
Saturday, November 01, 2014

A Happy Halloween it was!


Hello friends, how was your Halloween?

We spent a very good one, had dinner together as a family then took the kids trick or treating, and ended the night with us 4 adults going for a drink at a local bar that always hosts a Halloween party.

It was so much fun, a live band, almost everyone wearing costumes and lots of laughs and dancing, surely a good way to end the night.

Here are some photos from yesterday....






They had way too much fun.  We had a bunny, a cat, a winter soldier and a clown.  The creepiest was that clown mask, it really freaked me out.  LOL


Today we spent the day in Boise, we have Tiffany's birthday coming up on the 19th of this month and had to go do some shopping.

It was a nice day, but it poured rain and poured and poured.  I don't think I've seen it rain this hard in a long time and I love it, but running around from store to store in that mess, is well....a mess.

But, we still enjoyed it, managed to have a lot of fun and are happy to be home now where it's nice a warm.  By the way, the rain is still coming down hard outside.

I've had my shower, I've got my warm jammies on and I'm now sitting on my bed catching up on vlogs and working on my menu plan and grocery list for tomorrow.


I can't believe that tomorrow is already Sunday, what the heck?

Well, I'm going to get on with my planning, it's getting late and I want to get this finished so I can get to bed.  Is there anything better than sleeping while hearing the rain falling outside?

Have a wonderful Saturday night and a continuation of a good weekend.

Blessings to you all,


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day Sandra :)

  2. Shopping in the rain is always fun!

  3. The pumpkins from your last post are so great aren't they, you all did a good with your different carvings didn't you. I hope that you have had a good weekend. xx


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
