
Friday, October 17, 2014

A Day in the Life - Thursday

I know it is Friday, but I was supposed to get this Day in the Life post up yesterday and then got so busy with groceries and housework and other errands, that I just never got around to posting.

I'll have another one up later for today, but here is what my Thursday looked like.

Menu planning and grocery list writing, over breakfast.  I had done most of it the night before but had a few things left to finish off before going grocery shopping.


Lunch, growing up I used to love cup a soups, especially the creamy chicken one, but I hadn't had any in years.  While grocery shopping I happened to see them on the shelf and decided to grab a box for my lunches. 


Crocheting while sipping on my soup....made this quick slouchy hat to match my infinity scarf from last year.....and I still have some yarn left.  I just love this yarn and wish I could get more but haven't found it in a long time.

Watering the plants, this is my chili pepper plant, it only yielded me two chilies last year but now it's filled with new ones coming in, so exciting.


Flower had also turned brown and now it's blooming again. 


Watching Autumn roll in.




Evening light....I honestly think one of my favorite things about the holidays, are the holiday lights and the stunning bokeh they provide.



I went grocery shopping first thing in the morning.  Usually I do all my shopping at the commissary which I find much cheaper than anywhere else, but between my husband's college classes and his work, we are left with one vehicle between us. (his truck needs new brake pads).

I had to wait until he was home so that I could take my car for shopping.  I got most of the groceries bought at Walmart, spent $160 but tomorrow morning I will head to the commissary for the meats and a few items that I couldn't find at Walmart.

All in all, not bad food budget wise for this month.

After returning home, I did the usual housework intermingled with some crochet, some homeschooling and computer work here and there.

At night we had Tae Kwon Do.  I can't believe how dark it gets already, we leave the house around 7:30pm and it's already pitch black outside and did I mention cold?  My word, it is so chilly in the mornings and nights now.

My husband actually turned on the heat this morning for a few minutes just to warm the house a tad bit, as it was freezing downstairs.  Yep, I think the cold weather is well on it's way.

The kids are all starting to come down with colds, right now the girls seem to be the ones feeling the worst with sore throats, headaches and just downright yucky feeling.  I don't feel too hot myself, but I've been drinking orange juice, hot tea with lemon and honey and have started some cold meds, hopefully I can kick it to the curb before it makes a full fledged appearance.

I have another full day today, so I better get on out of here and get the laundry switched to the dryer.  I would much rather be in bed, if I am being completely honest, but that is not going to happen....oh well!


  1. It's that time of year when colds and such make the rounds. Here in Massachusetts we're alternating hot muggy days with cold damp ones.. and I dread getting sick.

    I've been practising my crochet stitches, not rushing to start any project til I felt confident my stitches aren't too loose/too tight and now I feel confident to try making something. I went to the link you posted for the slouch hat, Sandra and I want to try it. I just wanted to ask about the yarn. I went to Walmart, but couldn't find any yarn called "chunky", so wanted to ask you, does chunky include yarn with a weight (or whatever the term is) of 5? If not, could yourecomend any brands/types I might find at Walmart that would work well with the pattern, please?

  2. Just catching up! I hope that the testing went OK and that the results will be good. Liked your Halloween decs too! Hope you are having a good weekend. xx

  3. It is sounding like winter where you are, rather than Fall. Hope everyone recovers from the sniffles promptly. Still warm here though the nights are much cooler now.

  4. Just popping by with a hello and a huggle and to read of your day and see your lovely pictures.


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