
Saturday, December 06, 2014

Blogmas 2014 - Day 6 When do you open presents?

Good morning everyone, hope you're all having as much fun with Blogmas as I am.  It's been such an exciting journey so far, even though we're only 6 days in I've learned so much and am looking forward to the rest of the month :)

Right, so today we're going to talk about when we open presents.  I think most of us have already touched a bit on this when we talked about our different traditions, but nonetheless I guess we can go more in depth.

December 24th at Midnight is when we open presents, here in my household.

Growing up, that was the day for us, the big countdown, the moment we all looked forward to and anticipated all December long.

My husband on the other hand opened presents on Christmas morning.  Actually, I think he said they opened one at midnight and then the rest in the morning.  When we got married I said to him, "you know I love you very much and would do anything for you, but I just can't wait until Christmas morning to open my presents".  Hahahahah

So we kept with the Christmas Eve tradition, but we leave the Santa presents for Christmas morning.

We have cheated before, a few times.  When we were still an active duty family in the Air Force, we spent our holidays alone, just the 4 of us.  Only the last 4 years or so, we've had my mother in law visit us for Christmas, she comes every other year and we always look forward to that.

But back to what I was saying, we have cheated, I know, shameful but when it's just the 4 of you sometimes it's pointless waiting, so there were a few occasions where we ate dinner and then just opened the presents around 8pm.  The kids got to enjoy their new stuff and then went to bed early so that Santa would come.....but that was when they were little.

Another time, my husband was deployed and it was just me and Jasmine who was 2 years old at the time, so I did the same thing, we ate dinner and opened the presents.  We left his until he returned, which was in February, then we did a little family Christmas at that time.

Whatever works right?

I thought I would leave you with some photos from previous years....

2006:::: we had snow on Christmas Day so outside we went to play












December 2


  1. I LOVE THE OLD PHOTOS! I also love the midnight compromise LOL

    The deployed times are hard and you're right about doing whatever is works. Our next door neighbor is a paramedic and they have to do the same thing - LOL they just had Thanksgiving for that reason.

  2. I love the photos..... YOU certainly put a lot in your Christmas and Im sure you ahve fabulous memories!

  3. I love that you admit that you are human and cheat sometimes and how you told your hubby you wouldn't wait for Christmas Day! So cute.

    The old pics are so precious!! Thanks for sharing Sandra xo

  4. When the boys were little we opened them on Christmas Eve so we (the parents) could sleep in on Christmas Day. LOL! Yes, it worked. We still prefer Christmas Eve because we still like to sleep in on a day we aren't open at our businesses. :-D

  5. As I mentioned in my post, when I was little we opened our gifts on Christmas Eve because my dad never wanted to wait until the morning. Now my husband and I decided to wait until Christmas Day but we have allowed the kids to open one the night before.

  6. Thank you for sharing - loved the photos...I think my favorite (besides the snow pics; we don't see that in Florida!!) is the one with the stocking hanging from the bike handle!!

  7. I share your hubby's tradition of one present at midnight. Love the photo memories.

  8. Really sweet pic of your Puggy! Beautiful pictures and shared memories. Oh, the deployed Christmas times are so hard. I enjoyed all of the pics and learning about your traditions a bit more.

  9. I love this! The pictures are super adorable too ;)

  10. I love that you have this tradition, I think that is how it is done in Scandinavia. We (in theory!) open ours on Christmas morning - after breakfast! However, if it is just hubby and I we open them before breakfast and perhaps have one on Christmas eve too! xx

  11. What beautiful photos!

  12. I use to open one present xmas eve but since have changed that because my son would literally not want to go to bed.

    Thanks so much for doing this its so much fun reading everyone's replies and discovering new blogs

  13. Grew up opening on Christmas Eve...then married and had to wait until Christmas morning...had Christmas`s with sisters family until she moved then took care of Parents...even had one Christmas where Dad slept through it...LOL Now its just the two of us and we could sit here and get depressed...instead we travel to see relatives and friends...who knows we may just show up on your door step some Christms morning..LOL

  14. Nice family photos and love the one of your furbaby!

    Growing up we always opened presents on Christmas Eve and then went to midnight mass. Now our family opens stockings on Christmas Eve after we've come home from whereever we've been and then open presents on Christmas morning.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
