
Sunday, June 29, 2014

{ Weekend Chit Chat }

It's Sunday night....really?  Already?

The weekend just came and went so quick and I didn't get to do anything, other than cleaning the old house and housework around this new one.  Seems to be the story of my life lately though.

Buuuuttttttt, Friday night I had a most wonderful evening out with the whole family, at the Annual Daniel Dopps Rodeo.

Are you ready for this?  I have never been to one.  Oh my, 16 years in this country and I have never gone to a Rodeo, how can that be?  It was something that I had dreamed of going to for so many years, even as a child I would see them in the movies and think "one day, I will go to one".  The opportunity just never presented itself until this weekend.

I wish I had words to describe the whole event, but I think maybe surreal might be the closest, followed very closely by AMAZING!!!

If I told you that I cried and looked like an idiot, would you believe me?

I couldn't help it.  HA!!!

Let me show you a few pics I snapped, and when I say a few, I mean really just a few because if I had to show you all of them, we would be here all night.  You know me and my camera.  If you want to see them all, please feel free to check them out at my Flickr Album.





Want some more????




Oh that was just so much fun, and I think by far, one of my favorite things to photograph.  Now I can't wait to attend other rodeos.

That was Friday night.  We didn't get home until about 11:30pm and then I tried to edit some of the photos and was just too tired, but nonetheless I didn't make it bed until after 1am.  Goodness!!

Yesterday the hubby and I went by the other house for a little cleaning, I actually went to turn my oven on to the self cleaning mode so that today all I had to do was wipe it down nicely.

Hubby had college work to do and then he had to head to base for work too, so I decided that it was time to start my yearly Summer canning.


This makes me smile. No lie, all I need is to see these gadgets on my counter and I get so excited.


And then this of course.....aaahhhh.

First thing on the canning agenda, some Tomato and Apple Jam which I LOVE. My greatgrandma used to make Tomato Jam and it was one of my favorite things on earth, slathered on a piece of toast or as a sandwich.

If you want to try it for yourself, you can find my recipe on the blog. Here I'll give you a link :)

Tomato and Apple Jam

There it is, in all it's glory. Of course I had to have some for breakfast today, you know, just to make sure it was good enough to be eaten by everyone else. *snicker*

Next on the canning agenda will be some salsa, some potatoes, some green beans, corn and banana jam. Yes ma'am!!

Today was spent entirely at the old house.

I don't know friends, maybe I'm crazy but I just don't like leaving a house without giving it a very good cleaning, like spic and span kinda cleaning.

That is what we did, and tomorrow morning my husband will be taking the keys to the landlord. Over and done with, so that I can just start concentrating on the new house and not have to worry about going to the other every day for this or that.


So there you have it, that is what my weekend consisted of, oh and finishing my corner to corner which I did, just needs blocking. Do you block all your blankets???? I admit I don't block all of mine, but this one I feel really needs it, so that is on the to do list for tomorrow.

Here is a little sneak peek though :)

Corner to Corner Granny


  1. I haven't been to a rodeo in years. They were always so much fun, the bull riding terrified me but I never could look away. It was always so intense.

    I think the barrel racing was always my favorite.

    I just picked up some canning supplies today. Mayhaw's were in season last month and I have three gallon's worth of cooked down juice in the freezer waiting on me to make jam. Just the thought of mayhaw jam on fresh biscuits has me drooling.

    And no, you aren't the only who cleans like the dickens after moving. I enjoy it so much I thought of opening my own after moving cleaning service. =)

    And now I'll quite chatting your ear off, no idea were all that came from.

  2. I have lived in this country my whole life and never been to a Rodeo. It is something I would like to see someday. Perhaps it's the state I live in. Not many cowboys here. Haha

    I have made your Tomato Apple Jam before. It is delish!! I've also used it on warm biscuits and as a BBQ sauce on Chicken. OH my was that good. I've also added it to my sloppy joe recipes. YUM! The perfect amount of sweetness.

  3. I haven't been to a rodeo since 1984, the year after we moved to Kansas. We went to the rodeo in Strong City with a friend. At that point I thought I wanted to be a rodeo clown. Glad I changed my mind. LOL!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
