
Friday, September 05, 2014

Show and Tell Friday - 09/05/2014

Good morning my friends, here we are, Friday!!!

Ahhhhh I am so glad that it is Friday, I think without a doubt it is my favorite day of the week, and this week especially I have been looking forward to it so very much.

Alright, let's get on with our Show and Tell.

Mug from Jasmine

Here is my treasure for this Friday.  I know it looks like a simple mug, but it is so much more to me.

This mug was given to me by Jasmine when she was in Kindergarten.

For Christmas that year, the teacher had a great idea of having the children make drawings to put on mugs or plates to give as presents to the parents.

Not only did the kids love doing it, but it is something so sweet and so special that I treasure with all my heart.  I still remember the day Jasmine brought it home, wrapped in the cutest Christmas paper.

Mug from Jasmine

She was so excited for me to open it and did not like the fact that we had to wait until Christmas.

You know how it is with Kindergarteners.

I just love looking at this mug, and I'm so scared of using it for fear of it breaking.  I keep it with the rest of the mugs, but it is by far, my favorite one.  It is so cute seeing her little 5 year old drawings, knowing that she did this thinking of me.

She is now 15 years old and long gone are the times where she would flood me with drawings, my refrigerator overflowing with papers and scribbles.

I miss that!

This mug though will always remind me of those days and I can look at it and reminisce, vividly picturing in my mind her cute little red curls and the toothless smile of those days.

A true treasure indeed.

(I have decided not to add a Link up, as not many people link to this meme.  But if you do join in, let me know in the comments section so that I can come and see your own treasures)


  1. That is so sweet! My 6 year old is always leaving me "I love you mom" notes and I treasure every single one of them. I know it won't be long when he stops doing that.

  2. I bet things taste better when you're drinking from that mug too! Treasure for sure!

  3. So adorable and so sweet. It's those little things that touch a Mom's heart the most. Thanks for sharing!

  4. It is a beautiful treasure to keep for always with such lovely memories attached to it. xx


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
