
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Quick Check In


Oh my goodness, well, I am not even going to try and excuse my absence or give you reasons why I said I would post more and then end up not doing it.


Never got around to it, had a super crazy emotional week getting Curt ready to leave.

He left Friday morning and all I can tell you is that it was so hard to see him walk out the door, as a military family, saying goodbyes becomes second nature, you're used to seeing him leave for months at a time and you're left behind with the kiddies and trying to take care of everything while he is away.

Once he retired we honestly thought that our days of saying goodbye were over, but you know you can never say NEVER, and God had other plans.  Who am I to question???

So yes, he is now in Oklahoma staying with family, and next week he starts his new job in Texas.  For now he is commuting about 45 minutes each way just until our tax return comes in so that he can get an apartment and be closer to work.

I've set my sights on packing and getting things taken care of, the sooner the better. I refuse to leave everything until the last minute, that's not how I function at all.


If you ask how I am, I can tell you that I'm ok for now, but my focus in on my children who are not taking this separation very well, they were much younger with the previous times so even though they missed dad they didn't quite feel it as they are now.

Jasmine is a daddy's girl and she misses him terribly.  Nick is very close to daddy too, that's his buddy and my boy is not taking it well at all, he cries throughout the day and can't even bear to look at anything related to dad.  I think it will be harder for him, but we'll get through it.

So yes.....that part of our journey is done, the next part involves me finishing the kids school, packing up the whole house and getting it ready to move and finishing things up on this side so that we can join him in May.  I am praying the time flies, truly.

With that aside, I wanted to let you all know that I will be shipping out all the crochet orders next week, thank you again to those that ordered from me..

I also have a full week of reviews coming up, wine, spiral candle, book, disney celebrations etc.  I will also start back on my daily posting as we go through this next adventure together.

Sorry for being the world's worst blogger at the moment and thank you for sticking it out and still coming by, you guys are the best :)



  1. Dear Sandra ~ No need to apologize. You've a lot on your plate right now. I think with all that you have to do, time is going to go by pretty fast. You all just hang in there, pretty soon you'll be together again.

    Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

  2. BIG HUGS all around as you work to get pull it all together. And PRAYERS that the time just flies by until you can all be together again.

    Hopefully Curt will be so happy with the job and it will be so good for your family that ALL of this will just be a distant memory soon.

  3. Been thinking about you and your family all week. Prayers and hugs for everyone.

  4. I can only imagine how emotional this week was for you. Hope the next couple of months speed by. You all will be together again, soon!

  5. Sending many prayers and hugs!!

  6. Lots on your plate, for sure. Praying things go smoothly during this time of transition.

  7. It's a whirlwind crazy time for you right now Sandra, and blogging should really be the very least on your to do list. We understand and look forward to those times when you can pop in and
    say hello

  8. Oh my Gosh! That you can post at all is good enough. Take care and get what you have to done. Bless the children! I would hate to have to do this, so you have all my prayers. x

  9. It is difficult to post when you are going through something like that. Hugs to you and your family.

  10. God bless you guys I'll be praying for you with your separation, keep your chin up, sending love and hugs! Christal

  11. I am pretty sure that you are NOT the worlds worst blogger! Don't be so hard on yourself. You have an awful lot going on right now and need to focus on that. It is nice to hear from you as and when you are able to share. I hope that Curt will enjoy his new job a log and that he will not have to commute that far for too long and certainly not once you are all ready to move there with him. Try - if you can - to focus on the positive that although you are apart he is safe, not off in another country or on some exercise somewhere. TX is a long way, but not that far and you will be together soon! Take care, thinking of you and sending hugs. xx

  12. Blessings, hugs, prayers, happy thoughts....sending them all to you all as you go through this difficult transition dear Gal!

    Keep leaning on the grace from the Almighty above. You know He's never let you down before and you are being such a good faithful servant, being strong and following His plan.

    Miss you and will be nice to see you back here a bit.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
