
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday night....

I can't believe it's already Sunday night, I wish the weekend wasn't already over with.  *sigh*

How was your weekend?

You all know how I spent my Saturday and today was kind of the same.

The hubby and I had to go to base today for the rest of the groceries that we didn't get yesterday.  Thankfully, the commissary was quiet and nothing like Walmart, I was able to do my shopping in a calm matter and not feel so rushed and so closed in.

I spent a little more than I wanted to, but it's understandable with having to get the Turkey and everything else for the Thanksgiving dinner.  Plus more firewood and such.

It was freezing cold, only 10 degrees but felt like 0.  Cold, cold and cold.  I just wanted to stay in bed but well, that wasn't in the plans.

We didn't leave until about 11am so by the time we got back it was lunch time.  Kind of nibbled on some snacks and decided to not cook lunch because we were headed to my brothers house at 4:30pm and we always eat there.

While the kids and hubby hung out and chatted and played together, I got all the groceries put away.  I don't know why, but today it felt like I took 2 hours to get everything unpacked and in it's rightful place.  I think it may have also been because I reorganized a few of the shelves in the fridge. 


I did stop to get a cup of tea, I opted for this lovely Pumpkin Spice Chai Tea.  It definitely hit the spot.

Anyway, got the groceries taken care of, did the dishes, started the laundry and folded a load, by the time I actually sat down it was almost 4pm.


Not a lot of time to relax, but I managed to sit, or rather, lay, on my bed for about 20 minutes and watched a quick show on Hulu.

 I really wanted to lay there and do nothing else for the rest of the day, especially with that cold weather outside.

One of the reasons Jasmine and I went over to their house earlier than usual for our Walking Dead watching, is that we were trying out the Jamberry Nails.  I have a review coming up this week.


We had such a good laugh trying these nail wraps on. There's nothing like sitting down with a bunch of girls and doing girly things while chatting and being silly.

Anyway, it is now 10:30pm and I am pooped, so I'm going to end this post and get some shut eye. 

See you all in the morning for our Happy Homemaker Monday :)


  1. I'm glad you got all you needed and that you had a good day. I hope the week ahead will be a fun and slightly warmer one! xx

  2. We thinned one of the orchards last year and have plenty of wood! I wish you were near by and so I could haul you some over. I hate the thought of you having to buy it from walmart as I'm sure it's more expensive there.

    Why don't you try Craig's list or on line local shopper. Here it's is sold by the truck load and a lot of them will deliver.

    The wind blew horribly here this morning but is bringing some much needed rain...but then cold. Oh well...can't fool with Mother Nature, can we?

    Your tea looks good! I just had a cup of green tea with lemon & honey.

    What about that coffee you hinted on a little the other day?

  3. So how'd you like the Jams??? Aren't they fun to put on and wear!!!???


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