
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Hello.....anyone still out there?


I'm almost scared to step back into this blogging thing, it's been quite a while for me hasn't it?

Well a while when it comes to composing an actual coherent updated post about my life.  I do continue to throw out the Happy Homemaker Mondays every week and there have been a few reviews here and there.

I have no doubt that you enjoy those, but I also know, from hearing from many of you through Instagram, email and facebook, that you've been missing an actual me post here on the blog.

So, here I am.  Hi, how are you?  Did you miss me?

I can tell you that I've missed my blog tremendously but unfortunately life hasn't really allowed me to do much in the form of posting.  I find that I don't even really come to my blog unless I have a very specific reason for doing so.  It's been that crazy for me.

But I'm not here to talk about that, I'm here with tons of pictures, and to chat a little with you all.

My mornings are, I think, at this moment, the only parts of my day that have remained the same throughout these months. They still consist of my obligatory cup of coffee and a very small breakfast. This morning though I indulged in some Irish Soda Bread with butter and some delicious Orange Marmalade. Yum!!!



I've been surrounded by boxes and packing material, and lists, lots and lots of lists.  I used to be one of those girls who didn't much care for lists.  Actually, let me rephrase that, I liked, no loved lists, but found them to useless for me because no matter how many I made, I never followed through.

Maybe I should call myself a list maker and not so much a list follower.

With the move though I've had to resort to making and following them.  This is how I pack.  I go from room to room, pack a box, assign it a number and write down a corresponding number and description on a piece of paper.  It helps me know what I have and where it goes when I get to the new house.

Works for me.


Piles of boxes are becoming permanent fixtures in my home. Oh and these egg boxes are fantastic for packing, they're big enough to hold what I need but also small enough for me to manage on my own. Hubby brought those over from the commissary when he was working for them, and right before he left. He got me quite a nice stash in the garage. Yay!


Laundry still fills up quite a bit of my day. At least in some sense or other, I'm dealing with clothes. Oh I bet you wish I had come back now and told you that I figure out life's secret to never having to do laundry again, don't you?

Unfortunately, I haven't. I'm in the same boat as you all, still plugging through the mounds of laundry.

As I get ready to move, I'm also making sure that I take care of the house and have it ready for when I leave. Paintings are coming down off walls, nail holes are being filled and walls are being touched up and repainted if needed. Yes, lots of work but as I do it now I still have 2 months to go and it will make everything less stressful. At least that is what I'm going for, we'll speak again right before I leave and see if that is still the case.


One thing I'm also having to do a lot of lately, is carpet cleaning. Thankfully I have a carpet cleaner but the solutions sold in the stores are quite pricey, so I use my homemade one. It works really well and it's pretty cheap considering I'm using items I already have in my house.


See???  Clothes in some form or the other.  This time I did pull out the spring/summer stuff and am already packing away the winter clothes.

Not only because it's getting warmer here but also getting it ready for the move.


And speaking of warmer weather, it looks like we're heading straight into Spring and I couldn't be happier.

I've been opening the windows every morning and letting the fresh air and the sunshine come right on in. There's just something about watching the curtains blowing in the breeze.


My yard is coming alive, with the trees blooming.


Don't you just love that?


Look at my rose bushes, they are bursting with life right now.  Beautiful green shoots are coming out of the ugly winter brown ones.  I can't wait to see these roses come to life again.

These past few weeks have flown by at turbo speed, which in a way is good for me because hubby has already been gone over a month and I hate having to think of another 2 and half without him.

The kids miss him dearly, I miss him dearly, and the pugs miss him dearly too.


Miss Lola is still as naughty as ever, and has gotten into trouble a few times. She has this bad habit of getting into things and looking for food, I sometimes think that if anyone who didn't know us happened upon her, they would think she starves. Brat that she is.

Speaking of getting into things, a few weeks ago she got into a bag of chocolate. I almost died with fright. You know how dangerous chocolate is for dogs. About 3 days later, she had a seizure. She's been fine since then, but I've noticed that she can't have any chocolate or bacon flavored dog treats of any kind because they cause her to have seizures. Must be something in there.


Miss Bella is getting very old. Her back legs are starting to give her a lot of trouble walking and sometimes we find her just sitting on the middle of the floor. It's not a laughing matter, but you have to admit she looks adorable and I can't help but chuckle a little when I see her like that.

So yes, life has been busy and crazy, but still full of good moments to reflect back on.

We've got another huge move coming up, it's going to be a big change again and I'm not too thrilled with that, but I am at the point in my life where I'm sick of moving and I crave a place where we can put down some roots and give our children some stability before they move out on their own.

It's one thing that I've always wished I could do, and something that I kind of envied from those who were not military.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade the years we spent as a military family, for anything in this world, the joys, the rewards and the experience we had is nothing like we will ever forget. 

Unfortunately along with so many other sacrifices, one we've had to make is that we've never been able to have a home of our own, one where the kids could remember being born and brought home to, growing up in and being part of a community. 

No matter where our lives may be taking us in the next few months, one thing is very certain for Curt and I, we are putting down roots in Texas and that is where we will remain.  Our days of lugging our belongings around are coming to an end.  Thank goodness.

Anyway, I think I've babbled on long enough and if you've made it this far without falling asleep, I have to thank you.  Sorry for such a long post, I guess I should get back into daily blogging so I don't go so long between posts and then come in and talk your ears off.

Hope you're all doing well, I often thing of each and every one of you, wonder where you are, how you and your families are doing and what you've been up to.  Do know that even if I haven't been around, I do pray for you all and keep you in my thoughts.



  1. Hi and welcome back! I have been following your blog for a couple years and am so glad to see you posting again. I know moving can be crazy and the only one we have made was a PCS where movers did almost everything for us! I am praying the time flies by until you and Curt are back together again. As always, I loved the pictures!!

    Many blessings!

  2. Thanks for posting. I have been missing your posts. Good luck with all the packing and moving preparations.

  3. I have really been missing blog world! It's great to hear from you. I hope and pray yall have a wonderful move and love Texas!

  4. Still here :) Wishing you all the best for your big move. Love and blessings xxx

  5. Dear, dear Sandra ~ Thank you for taking the time to write a newsy post for us all to enjoy and read about how you are doing with this move.

    You sound calm, and I hope all continues to go smoothly. Before you know it, you'll be reunited with Curt down in TX. Hang in there, you're doing GREAT.

    Love, hugs and prayers and Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady

  6. I miss your updates too, but totally understand how busy you are! Hope you get a few moments of relaxation here and there!

  7. Good to see you again Sandra! I remember packing to move, and the stress and mess of it. Praying for it to be smooth and quick for you. Hubby's work strike may be ending soon. That is some good news. Spring is not quite here yet, but I did get one good day on the porch (or two).

  8. Sandra so good to see you post have missed them dearly, but do truly understand your plate is full, but keep popping in every so often to keep us updated.....bless your puppies heart, it is a cute photo but not for the fact that she is hurting.....look forward to hearing from you soon......hang in there!
    Happy Spring 😃


  9. Oh Sandra! I have been drooling over your recipe blog. Yesterday I made one of your recipes and referred to your blog for the recipe. I think you should write a cookbook!

    My beagle sounds like your dog. One day she came up the stairs with a bag of chocolate chips in her mouth and was waiting for me to open the door for her so that she could take it outside. Busted..ha..I took it away from her.

    I think you will love Texas. Nice friendly people there (well...maybe a bit prejudiced against "Yankees" when I lived there a year....but mostly kidding). That was long ago. Andrea

  10. So good to hear from you! Know getting ready for the move is consuming much of your time!

  11. So nice to hear from you dear Gal!

    Made my day to have a good 'ol Sandra post. I actually don't think I realized how much I missed a post like this until I read one. Lol

    I continue to pray for you and your family as well, and you will conquer these days ahead no problem- you warrior woman you. ;)

    Your blooming trees and bushes are so pretty!! We're still barely getting green here, but it's been mild so I'm grateful. Looks like a real Spring for us this year.

    Blessings for a wonderful weekend ahead.

  12. yes I have missed you. your blog is one i check daily for a post. It's been different around here too so I've not blogged much either.

    Have a great weekend!

  13. It was great to read your post. Been thinking about you and your family. prayers and hugs

  14. Hello dear friend. Much love to you and give those pug girls some love too.

  15. Hello, we're here 😃. Enjoying your post......busy busy....
    Happy spring!


  16. I am still here too! I read your blog every week and I look forward to following your new adventure!!!

  17. It sounds like you have a good resolve about your move. It is hard though I know. Will you say where you are going in TX or do you prefer to keep that private? Being in Plano, TX it just makes me curious. :)

  18. Good to see you back! I missed you after Blogmas...(I've also had some 'issues' to deal with recently)....hoping all is well.....Helen xxxx

  19. I know I'm so late reading this post. It seems life has gotten busy and crazy for everyone lately.

    Your puppies are so cute! I feel so bad for Bella, but it is adorable to see her sitting that way.

    I need to hire you to help us when we move next! Hahahaha! You are so organized. I always say I will be but never follow through. Usually the day of the move my in-laws and I are just throwing things in boxes with no rhyme or reason to what goes where. It's manic and insane, but it's our reality. LOL Hang in there, I know moves are awful, but it will be over before you know it.

  20. So glad to read your post. Hope you and your family had a relaxing Easter. Moving is crazy but hoping your's goes smoothly!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
