
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year Fun - 2014 in Review

Hello friends, well, here we are, the last few hours of 2014.  As with every year, I always do a Year in Review.

I can tell you that I am very much looking forward to seeing this year behind me, so much has happened, so many sad moments, deaths of loved ones and some struggles.

I'm waiting for the blank pages to open up, and for the opportunity to start fresh.

New Year's Resolutions?  None....more like goals, and really if I think about it, it's just some changes that I want to focus on, some things I stopped doing that I want to bring back.

So, let's see what this year was like.

If you want to join in, here's what you need to do.

Post the first sentence of your first blog post of each month. You can also add a favorite picture from each month.

Happy New Year everyone!



I'm so excited about this challenge, I've never really joined any challenge before as I don't like committing to something that I am  not sure I'll be able to stick with.



Oh goodness, it's February already? I'm afraid this year is going to zip by just as fast as the previous ones.


Well first and foremost, happy 1st of March. Can you believe it?



Though not with some lingering cold weather. Brrrrr!!!



It is such a beautiful glorious Spring day.

Lilacs on Window sill


Good morning friends, happy Sunday!

Mandala Love


Happy 4th of July my sweet friends!!!


Oh my friends, I want to sit and just cry. Have a good, good cry, maybe even one of those ugly, nose running, mascara smudged, loud cries.



I can't believe it is Monday afternoon already, this long weekend sure flew by didn't it?



Hello my sweet friends, how are you all doing?



Hello friends, how was your Halloween?



I am a little shocked that we are already at the end of the year, it seems it was just January. Goodness!


  1. That's a lovely way to review the year! I went to have a look if I could do it, but haven't posted it yet!! I'll be back with the link when I do.

  2. I almost didn't post my yearly review. I had so much to review, ha ha! Happy New Year!

  3. What a fantastic way to review your year!! I hope that you have a great 2015 and look forward to reading more from you. xx

  4. Such a fun way to look back over the year. I'll have to do way better in the blogging department and participate next year. LOL. I was so lax in blogging this past year.

  5. I enjoyed looking back over my year. Thanks! I linked up with my review.

  6. Happy New Year Sandra! I hope you have a happier 2015 :-) xxxx

  7. happy new year to you sandra. loved your review and looking forward to your blogs in 2015x

  8. Great Post! Happy New Year! Have a great one. I am going to try very hard to join in with Happy Homemaker Monday tomorrow if I can (back to work/school tomorrow). Health and happiness to you in 2015!

  9. Love this post! Finally got mine up. Happy New Year!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
