
Monday, September 08, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday - 09/08/2014

Happy Monday!!!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are ready for the new week ahead.

The weather has cooled down immensely around here, and so I thought I would bring out my Fall Edition HHM picture. Right, let's get on with it....

Breakfast time....what is on the plate this morning::::
For now, just a cup of coffee while I type this post up.  I will probably end up eating what I eat pretty much every single day, which is two pieces of toast.  I know, boring.

Looking around the house::::
Very quiet, the children are still asleep.  My husband is up and getting ready to head to Boise for his college classes.  Bella is running around the living room shaking her head.  She has ear issues and they get really itchy for her, we have drops that we have to put in, so when she starts doing this we know it's time.  Lola is just sitting on the couch next to me, watching Bella with the funniest expression on her face LOL

On today's to do list::::
Another Monday with no laundry....I have started getting all the laundry taken care of on Sundays and it seems to be working better.
Get lessons ready for schooling
Finish working on the new menu plan
Clean Bathrooms
Change bed linens in the kid's bedrooms

Currently reading::::
The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon.  I first read them when they came out, but since I've been watching the series on TV, I've wanted to read them again.  Loving the series just as much now as the first time I read them. 

On the TV today::::
Portuguese Soaps - Beijo do Escorpiao, Mulheres
Watched Benefits Street last night....actually enjoyed it, some made me shake my head, others I kind of admired.

The weather outside is::::
52 degrees right now....

On the menu this week::::

D:  Spicy 3 Pepper Fettucine with Turkey Sausage

D: Beef Stew, Potato Dumplings

D:  Yummy Hero Sandwiches (still haven't made these, they've now been passed down through 3 menus)

D:  German pizza

D:  Black Bean and Rice Enchiladas

D: Veggie Soup, Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

D: Gonzalez Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Corn

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::
Work on some Pin Cushions.  I am really needing to start making some crochet goodies to sell, it is something that I've wanted to do for a while but never got around to.  Right now though, I need something to supplement our budget, and also to help with Christmas coming up.  These are pincushions I am making.

Crocheted Pincushion

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week::::
Was supposed to try the German Pizza and ended up not making it.  It's on the menu for this week though.  Also making the Spicy Pepper Fettucine tonight, and that is a new recipe. 

One of my simple pleasures::::
Painting my nails, even if they don't last very long with all the dish washing and cleaning I do throughout the day.  I just like having them painted pretty colors so I keep at it :)

Favorite photo from the camera::::

Looking Around the House::::
I need to vacuum my living room rug.  Lola is shedding and when one of the pugs is shedding, I end up having to vacuum the rug at least once a day.  Love dogs, but really could do without all that hair.  I need to open the living room blinds, curtains and windows.  The house is actually tidy and clean, I try to keep it like that every day so that I don't end up with one day where the house is completely trashed.

Visiting with Blog friends (blog you want to share, blog post that caught your eye)::::
I didn't do any blog reading last week, but I do have a blog to share with you all.  If you love handmade jewelry, you will love Silverpebble.  She lives in England and she makes jewelry inspired by the countryside.  Beautiful pieces she has. 

Praying for::::
For our financial situation.  The start of this semester at BSU has just wiped us out.  I thank the Lord every day that we are still being helped by the GI Bill, but when you are switching colleges and starting new semesters etc, it is a big confusion and we usually have to put in all the money from our pockets before things get taken care of.  It is just a huge slam on our monthly budget.  So praying for that.

Bible Verse, Devotional that is resonating with me at the moment:::: 
I think this one is appropriate for me, at the moment.

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!


  1. I love your cute pin cushion, so pretty.

    What do you think of the new Doctor Who? We're not keen.

    I'll hopefully do a HHM soon! LOL

    Sarah xxx

  2. LMBO at your inspiration this morning - as I read it we are in the middle of a horrendous flooding and thunderstorm.

    Love the pin cushions - Are you opening an ETSY store?

  3. I remembered to link up today. Now I must get my house in order. Have a great day!

  4. I have always noticed your nails always look so nice. I try to keep up with mine also. It just makes me happier. Will be praying for your financial situation.

  5. Happy Monday Sandra! I love your pincushion. Have a great week. :)

  6. I love your inspiration for the day! The pincushion is cute and makes me wish I had talent in the sewing/crochet area. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  7. Praying for your financial situation ... because I am so totally there with you!! Still waiting on my deposit from our previous rental. UGH. :( Big bill due TOMORROW and can't pay it until Thursday (pay day) unless the deposit comes today. :(

    Anyhoo.... gonna write up my HHM now if I get the time.
    Also still waiting for the German pizza review! :)

  8. Oh Sandra can't wait to see what you will whip up to sell...I am working on Xmas gifts for grandchildren some blankets quilted and crocheted..hubby is building two barn wood cabinets for daughter for Xmas one for her and one for son Xmas gifts... I hope to whip out a couple of quilts for them as well... We are always watching our budget so our grown children and grandchildren pretty well know they will get homemade gifts.....they seem to love them more....pray for us I just found out today our bank account was hacked into....urgh...$390.00 for us, I guess there we quite a few people from the same bank it happened to, i guess some of them had as mch as $1500.00 or more stolen....this world is going to pot.... I feel all we can do is pray stay honest and keep your eyes open..
    Blessings to you

  9. Praying for your financial situation...please pray for us...missing our little Babe, he brought us joy for over 13 1/2 years!!

  10. I can't wait to know how the German Pizza turns out!! It sounds really good and something different -- variety is always tough for me!

    I hope school goes great and hope everything works out financially with the change!!

  11. You should totally open an etsy store Sandra! I would be the first one to sign up for some mug cozies!! ;)


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
