
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Busy Busy Week!

I was doing so well, updating every single day and then this week came along and I've been so busy I haven't quite had the time to come in and do anything.

It's just been one of those weeks for me.  Matter of fact, I haven't even cooked dinner the past two nights.

Tuesday night my husband was in the mood for frozen pizza and on his way home from work, picked two up, so no cooking for me.

Last night we went out to dinner to celebrate my niece's birthday.


This little girl is now 18 years old. Or so it seems, because in my eyes and I'm sure her mom's and dad's, she will always be that cute little 1 year old running around with her Teletubbies doll.

Just another reminder that time really does fly and before we know it, the kids are all grown up.  I'm not looking forward to my own children reaching that age so fast, I want to keep them little for as long as I can.


The weather here has been downright pitiful, cold, so very cold and foggy. We were sitting at 7 degrees yesterday, and I mean 7 degrees Fahrenheit which means -13 in Celsius. I am quite ready to hibernate somewhere nice and warm and only pop back out in a few months.


Our mornings now look like this, and I don't know about you, but for me it doesn't really scream get up and go, more like lay back down and hide. But go we must, and get up we have to, grudgingly, but we do.

I'm making this post super short today, I haven't taken many photos the past two days, like I said I have been so busy.


I'm going to finish this big cup of coffee.....


Give Instagram a quick browse through and then I have to get my housework started. Start the laundry, do the dishes, sweep and mop the living room etc.

I have a doctors appointment this afternoon, you know ladies, the appointment we always love going to?????

Yes that one.

I would appreciate some prayers, I have some issues going on and need to get it all checked out, but aside from that I am always so nervous when I have to go to that yearly appointment that it actually makes me sick to my stomach. Ugh!!!

So yeah, prayers for everything to be fine, and for me to have the courage to get it over and done with.

I will try to pop back in later, may take some photos of my day as it goes, and have a quick chat tonight with you all. For now though, I really do need to get my butt in gear and get moving.


  1. I hope that your appointment went OK and that all is well. Stay in and keep warm and cozy and toasty with your lovely family and crochet and so on! xx

  2. You are not the only one who hates those appointments. Every year it stresses me out too, actually I have a "yearly" December 2,so I completely understand. I pray that everything will be okay and you leave feeling good that your concerns were addressed.

  3. Oh yes, the dreaded yearly! Actually, I do mine every two years now. The new guidelines are much better.
    I always tell my gyno doc this, " You are the only other man, besides my husband, that I primp, trim, paint, and get naked for.. yet oddly I PAY YOU to look at me! " something just ain't right about that!

    I hope all is well and you remain calm and somehow comfortable in an uncomfortable situation.

  4. Praying for a good doctors visit and rest of the week for you. Maybe then you can stay in and stay warm :)

  5. Love your snowman mug!

    I understand about the cold weather. We have had some of that here recently. I'm not looking forward to the -40C days later on in the winter.

    Hope your appointment went well. x

  6. Oh that stuff is so not fun and I empathized with you! I had a quite a few problems in that department and at the age of 38 had a hysterectomy. Definitely sending prayers your way!

    Big subject change (LOL) I feel like I'm growing a little more every day on my new little blog. I figured out how to add the subscribe by email part (woo hoo!). I posted a recipe today that I would have linked to you for slow cooker Thursday but will catch you next time for that.

    Truly hope all is well and stay warm and safe. xo

  7. By now the doctor appt. is history. Hope you got a good report. You will sleep much better tonight now that it's over. Go ahead, snore loudly if you want!

  8. Hoping your Dr appointment went well...I always dread that and the mammogram, but I do them faithfully each year...I am going to the same kind of Dr today, but for different reasons,😀 see if dd is giving us another grandchild, this will be her first, our 5th grandchild...😀.
    Blessings for a good day


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
