
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

This week, so far.....


There have been clouds and rain showers, beautiful sunrises and sunsets, and thousands more leaves dropping from their trees.

My front yard is now a sea of red crunchy leaves, with just a mere peek of green grass here and there.


It's also been a week of extremely cold mornings and frost all around.  I'm not quite sure I'm ready to head into the dead cold of winter yet, but I have a feeling this one is going to be extra hard this year.

A week of full speed ahead homeschooling, lots of work, lots of tests and essays and long division for the boys.  We're working extra hard in anticipation of Halloween, neither of the 4 kids wants to deal with school of any kind on that day.  So we plow through and get as much done as we can.

Arm knitting

Arm knitting

I've been fully engrossed and obsessed with arm knitting, whipping out scarf after scarf after scarf.  I tried to do a photo tutorial but that is not exactly working very well, so I'm thinking I'll do a video instead and give one of the finished scarves away too.  What do you think?

Arm Knit Scarves

The girls have happily jumped in too, I was so thrilled to see them both wanting to learn and then having so much fun making their own scarves.  I think this is one of those projects that would work well to do in a group setting, or with your daughters and nieces and friends.

Afternoon reading

Mindless reading of some favorite magazines.  Ideas have swirled through my head for Christmas gifts as this year our budget is quite tight.

Bread baking

Bread rising

Bread baking has taken over the kitchen, whether it be rolls or tall fluffy buttermilk loaves.

Starting the fire gathering


Firewood gathering has began in preparation for the cold weather. I for one, am quite excited to get the fire going as I imagine lazy warm nights with crochet blankets, cups of tea and the flickering flames.

Morning light

As October draws to a close, I find that I start getting a little antsy, just for the fact that in a few weeks we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving and then a few weeks after that Christmas and the start of a new year.  Just that quick, in the blink of an eye.

This past week my blog has also gotten a makeover.  I get pretty tired of the same template after a few weeks and need to change it up again.  I was going to stick with an Autumn themed one, but the pinks were pulling me in again, and so this one came about.

This past week, my niece Tiffany has also started a blog of her own.  She actually started a food blog named Horsing Around in the Kitchen as part of her Senior Project for this year....she will be recording all her experiences as she learns to cook over the next year......but enjoyed it so much that she created another blog where she is recording all her experiences and thoughts while making the transition from South Africa to the USA.

If you get a moment, I know she would love to have some visitors come by and say hi.  You can find her at Live Large, Dream Big

I have quite a busy day ahead of me.  My Bella pug has been drinking water like crazy and has also started wetting herself, so this morning I need to get her into the bathtub for a quick wash up.

Next up, need to wash her bed and blankets.

I'll also be working on last minute Halloween Costume fixes.  Need to tighten Jasmine's top as it's very loose on her, and all the kids will be trying out their costumes today to make sure that everything is ready for Friday.

They are wanting to carve pumpkins too, so we'll see how that goes, we may just end up carving on Friday, we'll see how time goes the next few days.

And that is pretty much what I've been up to, I still need to go visit all the HHM participants and I've been an awful blog reader and commenter lately, just don't seem to ever find the time to go and do that.  I'm so sorry, I hope I can figure something out and get a few moments to come say hi to you all.

If I have some time, I will probably also get a few more diamonds made for my new lap blanket....

New crochet blanket

Right now I need to get some food into me, and also make hubby's lunch before he heads off to school for the day.

Hope you are all having a good start to your Wednesday, and just know that even if I haven't come by your blog to say hi in a while, I do think of you all on a daily basis and keep you all in my prayers.


  1. Those scarves look so fun to make! A video tutorial would be wonderful!! I'll have to check out your niece's blog too. I'm determined to try and start my own as I get such joy out of reading yours and others and would love to share some of my world too.
    Hope you all have a safe and very fun Halloween!
    Boo! ;)

    1. Thank you so much Carrie :) You should make a blog and if you do, let me know, I would love to come visit you.


  2. What cute blogs she has!! I look forward to reading more. Things have been so crazy here! I'm so glad I got the costumes early this year. Hope all is well! Have a great rest of the week.

    1. Life has been so nuts for everyone lately. Hope you're having a great week so far :)

  3. Sandra what kind of yarn is that and where do you find it? It is beautiful!

    1. Hi Crystal, the yarn is just plain Red Heart from Walmart :)

  4. I had to pop in to commend you on being such a wonderful influence, not only on your own children, but also on your brother's children. I followed the link to Tiffany's blog and I see that good writing runs in the family. It is refreshing to see a teenager who still has a sense of wonder and humility. Please tell her mom and dad that they have raised her well. Love and blessings to you all, Bela

    1. Bela, thank you SO much my friend, your words mean a lot to me. I wish I was closer so we could have a cup of coffee. Hope you and you wonderful family are all doing well. I will most definitely pass the comment on to my brother and sister in law. Love and hugs, Sandra

  5. Gosh that is quite a frost that you had, we haven't had any yet, and certainly not as hard as that one was. I hope that you have a good Halloween and that the children can enjoy the day not doing traditional schoolwork but doing Halloween things instead. xx


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
