
Monday, November 03, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday - 11/03/2014

Good Monday morning everyone, how was your weekend?

Here we are, the 3rd of November, NOVEMBER???  My word!   I can't believe how close we are to Thanksgiving and to Christmas.....and to a new year.  Wow!

The beginning of a new week, let's see what is ahead.....

The weather outside is::::
Cold and very frosty.  The mountains around us are white with snow, I can't even believe it.  We've had to turn the heat on a few times as it's chilly downstairs especially in the mornings and evening.  We are now in the 50's High and looks like that is what we'll be at the rest of this week.  C

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Right now, a cup of coffee with Gingerbread Latte creamer, and I'm not sure that I like it.  Hubby is not too sure either whether he likes it.  I did buy some yummy Pumpkin Spice Latte mix and may start putting a teaspoon of that in instead. 

As I look outside my window:::
The sky is blue, not a cloud in sight, but it is so chilly, just 30 degrees at the moment.  I do love how the sun reflects off the sun and makes everything look sparkly. 

Right now I am::::
Writing up this post, still sitting in my jammies and chatting with Curt and Nic.  I'm also thinking about what all is on my to do list for today. 

As I look around the house::::
The living room needs some cleaning.  Curt removed my rug yesterday and put it in the garage for me because I need to give it a good cleaning.  I still have some Halloween decorations up but want to get those down today too. 

On today's to do list::::
Laundry....Have 3 loads in the basket needing to be sorted into folding, ironing, and putting away. Still have a load of towels and some sheets to wash, as well as some of Bella's blankets.
Cleaning....In the kitchen, I have dishes in the sink, have to unload the dishwasher and reload it.  Update the chalkboard menu for this week, sweep and mop.
In the living room....want to sweep and mop all the wooden floors, dust and tidy up.
In the bedrooms....make the beds, pick up and tidy up, open curtains and blinds and windows to let in some fresh air.
In the bathrooms....clean the toilets and sinks.  Sweep and mop.
Homeschooling....prepare the lessons.
Crocheting....really need to just get in there and finish my niece's blanket, keep putting it off for other things.  Ugh!  Work on my newest project.
Cooking.....for lunch I think I'll make some Cheese Quesadillas.  For dinner we are having Ajo Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Carrots.

Currently reading::::
Still reading my Diana Gabaldon Outlander series.
Also have a new book for review called Glimpsing Heaven.

On the TV today::::
Yesterday's Downton Abbey.
Some YouTube Vlogs.

On the menu this week::::
Monday - Ajo Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Carrots
Tuesday - Tacoritos, Salad
Wednesday - Gonzalez Meatloaf, Garlic Potatoes, Green Beans
Thursday - Lasagna Roll Ups
Friday - Chicken a la king, Rice
Saturday - Beef Curry

What I am creating at the moment::::
I plan on getting the tutorial for the arm knitting up today, as well as the giveaway for you all.
Creating Christmas Lists with what I am hoping to buy/make for everyone.

New recipe I tried or want to try this week::::
Didn't try anything new last week, but if you're looking for some yummy ones to try yourself, you can check out the recipes on my food blog, I updated it a few days ago with the Victoria Sponge, Pull Apart Pepperoni Garlic Knots and Wendy's Copykat Chili.

Favorite photo from the camera::::


Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

I want to thank you all so much for the prayers for Bella. It seems that she was sick, we don't quite know what was wrong, but she was drinking a lot of water, peeing everywhere and was really miserable, very lethargic etc. The past two days she is back to her normal self, running around, has stopped drinking so much water, is not peeing everywhere and is taking treats again and being her adorable self. Thank you so much for the prayers :)

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!


  1. So glad to hear that Bella is doing better. I'm a touch jealous of the snow, we don't get much (if any) down here. I was able to get most of my cleaning done last Friday and plan on taking today to browse the local libraries bookshelves.

    Hope you have a great week!

  2. So sorry to hear Bella was sick, but glad she's better now. It's so hard when the fur children are sick since they can't "tell" us what's wrong. Love that picture - so cute!

  3. I am glad that Bella is doing better, I hope that she is back to her usual self again very soon. I hope that you have a good week too. xx

  4. So glad Bella is better. My daughter told me about the Outlander Series--BIG books and lots of them!
    I will have to stay away though I love books set in Ireland or with Irish descendants in the US.
    Have a great week, Sandra!

  5. Your coffee flavors sound soooo good - it makes me wish I liked coffee. Have a wonderful week!

  6. It's so good to read that Bella is better now! My mother's dog is going through the same problem, and they discovered that it has a kidney that's not working well. Loved the puppy and pumpkins photo! Hope you have a great week :)

  7. Your menu sounds delicious. I can almost taste some of them! Arm knitting looks like an easy way to learn how to knit. Am I wrong? Thanks for sharing about your Monday! Enjoy your Autumn week!

  8. You have such a fine and dandy home life. It seems that you are waking up to activity all days, and that those have kept you in being a keen-eyed person. However, there will always be corners in our homes that persist in keeping up the grease and the grime and smudge. You better train yourself on those too, or if you've got your hands full, get an expert cleaning service to deal with that for you. Have a great day!

    Bob Wolfe @ The Maids


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
