
Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Autumn preparations

Autumn is fully under way here in our household.

As soon as October comes around, I am filled with renewed energy and suddenly it all becomes a flurry of activity as I go about getting my Autumn on, and preparing for the cold months ahead.

One thing that I've noticed the past few days, is the increasing sneezing and sniffles that seem to rotate between all the kids, and myself.  In preparation for the incoming cold and flu season, I got my Honey, Ginger and Lemon concoction made and in the fridge.

Honey, Ginger and Lemon

We absolutely love this stuff and all winter long, I keep a jar in the fridge. It is delicious with hot tea, and when needed even by itself, taken as a teaspoon.

It's super easy to make, if you would like to try for yourself, check out my Winter Preparation post.

Yesterday I made the Apple Butter, which by the way, is divine.  Today I made some applesauce for my daughter and then being inspired by some of you out there in blogland, I kept the peels and cores for some Apple Jelly.


I used red apples and the jelly turned out this gorgeous pink color.

Apple Jelly

Isn't it beautiful?

Speaking of beautiful, did you see the gorgeous moon last night? It was so incredibly big in the sky, and a gorgeous orange. I just wish the camera would do it justice.




Kristina mentioned the Lunar Eclipse, and I'm bummed out to have missed it. I would have really enjoyed seeing it. Oh well, another time.


Now, are you ready to see what I did this morning?

I love decorating for the seasons but I don't always have money to spend on decorations, so over the years of being married, I have learned to make do with what I have around me. Sometimes the best decorations are right out in your yard.



I stepped out into the backyard and gathered up what nature had to offer, and it had quite a bit for me.

Back inside, I gathered it all and plopped it on my kitchen table. I just love how the brilliant Fall colors look against my white table.



For some of you they may just look like a pile of leaves, but to me, I see potential, lots of decorating potential.


I grabbed some of my glass vases and got to work, I arranged and rearranged and played around with what I had until I was happy with the result.



*sigh* just gorgeous, such beautiful colors.

But anyway, let me show you what I did....this is my kitchen table.


My kitchen peninsula...


My living room ottoman....


My video cabinets...



Even put some Fall foliage behind my mittens and hats basket...


I'm super happy with my decor, it's simple, it's definitely Autumn inspired and I didn't have to spend a single cent. Now that can't be beat.


And to finish off, I just wanted to show you my beautiful daughter. I can't believe how grown up she is, already 15 years old.

We picked up her new glasses last night, my poor child was so excited with the new prescription, she kept saying she could see everything now. LOL


When did she get so big? My word.

I hope you found some inspiration for your own homes, if anything I hope I have given you some ideas on how to decorate using what you have at hand. If you do, please post some pictures and let me know, I would love to come take a look. :)


  1. Lovely fall decorations! I need to look around my property to see what I can use. Free is wonderful.

    Jasmine is a beautiful young lady! It is hard to believe she is 15 already.

    Happy Autumn to all of you ~ FlowerLady

  2. I love that you used the peels and cores for jelly! It is fun and oh so frugal. :)

    Your fall decor is pretty. Not only did you save a bundle by using nature, but now you don't have a bunch of stuff to store.

  3. Fall is by far my favorite season. I love your daughters new glasses. She is a doll!

  4. awwww, love Jasmine's new specs!!! :) And all your decorating too. I need to get up in our attic & get down the few Fall things I have - or maybe just send my kids out into the yard!!?!!

  5. That moon was so pretty! Didn't see it here.

  6. Your apple jelly is such a beautiful colour!!! You could just sit and look at it! Love your autumn decorating too, your leaves are so pretty. I have been waiting for my vase of flowers to finish so that I can go and get some branches of leaves, but the flowers won't finish, so I enjoyed seeing yours instead! I might just try the lemon and honey mixture, I add honey and lemon to hot water, but never thought of the ginger and keeping it in a jar, that is a great idea! xx

  7. I love your Fall posts. You have some Fabulous ideas. I'd love you to link at the Fabulous Fall party! Link any Fall themed post. Any post featuring pumpkins will be entered in the give a way! Come and join the fun!

  8. Your apple jelly looks divine - I'm so jealous of your fall weather! Just a few more weeks for me and I'll be celebrating too.

  9. A really simple decorating idea is to gather some small twigs, cut them to the same size - about 5 or 6 inches, and tie them together in a pile with raffia. then tuck a small orange leaf in the top. Stunning.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
