
Monday, October 13, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday - 10/13/2014

Good morning everyone, hope you're starting your day well.

This weekend absolutely flew by, usually I say that time flies, but goodness, I swear it was just Friday morning a few minutes ago, and now here we are, again.  Oh well, let's make the best of it shall we?

I didn't make it to all the participants last week, as you recall I had a lot going on, my head just wasn't in the right place and so I came in, posted my HHM and never really had a chance to return.

Today, however, I will be coming around to say hi :)

Breakfast time....what is on the plate this morning::::
Cup of coffee and two slices of toasted sweet bread with apple butter.  

Looking around the house::::

We put up our Halloween decorations and I have a few boxes laying around that need to be moved back into the garage.  The house needs the usual Monday tidying and cleaning.  Why is it that it always seems that a huge tornado swept through the house on the weekends?  Goodness!

On today's to do list::::
Laundry.....Have one in the dryer that I need to check on.  I washed a load last night and put it in the dryer, but sometimes when I go to get it in the morning, it is still not completely dry.  Need to check on that one, and throw in my son's comforter in the washer.  Otherwise, all the laundry is done.  
Cleaning.....In the kitchen, I need to unload the dishwasher and load the dishes in the sink.  There is stuff all over my Peninsula that needs to be put away, my family seems to think it's a catch all and everything gets thrown on there.  Also need to sweep and mop.  In the living room, I have to tidy it up, need to vacuum the couches because Miss Lola is shedding, and also need to vacuum the rug and sweep the wood floors.  In the bedrooms there are beds to be made, and some tidying up to do as well. 
Homeschooling.....prepare today's lessons. Look over the girl's lessons and see how they are doing.  My Jasmine is going for her PSAT on Wednesday so we'll be doing a little preparing for that.  Please tell me how in the heck I am sitting here waiting to take my little baby girl for her PSAT?  Wasn't she just running around the other day preparing for Kindergarten?
Crocheting.....Made myself a slouchy hat and some ear warmers.  Have another 3 ear warmers to make for my daughter, niece and sister in law.  Also need to work on some boot cuffs and some infinity scarves for my niece and sister in law, for Christmas.  Started another slouchy hat for me using up my leftover pink soft yarn that I used last year for my infinity scarf.  I'll take a picture today and show you.  
Cooking....Lunch will be Tuna Salad, as requested by the kids.  Dinner is Fried Chicken with Milk gravy and Mashed Potatoes.     

Currently reading::::
The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon.  I absolutely love these books, they are truly addictive and I find myself carrying the Kindle with me everywhere I go.

On the TV today::::
--  Portuguese Soaps - Mulheres, Mar Salgado
-- Stalker (started it and then didn't finish but it looks very good, have two episodes to watch)
-- Anything else I haven't caught up on
-- Grantchester

The weather outside is::::
Cold....oh my, it is really chilly in the mornings now.  The trees are all losing their leaves, they've pretty much all changed color already and I think we are headed for a very cold winter.  Don't know why, but that is what I am feeling.  

On the menu this week::::
Working on the new menu plan today, so only have tonight's meal planned. 


Fried Chicken with Milk Gravy and Mashed Potatoes







If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::
Work on my crochet hat and ear warmers.

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week::::
Last week I tried a new burger recipe for Spinach Turkey Burgers.  They were so good.  Go on over to the food blog and check out the recipe.  

One of my simple pleasures::::
Decorating for the holidays.

Favorite photo from the camera::::


Visiting with Blog friends (blog you want to share, blog post that caught your eye)::::
I absolutely loved this post from Just Pootling.  It inspired me to make an Autumn Garland for myself and I can't wait to get in there and try.  Check out Autumn Garland

Praying for::::
My parents
My husband, he is struggling with his degree at the moment, he is working on a Bachelors in Science and Physics and it is just kicking his behind.

Bible Verse, Devotional that is resonating with me at the moment:::: 

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!


  1. Good luck to Jasmine on her PSAT's - WOW she's growing up fast!

    I'm so jealous of your chilly mornings LOL I just keep reminding myself only a few more weeks of this god awful desert and heat.

    Have a great week my friend!

  2. Wish you the best week Sandra! I'd love to see some photos of your Halloween decorations, and good luck to your daughter!

  3. dont forget pics of your hats and other seeing them..
    have a blessed week..

  4. Hi Sandra,
    Thanks for coming over to the Fabulous Fall Party. The link is working. Thanks for leaving it in the comments I fixed it for you. You can see it here.

    It runs concurantly maybe I gave you last weeks. Always check the current weeks Tuesday post for the linky. This topic runs to the end of the month then the topic will be Thanksgiving.
    Thanks for your fun party. Glad your still here!
    Have a good week.

  5. I just love the leaves in the jars, so pretty and simple.

  6. My son is taking the PSAT on Wednesday too!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

  7. Your husband is a hard worker. It's so difficult to go back to school at this time of life. My husband did the same, but it's been a long time ago.

  8. Your breakfast sounds yummy! Last week I made some chocolate chip zucchini bread with pecans and it was so tasty!

    Sorry hubby's school work is tough at the moment. I am sure you give him lots of encouragement.

    I hope you have a good week, Sandra!

  9. Jeeze, her PSATs already??? Where has the time gone?! Good luck to her, although, I'm sure she will do great. She seems like a very smart girl as her choice in classes seem to suggest.

    Praying for you and your family still and will add a special prayer for your husband. School sucks sometimes, but when he's all done, he'll be able to look back and be proud of another of many accomplishments. He's setting an example for your kids too. I know school as an adult is difficult. It's not the same as when you're fresh out of high school and are still used to the day to day studying, etc, not to mention most people going into college don't have families to take care of as well. I'm sure he will do fine, but I'm praying for him anyway.

    I love that picture! What a pretty way to bring nature inside. Very creative!

    Hope your week is off to a good start. Have a great week. :)


  10. Hi Sandra, just catching up as I am so behind! I hope that you are having a good week and enjoying your various crochet projects. I hope too that things have perhaps calmed a little, certainly the emotions of it all, and that you are feeling a little happier now. xx


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
