existed, goodness.

Over the next few days, it's just a matter of getting the house set up to our liking, moving things here and there etc.  One of the things that we quickly realized, is that our couches are so big for this living room, and finding the perfect place for them has been, well, quite interesting.

I think we finally got it figured out, but I won't share any photos until I'm certain they are going to remain where they are.  I do have a few pictures I've taken but I'll share everything tomorrow on another post.

I just wanted to come in and say hi, let you all know that it's finally done, we are in our new home, loving it, loving the neighborhood, loving the neighbors and really eager to make this our little nest.

Thank you to all who continuously stop by to see how I'm doing and to leave sweet comments.  You guys are the best :)

Now this girls is going to head into a very hot bath, try to soothe these sore muscles and catch up on the internet, have tons of emails to read and reply to and have quite a few reviews that need my attention.  But all in good time, right?

God Bless,


  1. So glad you're all moved and loving your place! Now for a little recuperation!

  2. Thanks for keeping us updated! Happy for you all that you've found a nice place! Have a relaxing week. :)

  3. Glad you're finally in, hope you can get yourself settled and rested soon. Big hugs xx

  4. I know how much moving takes on the body and mind. So glad you are loving your new home (and neighbors).

  5. Glad the move is done- that is such a huge job. Can't wait to see the pictures :)

  6. glad you are moved little by little you will get it all done in the new home..
    take it easy and take a little time to just be...:-)

  7. Hurray for you!!! Thanks for the update Sandra and I'm looking forward to your next post.

    Have a relaxing afternoon.


  8. Glad you're all moved. I posted a hhm this week if you want to read it.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
