
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Linder Farms


We spent our Saturday at the Linder Farms. Initially we were all supposed to go, but unfortunately my brother had to work and my sister in law didn't get to go either, so it was just me and the hubs, our kids and our niece and nephew.

If you've been following me for years, you will remember that I mentioned the Linder farms many many years ago, my Nicholas was only about 4 years old when we were last there, and he is now 11, so yeah, a long time ago.

It's always such a thrill to return to these places that I remember being at when my children were so little.  If you want to see which post I'm referring to, go on and check out Welcome to Pumpkin Land.  Wow does that bring back memories!

Like I said, it had been so many years since we were last there, 2006 to be exact. 


The farm has changed dramatically, it is now huge, has added so many new features and was just packed today.  As much as I loved taking my children back now that they are much older, I also really enjoyed being able to take my niece and nephew along.


First thing on the agenda, the maze.  Did I ever tell you how I don't like mazes?  I don't know if maybe it has something to do with being claustrophobic, or maybe the fact that I can never find my way around those things and end up walking for ages without finding the way out.


However, Tiffany and Colby had never been in one and the last time my kids were in one, they were 4 and 6, so it was something they all wanted to do.



Whether you like Mazes or not, you have to admit that they are beautiful, or at least I think they are.

We found a few of the checkpoints and then decided to find our way out, everyone was tired, thirsty and hungry and the kids had their minds set on trying the zip line.



One thing Linder Farms is, is beautiful.  For someone like myself, who has always wanted to live out in the country and have my own little farm, this is a place I could totally see myself in.




My Jasmine asked me for the camera, and though I'm always so iffy about letting the kids use it for fear they will drop it or something, I do like to see them enjoy photography as much as I do.

The next photos were taken by Jasmine and I'm so proud of her, they came out stunning.





Don't you think she did a great job?  My kids love taking photos and they constantly ask me to show them what to do with my camera.  I'm certainly no professional photographer, but I love sharing what I know.

I took a few pictures, not too many this time around there were so many people there and it was kind of hard to have the camera in hand while picking up pumpkins and riding the hay ride etc.






We had such a great time, and it was a gorgeous Fall day.  We ended up only getting 2 little small pumpkins as none of the bigger ones looked too good, maybe we got there too late for the good ones?  I don't know, but we've decided to pick up Pumpkins at the store and carve those.

Right before we left we quickly popped into the petting zoo, and Jasmine once again requested the camera, she got some very cute photos of the animals, but I am not going to post all of them here, I'll link you to the photo album on Flickr down below.


By the time we left the farm everyone was starving so we stopped at Carl's Jr for some burgers. I had forgotten just how yummy they are, the last time we had Carl's Jr was back in Arizona, so it's been at least 2 years or more. How time flies!


After dropping off my niece and nephew, we came home and Nic noticed how many leaves were under our tree out front, so he went under there to play with the leaves and I decided to hang out with him for a few minutes.



Of course since his sister had used the camera at the farm, he wanted to use it too and actually snapped this picture of me throwing leaves up in the air. I think he did a pretty good job :)


All in all, we had a good day doing the kind of things that I love, being with family and doing the whole Pumpkin farm thing. I will take a day like this over anything else.


I do hope you've enjoyed the photos, to see the rest you can check out my Flickr Album Linder Farms.

I'm going to have a cup of tea and get ready for bed, I'm quite tired from all the walking around we did.  Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend :)


  1. What a great day you all had! Photos by both kids are great!

    Have a nice Sunday and a great week ~ FlowerLady

  2. What a fun day! I enjoyed all the photos - the kids did great!

  3. Amazing photos from you and your kids. I always look forward to coming to your blog!

  4. looks like you all had a lot of fun..
    happy sunday..

  5. She did a wonderful job, the first one is amazing!

    I love visiting farms (as long as their aren't cows...cows and my allergies don't get along)

    Hope you had a great weekend.

  6. What a beautiful trip! How exciting! I love that the kids love taking pictures so much, and they do a great job. I love going to the pumpkin patch. We've gone every year for the last 5 or so years probably to the same one. It's been crazy to watch the farm and the crowds grow every year.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
