
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Blogmas 2014 - Day 21 Share your favorite Christmas poem or picture

Good morning from a very wet, rainy, cold Idaho.

It's been pouring down for the past two days and I couldn't be happier, I really do love rainy days.  It's 9am and it looks so dark in my house, so it's fairie lights and candles today.......oh and lots of laundry, blech.

Anyway, today's prompt is all about our favorite Christmas poem or picture.  I have so many that I enjoy, so I decided I would put up a picture and a poem.

I just love this one, it's actually my desktop background at the moment.

No other words needed.


  1. This was a hard prompt to choose for because there are so many choices. I love what you chose, succinct and pretty too.

  2. That picture is amazing! What a beautiful tree. And that verse is perfect.

  3. Sandra - I love BOTH pictures! I may have to "borrow" the first one...I need a Christmas-y desktop picture for my computer...hmm, I think this year I may have to find some new ones and celebrate the holidays - all year of them!!!

  4. That pic is so pretty - and just seems "you" to me. Love it.

    And nothing is sweeter to the heart than the story of the birth of our Lord.

    Thanks for sharing Lovie - and glad you took a day for family. xoxo

  5. Oh, that photo is so totally cute!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
