
Friday, November 21, 2014

Thank goodness it's Friday!

I was so ready for today to come.  Actually, I try not to think that next week is already Thanksgiving and I have so much to get done before then....but we'll skip that part and just concentrate on the here and now, and the fact that I'm thrilled it's Friday and this week is over.

I want to thank you all for the prayers and thoughts for my doctor's appointment, it went extremely well and I got a clean bill of health.

I do have to go for my first mammogram now that I am 40 years old, and I can tell you that I'm NOT looking forward to that, like, at all.  It's not that I don't know what to expect, because I do, had one done at 18 years old because of a lump on my breast, which turned out to be just fibrous and disappeared within a few weeks.

Anyway, yeah, I am going to be making the appointment and getting mine done the beginning of the year.  Oh goodness, I so don't want to, but I am also the type that knows these appointments are important so I just suck it up and get it done.  It's necessary :)

Foggy morning

Been waking up every morning to very foggy weather and oh so cold. Can you believe that the snow from last week is still laying around? Geez!


There are also thousands of icicles throughout the town, every single house has them, cars are driving around with them hanging from the bottom and it's just an icy mess out there. This part of the cold weather, I don't like. Either snow, or not, but the icy slippery stuff is not what I call fun.

Morning coffee

Started my morning with a nice cup of coffee, is there any other way to wake up? I don't think so, matter of fact I don't think I'm fully awake until that very first sip.

I usually sit at my kitchen table and sip my coffee while watching the movement outside, the fog rolling in, the cars driving by and the sun trying to peek out through the clouds.

I've been so busy the past week, school is starting to wind down for the winter break so we are working hard on our lessons, we've had a birthday and Tae Kwon Do, and late night run to the Dollar Store because I forgot to buy my dishwasher detergent, doctor's appointment and preparing for Thanksgiving.

Knackered I tell you, and so ready to just sleep early and wake up late this weekend.

Afternoon latte

There have been afternoon latte breaks while checking out the mail, lots of reviews coming up, they always seem to amp up during the holiday season, so there are a few to look forward to next week. Jamberry Nails, Lucky Leaf, Leafware.

Someone has been so cold and shivery that she seems to be in a cold induced coma. She makes me laugh with her sleepy droopy eyes. I've given her a blanket just for herself, and even though she wears her little sweater she still snuggles under the blanket for long afternoon naps.

Sleepy Lola

And at the end of every crazy busy day, there is a crackling fire to keep us warm and to help us wind down for the evening.

Crackling fire

So yeah, looking forward to this weekend and actually looking forward to next week.  My husband is on Thanksgiving break from college and we'll be taking a break too from school, so lots of family time, good eating and gearing up for Christmas. 

I am so excited for it this year, I don't know why, but I am counting down the days until the 1st of December so that I can go and get my tree.  Yay!

Well friends, I am going to take some Motrin as I'm a little bit sore today and have a pounding headache, and then I'm actually going to call it a night.

Hope you've all had a good productive week and are looking forward to some rest as much as I am. 

See you all in the morning :)


  1. Wishing you a cozy and good catch up kind of weekend Doll!

    Glad your check-up went well. And I bet the mammo will be even better than your memory of it as I think they've improved their equipment. At least I didn't think it was that bad when I went recently and my Mom has had more experience with it (being older obviously)and said she thinks they're much better these days.

    Give Lola lots of snuggles and stay warm.

    God bless. xo

  2. I'm glad that your appointment went well, that is a good thing to be thankful for as thanksgiving approaches for you. I hope that you have a good restful week with your husband at home too! xx


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