
Monday, December 22, 2014

Blogmas 2014 - Day 22 A day in the life as we prepare for Christmas

Well, it's 9:30pm and I'm starting to type up this post.

Let me just say that I am a gal who goes to bed around this time every night, but for the past week I have been staying up way later than usual, and I think my body is getting a little used to it.  Problem is that even though I'm going to bed later, I'm not getting good sleep at night and still getting up early, so it's not really working for me.

But, anyway, today's prompt is a day in the life as we prepare for Christmas.  I was supposed to do some baking but ended up not doing it, so it's on tomorrow's agenda :)

Here are some pics from my day::::

December 22, 2014

First thing in the morning, has to be a big cup of coffee.....

December 22, 2014

The kitchen counter is forever being used as a catch all, it drives me quite bonkers to be honest, especially when it looks like this every morning even though I clear it out at night.....thing is, I go to bed before everyone else and these brats of mine are always in there for snacks.

December 22, 2014

Dishes are just never ending.  I load the washer, I empty the washer, I wash by hand, I soak...and on and so forth and rinse and repeat, literally.

December 22, 2014

This brat only likes going outside when it's not raining or snowing, look how happy she was today with the rain gone and the sunshine out.

December 22, 2014

Still loving that some of the trees have retained some leaves.  What a beautiful sight!

December 22, 2014

I am desperately wishing for snow for Christmas, BUT, I don't know.  I just wish the snow on those mountains would make it over here to us.

December 22, 2014

Rainy days are good for one thing though, candles and warm cozy feelings.

December 22, 2014

December 22, 2014

My poor tree is starting to die, I told the family we should just open the presents now, but they are not falling for it.  Again, RUDE!  hahaha

December 22, 2014

Tomorrow as I said, I'll be in the kitchen getting the final things done for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  I do hope that you have all been enjoying Blogmas as much as I have.  I also know that some of you are not able to keep up and have had to stop, that is ok, I myself may end up putting the Blogmas prompts for the 24th and 25th on Friday 26th. 


  1. My day was chock full too and I'm exhausted and headed to bed as soon as I do this comment.

    I did the same thing with the kitchen counters, dishwasher and sink LOL ALL day, but my baking is almost done and tomorrow will be one last thing and cleaning!

    Sorry your tree is dying - maybe too warm next to the fire?

    Merry Christmas!

  2. love to read this down to earth and real. I cant seem to keep my counter tops clear either...aagh!

  3. I enjoyed a look into your busy day. Love the coffee perculator. Don't think I've ever seen one as pretty. Totally you! My computer caught a nasty virus last week so I've finally got it back today after missing my own FFF post on friday and not even being able to get on to let people know. Such is life. Have enjoyed reading what I could of this series, Sandra! Merry Christmas!

  4. I'm sorry I have slacked off with the Blogmas posts these last few days. I have been not feeling well, also busy and preparing for Christmas. I'm still not ready. Presents still need to be wrapped and there are a few more things I need to get. Ugh. I'm so behind. Now I'm off to the dentist for a root canal. I will make sure I post about Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

  5. Hi Sandra.....wasn't able to 'do'a few of the Blogmas prompts....last minute preparations (well, last minute everything in my case!).....have LOVED every minute of every day I joined in....and I will have a post up for tomorrow/Christmas Day.....HAVE A WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS and THANK YOU SO, SO MUCH FOR ORGANISING absolutely brightened and enhanced my December! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
