
Monday, March 02, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday - 03/02/2015

Good morning everyone, how was your weekend?

Mine was quiet and relaxing, as always.  I just realized that my last post on here was last week's Happy Homemaker Monday, oh boy.  I do have a Jamberry Nails review coming up later today, PLUS an actual post with pictures and all, can you believe that?

Right, let's get on with today's though.....

The weather outside is::::
Actually nice today, and I mean sky wise, because temperature wise it is 22 degrees, oh goodness.  .

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Just coffee, and I may have a Cinnamon Raisin Bagel here shortly. 

As I look outside my window:::
Sun is shining, cars are driving by.  It looks like a bit of snow on the mountain. 

Right now I am::::
In the living room with a sleeping Lola next to me.  I have a mental list going and I should be writing it down because I know I will forget something.  I am still in my pjs too, need to get up and ready for the day soon. 

As I look around the house::::
There are boxes everywhere, and empty walls and shelves.  I know I still have 3 months but I am choosing to do as much as I can now without rushing it at the end.

On today's to do list::::

Currently reading::::
Nothing at the moment, but do have a book on the way for a review

On the TV today::::
All caught up with my Portuguese soaps, bummer.  I love being able to binge watch something.
I started Expedition Unknown with Josh Gates and I'm enjoying that one, so I'll probably catch up.
Jasmine and I also want to catch up on Ghost Adventures.

On the menu this week::::

Monday - Honey Mustard Chicken Fingers 
Tuesday -  Pancakes
Wednesday - Pork Chops with rice
Thursday - Chicken Sandwiches
Friday - Tuna Salad
Saturday - Bacon, Eggs, Toast
Sunday - Meatloaf, Mashed potatoes, beans

What I am creating at the moment::::
Nothing, but I have pulled out my crochet stuff and am wanting to start something today. 

Favorite photo from the camera::::

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.
Philippians 3:10

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!


  1. I saw your jamberry nails on instagram - so cute!!

    Hope you're hanging in there sweet Lady. So smart to work hard now and not have to rush in the future. Sending you cheerful thoughts for a happy week ahead!! xoxo

  2. Happy Monday! We're reading Seuss books today and had a party with our playgroup to celebrate his birthday :)

  3. I'm glad that the sun is shining for you! I hope that things stay sunny all week! xx

  4. Sandra,

    Love stopping by here to know what is going on in your life. Your pictures continue to amazing and delight me. Thank you for sharing your menu options as well for this week. I might have to adopt some of those.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  5. Thanks to you, I'm going to give Jamberry a try.

    I know the feeling about trying to get everything done now instead of rushing in three months. If you are like me though, in three months you'll still be stressed and have a ton to do, just because nothing ever works out so easily. Lol

    Have a good week!

  6. Thanks for linking me up :) Hope you're having a great week!

  7. I think you're a wise lady getting things done earlier rather than at the last minute. So much less stress when it's down to the crunch. I have to write everything down or I totally forget things!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
