
Monday, November 24, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday - 11/24/2014

Happy Monday morning everyone :)  Well here we are, another week ahead and only a few days away from Thanksgiving.  Can you believe it?

I'm going to be so busy this week getting everything done and ready for Thanksgiving, it's always such a crazy busy time of year, but one I look forward to immensely, it's so exciting.  Oh and don't forget our Blogmas coming up next week, if you want to join in go and take a look at my post, it will tell you all about it and give you the categories for each day.

Right but now we need to concentrate on today's HHM, so let's get on with that.....

The weather outside is::::
30 degrees right now and blue clear skies.  We're supposed to get some rain later on in the afternoon, but we'll see.   

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Woke up quite hungry, we didn't really eat dinner last night because we had a very late lunch.  I decided to have a breakfast sandwich this morning, so right now I'm munching away on a Onion Bagel with honey ham, cheese, egg and spinach.  Yummy! 

As I look outside my window:::
The sun is shining really bright this morning.  I can see the mountain from here and it is no longer covered in snow.  There are a few cars going by on their way to work, I'm assuming, for all I know they have some mighty exciting adventurous lives they're living and going off on some sort of adventure.  I have a very active imagination.  Like I swear some of my neighbors are cannibals. Don't ask why, I don't know hahahah   

Right now I am::::
In the kitchen trying to type up this post while eating a very messy sandwich.  I'm still in my pj's and probably will be for another hour, I usually check my email, blog, and all that interweb stuff first thing in the morning before getting ready for the day.

As I look around the house::::
Trashed......I mean, really trashed.  With the decorations coming out of hiding yesterday, there are boxes and little foam balls and green garland needles all over my house.  My eye is twitching and I have to get on and clean all this up otherwise I can't function.

On today's to do list::::
Laundry....Mount Laundry awaits me.  *sigh*   I didn't do laundry this weekend and it looks like I haven't done laundry for 2 months.  Pathetic!  So yes, lots and lots of that to do.
Cleaning....In the kitchen, Unload the dishwasher and reload with breakfast dishes, sweep and mop.  Clear off the counters, again.  Water the plants in the window will.
In the living room....The rug was washed and cleaned this weekend and is now back in the living room where it belongs.  There are boxes of decorations and some toys laying around.  When I say toys I don't mean toys like when the kids were young, I'm referring to Nic's Infinity and Skylander figures.  Dust....and tidy up.
In the bedrooms....make the beds, pick up and tidy up, open curtains and blinds and windows to let in some fresh air.  Vacuum.
In the bathrooms....usual, clean the toilets, sinks and mirrors.
Homeschooling....prepare the lessons, homeschool 4 kiddos.
Crocheting....I think one day all my WIP's are going to climb out of the crochet basket and take their revenge on me.  I have GOT to get in there and finish these things.
Cooking.....Lunch is a free for all, just grab what is leftover in the fridge.  Dinner will be Chicken Korma Curry, Rice.

Currently reading::::
Still reading my Diana Gabaldon Outlander series.  This series is huge, and I have her other series on the Kindle to read as well, the Lord John I think?  Don't quote me on that, I'm sure I've messed up the name. 

On the TV today::::
Agents of Shield from last week.
Haven from last week.
Christmas movies

On the menu this week::::
Monday - Chicken Korma Curry with Rice
Tuesday - Lasagna, Salad
Wednesday - Tuna and Broccoli Pasta Bake
Thursday - Thanksgiving - Fried Turkey, Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Stuffing, Cranberry Sauce, Sweet Potato Casserole, Pumpkin, Apple and Pecan Pies, Dinner rolls
Friday - Leftovers
Saturday - Hotdogs, Homemade Buns, Fries
Sunday - Potato Soup, Sandwiches

What I am creating at the moment::::
A mess with my sandwich.  HA!   I am creating so much, just ask my WIP basket.

New recipe I tried or want to try this week::::
I made a really good chicken dishes last week, but forgot to take pictures.  I told you, I am just horrible with my cooking blog lately.....luckily for me, it's not a main blog and mostly my online recipe collection.

Favorite photo from the camera::::


Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!


  1. What a gorgeous picture!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

  2. Hi Sandra! Hope you have a wonderful week and Thanksgiving too! I changed some topics for my HHM, please tell me if it's ok. Enjoy your messy sandwich ;)

  3. I keep cracking up over our similar tastes (I had an onion bagel yesterday!) Lol

    Love that branch picture and been loving all of your holiday photos starting to come out. Let the fun (& chaos) begin!

    Hang in there, take a deep breath, and we'll all get through this week with our sanity...and many tact. ;)

  4. Love stopping by on Monday and visiting with you today. I feel like it helps me begin my own day and provides me with some inspiration to get myself in gear this morning and get going. Hope you share pictures of your weather. All we have is blue skies, sunshine and fake chem trails. Still no rain in the forecast and Thanksgiving day about 80. Not a happy camper by any means.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  5. Hello Sandra, I don't think I've visited your blog before but am delighted to do so as it looks so intriguing. Its lovely to have you as my card swap partner on Amy's blog.

    I've only read you post today and your 'about me' and am really looking forward to coming back and reading some more of your back posts and following you as you seem to have such a spirited and interesting life.

    My blogs are:
    Me: http:/
    The cats: /

    if you leave me a comment I'll reply by email and we can make our arrangements.

  6. Oh my goodness, I laughed so hard at your saying you think some of your neighbors are cannibals. That is so funny.

    Your picture is so beautiful. I love the drops on the branch. Such an ordinary yet lovely thing to photograph.

    Hope you have a wonderful week and a very nice Thanksgiving.

  7. Hello Sandra! I'm your other partner from the Christmas Card swap; Angel Jem of
    Leave me a comment and I'll email you my details in return. Looking forward to hearing from you! Have a good Thanksgiving!

  8. I love reading about your day. Perhaps that means I'm a Voyar. LOL

  9. I hope that you have a great thanksgiving, and that you can get the decorations just as you want them! xx

  10. Love your photo!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
