
Monday, February 23, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday - 02/23/2015

Goodness, I haven't had a chance to visit any HHM participants in what seems like, forever.  Do hope you're all doing well and still enjoying this link up every Monday.

The weather outside is::::
Cold and icy.  We had such nice weather last week but this week seems like we're back to pretty cold temps. 

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Just my coffee, my stomach is not feeling too great and I don't know if I want to eat anything. 

As I look outside my window:::
The sun is shining, but it's quite icy out there.

Right now I am::::
Sitting on the couch and typing this up, I almost forgot to do it, as I was honestly convinced today was Sunday.  Oh boy. 

As I look around the house::::
The sun is coming in through the windows, is there anything more pretty than seeing the sun rays across your room????  Nicholas is sitting on the couch playing a game on his laptop and Lola is sleeping next to him. 

On today's to do list::::

Currently reading::::
Nothing at the moment

On the TV today::::
Been catching up on my Portuguese soaps, which I love :)

On the menu this week::::

Monday - Picadillo, Mexican Rice 
Tuesday -  Bowtie Chicken Alfredo
Wednesday - Honey Mustard Chicken Fingers, Fries
Thursday - Tuna Salad
Friday - *grocery shopping, not sure yet what the next few days will be)
Saturday -
Sunday -

What I am creating at the moment::::
Nothing at all

New recipe I tried or want to try this week::::
The Picadillo and the Mexican rice tonight are new, I will share those :)

Favorite photo from the camera::::


Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

When he's gone.....


Curt has been gone a week and two days.  It feels like forever already and I'm missing him terribly and just wishing that these months would fly by.

It never gets easier, if anything I think it gets harder.

But I have to keep myself and the kids busy so that we don't dwell on how much we miss him, or the fact that he is not here with us.

I throw myself into packing and housework and the things that make me smile. 


Those little things that remind me each day that though this current situation may be hard, it's for a worthwhile cause and so I keep pushing through.

I have taken my camera out and started snipping little bits of my day, trying to record it all so that I can add it to the already extensive collection of memories here on my blog.  You know one day I will sit down, look back and enjoy reading through all of these moments in time.


The house is starting to look empty, I've just been packing and moving boxes to the garage and getting things ready for the move.

I thought at first that I would get a moving company but after receiving some quotes, I quickly decided that there is no way we can afford it. Between $6000 and $10 000, way out of our budget. We are going with UPack, they drop off the trailer and we pack it and then they pick it up. Still around $3000 but much better than the previous quotes.

Oh boy!!!!

So yes, I'm packing and getting it all ready to go in the trailer.


This corner is everything ready to go, I'll just keep adding to it as I pack.

That washer and dryer I am going to try and sell before I leave. I love the washer but the dryer is gas powered and I can't use it. Hopefully someone else can.


Look how empty my fireplace area is already looking. I am going to move this bookshelf to the garage this week and finish moving those boxes too. My plans were to do it today, but since yesterday I have not been able to walk much because of a Sciatica flare up.


Thanks to this crazy Idaho weather, went from 50 something degrees to waking up to snow.



Anyway, wanted to come in and chat a little, let you all know what was going on here, how I was doing and what progress is being made towards the move.

Oh before I forget, I mailed off all the crochet orders last week and you should all be getting them this coming week, so keep an eye out for that.  Again, thank you all, I know my goodies will find good homes :)

Alright, I have a ton of laundry to get through and need to make a dessert to take over to my brother's house later for our Walking Dead night.   I'm taking one of our favorite meals too, the Slow Cooked Italian Beef Sandwiches.  If you've never tried them, you don't know what you're missing :)

Italian Beef Sandwiches

Hope you're all having a fantastic weekend.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Thing about Great White Sharks - TLC Book Tour

Title: The Thing About Great White Sharks
Author: Rebecca Adams Wright
Publisher: Little A (Amazon Publishing)
Release Date: February 10, 2015
Acquired Via: TLC Book Tours

In this collection’s richly imagined title story, our brutal and resourceful protagonist is determined to protect her family from a murderous, shark-ridden world—at any cost. Elsewhere, an old woman uncovers a sinister plot while looking after a friend’s plants (“Orchids”), and a girl in the war-torn countryside befriends an unlikely creature (“Keeper of the Glass”). In “Barnstormers,” a futuristic flying circus tries to forestall bankruptcy with one last memorable show. At the heart of “Sheila” is the terrible choice a retired judge must make when faced with the destruction of his beloved robotic dog, and “Yuri, in a Blue Dress” follows one of the last survivors of an alien invasion as she seeks help.

Extending from World War II to the far future, these fifteen stories offer a gorgeously observed perspective on our desire for connection and what it means to have compassion—for ourselves, for one another, for our past…and for whatever lies beyond.


My thoughts:

Though I love long novels, I have to say that I have a special affinity for short stories.  Maybe because I'm a busy mom and sometimes don't have the time to sit and read a book without having to put it down, which becomes frustrating because I tend to lose track of the story.

Short stories are perfect for those moments when I have a bit of free time but can set it down and walk away knowing that I've finished that particular story, and the next time I open the book up it will be something new.

I really enjoyed this book, there was a mix of everything which made every single story unique and totally different from the one before.

Orchids, Keeper of the Glass and Yuri in a Blue Dress were some of my favorites.  Aliens, ghosts, WWII, some of the things I most love reading about, all compiled into one neat little book.

Loved, loved it. 

Thank you to TLC Book Tours for providing me with a review copy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Jardesca - Low Proof, Low Cal Aperitif for Spring

18% Alc./Vol.
$30.00 Suggested Retail Price
Zork closure – for resealing. As a fortified wine,
JARDESCA stays fresh for weeks after opening.

We believe that the perfect opening to any moment should stimulate the enjoyment of food and wine that is to follow. Our California Aperitiva provides a perfect balance to deliver an opening that isn’t too strong but is still lively.

Handcrafted in Sonoma, it is the ideal marriage of the vineyards and the gardens of California. A balanced blend of sweet and dry white wines, and an eau de vie, double distilled and brightened with 10 different botanicals. The unique combination of these elements creates the perfectly balanced blend that is ready for opening and sharing.

As it opens your palate, great tastes and greater memories beckon.

I was recently asked to review this new Spring Aperitif for Jardesca.  I love my wine, and so willingly agreed to sample and give my honest opinion.

The bottle arrived very quickly and was still nice and chilled when I pulled it out of the box.  I have to say that the bottle itself is gorgeous in a simple yet elegant way.

Now I'm more of a sweet wine fan, not so much the bitter kind, so this one was definitely different for me.

I poured myself a little, swished around and took my first sip.  It smells amazing, the taste for me wasn't what I was expecting, it was more bitter than I thought, but what hit me were the lingering flavors that remained....I checked the bottle to see what the ingredients were and BAM.....sweet peppermint, orange blossom, cardamom, apricots and grapefruit.  Wow!!!

To be honest, by itself I didn't enjoy, again because I prefer sweet, but here's the thing, you don't have to drink it straight, although it is recommended over some ice and topped with a fresh sprig of mint.

Possibilities are endless!!!

I did try the Jardesca Verde and it was really yummy.

 It is the very first aperitif from California and is made in Sonoma.  Be sure to check out their website to find more about this wonderful Spring Aperitif and if you're interested in trying it out for yourself, you can buy a bottle, or two,  here.

Thank you to Jardesca for this opportunity and for sending along a bottle for review.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday - 02/16/2015

Good morning everyone.  I want to start by apologizing for my blooper last week when I forgot to add in the linky.  Oops!!!  I have never done that and I clearly wasn't thinking clearly, so apologies.

I hope you've all had a good weekend, mine has been very quiet and sad, but not too bad otherwise.  I have a lot of things coming up this week, quite a few reviews for you all and some daily blogging too....yay!!!

For now though, let's get on with our Happy Homemaker Monday post.

The weather outside is::::
It's 32 degrees and collllldddddd.  It's pretty icy out there and to be honestly I am quite ready for spring weather and summer. 

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
A cup of coffee with Spiced Rum Cake creamer and two pieces of toast.  You know what I hate?  Soggy toast!  It is just gross, but I'm impatient and as soon as it's out of the toaster I slather on the butter and then it becomes a soggy mess.  BLECH!!!

As I look outside my window:::
Beautiful morning, the skies are blue and the sun is shining.  If it weren't for this cold I would have gone outside to enjoy my coffee.

Right now I am::::
Typing up this post while waiting for my hubby to call me back.  He had to go for a physical this morning before he starts his job tomorrow, so he had me on the phone with google maps giving him directions to the hospital in Texas.  LOL  At one point he said to me "well honey, if I get lost at least I have YOU on the phone to keep me company". 

As I look around the house::::
I will take some pictures to show you in my post later, but I've been packing and boxing things up and this house is starting to look quite empty.  I don't mind it though because I'm purging a LOT of things for this move, I'm quite tired of dragging things around that either don't ever get out of the boxes they were moved in, or makes the house look cluttered. 

On today's to do list::::
Laundry....Have a load to put away, and one load to wash, plus some comforters and the bed linens.    
Cleaning....Need to mop and vacuum.  Usual housework, dishes and bathrooms etc.

Currently reading::::
Book for review, it will be up next week.

On the TV today::::
Not sure yet, but I've got a few shows I've been wanting to catch up on so may just do that.

On the menu this week::::

Monday - Pork stir fry, rice
Tuesday -  Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Wednesday - Honey Mustard Chicken Fingers, Fries
Thursday - Tuna Salad
Friday - Bowtie Chicken Alfredo
Saturday - Out to eat with the kiddos
Sunday - Turkey, Grreen bean casserole (Jasmine requested)

What I am creating at the moment::::
Want to get rid of some of my yarn, so working on more dishcloths.

New recipe I tried or want to try this week::::
Right now there is absolutely nothing new I've tried, but I do have a recipe coming up next week that I will be trying for the first time and will post it for you all.

Favorite photo from the camera::::
My gorgeous daughter, she is growing so fast.  Two months and she will be 16 years old.  Oh my!

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
"But what about you?" Jesus asked. "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "You are the Christ."
Mark 8:29

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Quick Check In


Oh my goodness, well, I am not even going to try and excuse my absence or give you reasons why I said I would post more and then end up not doing it.


Never got around to it, had a super crazy emotional week getting Curt ready to leave.

He left Friday morning and all I can tell you is that it was so hard to see him walk out the door, as a military family, saying goodbyes becomes second nature, you're used to seeing him leave for months at a time and you're left behind with the kiddies and trying to take care of everything while he is away.

Once he retired we honestly thought that our days of saying goodbye were over, but you know you can never say NEVER, and God had other plans.  Who am I to question???

So yes, he is now in Oklahoma staying with family, and next week he starts his new job in Texas.  For now he is commuting about 45 minutes each way just until our tax return comes in so that he can get an apartment and be closer to work.

I've set my sights on packing and getting things taken care of, the sooner the better. I refuse to leave everything until the last minute, that's not how I function at all.


If you ask how I am, I can tell you that I'm ok for now, but my focus in on my children who are not taking this separation very well, they were much younger with the previous times so even though they missed dad they didn't quite feel it as they are now.

Jasmine is a daddy's girl and she misses him terribly.  Nick is very close to daddy too, that's his buddy and my boy is not taking it well at all, he cries throughout the day and can't even bear to look at anything related to dad.  I think it will be harder for him, but we'll get through it.

So yes.....that part of our journey is done, the next part involves me finishing the kids school, packing up the whole house and getting it ready to move and finishing things up on this side so that we can join him in May.  I am praying the time flies, truly.

With that aside, I wanted to let you all know that I will be shipping out all the crochet orders next week, thank you again to those that ordered from me..

I also have a full week of reviews coming up, wine, spiral candle, book, disney celebrations etc.  I will also start back on my daily posting as we go through this next adventure together.

Sorry for being the world's worst blogger at the moment and thank you for sticking it out and still coming by, you guys are the best :)


Monday, February 09, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday - 02/09/2015

Good morning everyone.  I hope you've had a great weekend and are ready to tackle this new week ahead.  I am but in a way, I am not, if that makes sense.

My husband leaves for Texas on Friday and then it will be 4 months before we see him again, definitely not something the kids and I are looking forward to.

The weather outside is::::
It's been raining, yet again.  Sometimes I feel like we live in Seattle, with the constant pitter patter outside.  I love rain, but I'm a bit tired of the gloomy weather and ready for summer.  

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Just the normal cup of coffee, but here in about an hour I will probably have a Breakfast Burrito, or some toast.  Not sure yet because my stomach feels a little off at the moment. 

As I look outside my window:::
Cloudy skies and the roads are all wet from the overnight rain.  I am hoping that the skies open up and we see some sun this afternoon, I'm sure that would lift my spirits.  Right??? 

Right now I am::::
Still in my jammies, actually slept in a little today.  I'm compiling this post and also have a list next to me of things hubby and I need to get done today, we only have a few days left before he leaves and I feel like we have so much to do.

As I look around the house::::
Boxes line the's become such a normal sight for us that it doesn't affect me anymore.  LOL  I've been packing up, hubby has been packing up things to take and the house is starting to look a little empty.  That's fine, because I've decided that I am doing a major purge on this move and a lot of things are not going to make it to Texas. 

On today's to do list::::
Laundry....Have two loads to iron and put away.    
Cleaning....Usual housework

Currently reading::::
Book for review, it will be up next week.

On the TV today::::
The new Walking Dead from last night.  Not sure what else we will have time to watch. 

On the menu this week::::
Need to get some groceries today so don't have a menu yet....have yet to write it up

Monday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -

What I am creating at the moment::::
Nothing, just boxes like last week lol 

New recipe I tried or want to try this week::::
Nothing new, just very simple meals we've been having lately.  With hubby being gone, the kids and I will also be having easier, kid pleasing meals, so I don't foresee major kitchen cooking for me the next few months.

Favorite photo from the camera::::

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
"I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them."
John 17:13

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Crochet Items for Sale


This is so weird to me, I have never sold any of my crochet items nor did I ever think I needed to or should.

Maybe it's the fact that I always thought that no one but me would be interested in buying any of my creations, but you have all been so kind and have shown interest quite often.


I think now is the time for me to part with some of my crochet goodies, and I also find that it will give me something else to work on, recreating all these goodies for myself because I have been in a bit of a crochet funk, so to speak.

Know that a lot of time and love were put into each of these and I just hope that you will love them as much as I do.  And keep in mind that these are homemade, they are not professional so there may be some flaws here or there, I would never presume to sell something under the assumption that is absolutely perfect.  :)



Corner to Corner blanket in red and tan - $25 plus shipping (SOLD)

Made with worsted weight yarn.  Measures 38x38.
Perfect lap blanket or baby blanket.


Corner to Corner Granny Blanket - $45 plus shipping (SOLD)

Made with worsted weight.  White and multi colored stripes, with an edging in yellow.
Measures 43x43.


Crochet Mood Blanket - $65 plus shipping (SOLD)

This was one of my favorites to make, it was so much fun and I'm looking forward to making another.  Multi colored blocks with a white edging, it is pretty heavy and so warm.

Made with worsted weight.  Measures 39x57.



$5 plus shipping (SOLD)
Cotton dishcloth in yellow and blue.  Measures 6.5x6.5


$10 plus shipping (SOLD)

Cotton dishcloth set.  Bigger one measures 7x7 and the smaller one is 6x6.


$6 plus shipping (SOLD)

Cotton dishcloth set, small.  Bigger one is 4.5x4.5 and smaller is 4x4.


$4 plus shipping (SOLD)
Cotton wiggly dishcloth.  Measures 4.5x4.5


$4 plus shipping (SOLD)
Cotton wiggly dishcloth.  Measures 5x5


$4 plus shipping (SOLD)
Cotton flower dishcloth.  Measures 5x5



$6 plus shipping (SOLD)
African Flower Doily.  Measures 7.5x7.5


$15 plus shipping
Cotton Mandala.  Measures 12.5x12.5


$8 plus shipping (SOLD)
Cotton Mandala.  Measures 7.5x7.5


$8 plus shipping (SOLD)
Cotton Mandala.  Measures 7.5x7.5

Those are the ones I have available right now, I do plan on going through my yarn stash and if I have time, making a few more items to sell.  For now though, these are what is available, please understand that I don't do custom orders, what I post is what I have :)

I can only ship to the States at the moment. 

If you see an item that you wish to buy, please email me at 

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

The big fight.....


Hello everyone, I know you're probably a little shocked to see me here, or maybe even happy to finally see a post from me, after it seemed that I just disappeared into thin air.

The truth?

It's been.....well.....I want to say weird, because I don't really have another word to describe what my life has been like the past few weeks since finding out we're moving to Texas.

If I were to tell you that it seems like every single negative thing that is out there was thrown our way, it would be a bit of an understatement.  It really has been like that, and it's quite hard to stay positive and on track when you feel like you can't even breathe.

I have often gone through difficult moments in my life, knowing that it was a test, or a spiritual battle and right now we are smack dab in the middle of another one.

Let me start by saying that this move to Texas and my husband's new job, are life changing for us, in many ways and I think that is the catalyst for the fight we're up against.  As a Christian I know that anything that is good will be met with resistance by that which is bad, it just is the way things work.

So we're fighting and we are determined to get to Texas and to take this on.  It's not easy, I've had some breakdowns, my husband is starting to feel the stress and has at times questioned the whole move and job, but you know that is exactly what the enemy wants and I refuse to allow it.



The rainy days???

Haven't exactly helped my mood, even though I have always loved rain, but yes, at this moment it is just exacerbating an already grey mood.

Yesterday was it, the defining moment where I finally faced this head on and said "Enough is Enough".  I am tired of being a punching bag to selfish rude self-centered people, I am tired of being pushed around and helping only to have it thrown back in my face.

There really is only so much a person can take before they put their foot down and I'm putting it down.

We WILL make this work, we WILL get my husband to Texas, we WILL get everything done here, we WILL be fine financially and we WILL win this battle.

We will, we will, and we will.

So, one of the things I need to do right now is to list all my crochet items that I am wanting to sell, and for the most part I already have pictures, but I am going to get everything together and put the post up this afternoon.  There will be dishcloths and blankets and some mandalas too.


Something else we're working on is getting the kid's school finished before the end of May because I don't want to have to transfer them to Texas right at the end of the school year, would rather start the new year fresh.


In the next two weeks, we have quite a few things to get done.....

  • Fix the brakes on my husband's truck because he needs to drive it to Texas
  • Probably replace a tire on my car, yesterday it went flat
  • Sell one of our sets of washer/dryer
  • Sell my crochet items
  • Pack husband's belongings and other items for him to take
  • Remove everything from storage

The rest will be up to me, and let me tell you moving companies are ridiculously priced.  I have been getting quotes of anything from $6800 to $10,000.   Goodness gracious, there is NO way that we can afford that.

This month we have no school money because hubby has to take the semester off from school to get settled into the new job and to move down to Texas.  It has hit us hard, very hard and it's been a juggling game of what bills to pay when and how much and if you pay one then you don't have groceries, and if you get groceries then you don't pay this bill.

I'm so ready to get to Texas, put my feet up and say "we're here and we're done".


But guess what?

We're still here, we're alive, we're healthy and we are ready to take on this challenge.  Prayers would be appreciated though, very much so.

Yeah, that is what has been going on here and the reason why I've also been quite distant from my blog, it's been hard to really sit down and compile any kind of coherent post when my thoughts have been so muddled. 

I will be back to regular blogging, or rather I should say that I am back to regular blogging, because I've realized that I need this space to jot down my life, to keep track of my ideas and to help me make this move and this transition easier.  I've always done it with previous moves so I don't know why this time it would be any different.

Right, I need to get laundry started and I need to get my crochet items together.  I'll be back later with the Crochet post.

Again, thank you all for being so understanding and for continuing to comment and leave me such wonderful support even when I've been less than stellar at blogging or visiting you all.  It means the world, truly.


Monday, February 02, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday - 02/02/2015

Good morning everyone.

Well, here we are, February.  Is that even possible when it feels like just a few days ago we were celebrating Christmas?

So yeah, the month of January for me has been a bit of a blur, it's sped by and I have found myself not really knowing what to do with my blog, hence the lack of actual posts.  But, starting today, that is changing, I am back to blogging daily, and continuing to journal everything about this crazy journey that we are about to embark on, again.

Right, so let's get on with it.....

The weather outside is::::
We've had foggy mornings, and last night we got some light rain, but for the most part it's been clear and sunny and I like it that way. 

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Cup of coffee with Butter Toffee Creamer (one of my faves).  I don't know if I'm actually going to have any breakfast this morning, I used to love breakfast but have found that lately I just don't eat it and sometimes only really eat something mid afternoon.  Totally bad, and I need to fix that. 

As I look outside my window:::
It's been getting brighter earlier and I am very happy about that.  It's quite pretty outside this morning, the sun is starting to rise, there are a few clouds in the sky but it makes for quite a lovely sight over the mountains. 

Right now I am::::
On the couch with my Lola snoring next to me.  I'm typing up this post and I'm trying to think of what all I have to do today, which I know will include laundry at some point in time, doesn't it always???

As I look around the house::::
Guess what is in the corner of the living room???  Boxes.  AGAIN!   Lord give me strength, I am so tired of moving my belongings around, so I hope this is the last time for a long while. 

On today's to do list::::
Laundry....Thought I was done and now I have another two loads ready to go in.  Why, oh why can't we be nudists?  
Cleaning....Usual housework
Cooking.....Pizza for lunch, Stuffed Green Peppers for dinner. 

Currently reading::::
My book for review finally came in, so I'm starting on that one today.  

On the TV today::::
Have a few series I want to catch up on.

On the menu this week::::
Monday - Stuffed Green Peppers
Tuesday - Loaded Potato Soup, Olive Garden Breadsticks
Wednesday - Oven Chili Dogs
Thursday - Scalloped Potatoes and Ham
Friday - Homemade Pizza
Saturday - Bacon Spaghetti
Sunday - Sausage Gravy Biscuit Bake

What I am creating at the moment::::
Boxes of things......yes, that is the extent of my creativity at the moment.

I will be taking photos of my crochet projects today, and tomorrow I will have a post up with what I'm selling, so if you're interested in any of my goodies, keep an eye out for that post.

New recipe I tried or want to try this week::::
Didn't try anything new last week, but don't let that stop you from checking out my food blog.  You can look back through the archives and I'm sure you will find something yummy to try, maybe even a little Portuguese cooking?  Or, if you are in the middle of menu planning, my menus might give you some idea :)

Favorite photo from the camera::::

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
John 10:10

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!