
Monday, August 31, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday - 08/31/2015

Good morning friends, sure hope you had a blessed weekend.

Mine was a little busy, Saturday especially as we had to make a quick trip to Dallas.....I say quick but 2 and half hours there and 2 and half hours back, and have I mentioned how absolutely appalling the Dallas traffic is?

I really avoid going there unless absolutely necessary, and unfortunately we had to go pick up Jasmine and her boyfriend's badges for the Anime Fest next weekend.  Goodness!!!

Anyway, let's get on with our Happy Homemaker Monday shall we?

On the weather front:
We had a rain shower the other day, just out of nowhere, but today we're looking at pretty clear skies and a high of 97.  Thankfully I have to stay inside the next few days because I have SO much going on.   

On my bedside table:
Two review books
Motrin 800mg (might be TMI, but it's the week before that time of the month and my breasts just get so sore, have struggled with this for so many years)

On my TV:
Whatever is on the DVR, yes we got the Dish back after more than a year and so far we're enjoying it, but it may not last, we'll see how we feel in a month and decided whether to keep going or cancel it for good.

Favorite Youtube Video last week:
Discovered a new Vlog to watch by Britneyandbaby.  Enjoying watching this young mom go about her day.

News story that caught my attention:
The live killing of the two journalists.  What is going on in this world?  I am just so disgusted by the actions of some people and the worst thing for me is that they take innocent lives and then take the coward's way out by killing themselves. 

On the menu for this week:
I'm back on track, thank goodness.  I got my grocery shopping done yesterday, for the next two weeks and I'm happy to report that I'm still keeping under my $250 budget for two weeks worth of food.  I've managed to keep the same budget for the past 10 or so years, the key?  Menu planning and cooking from scratch.

For the most part it will be just us, on Thursday though I'm going to have another full house.  My daughter's boyfriend, brother and their mutual friends, 4 of them, are arriving at noon and spending the night, then they're all headed to Dallas for the Anime Fest. 

Monday - Italian Sausage Pasta Bake
Tuesday - Grilled Pork Chops, Grilled Zucchini and Salad
Wednesday - Chicken Quesadillas, Salsa, Sour Cream and Mexican Rice
Thursday - Pizza, Chocolate Sheet Cake, Cookies, S'mores, Chips and Drinks
Friday - Fettucine Alfredo
Saturday -Anime Fest will eat something there
Sunday - Braised Pork Chops, Bacon and Cheese Mashed potatoes

New Recipe I tried or want to try:
Made some Cheese stuffed sausages, will have the recipe up later.

On my To Do List:
School kitchen sink is not draining and I've already called the landlord but still waiting.  Meanwhile, I have to hand wash all the dishes.  Sweep and mop!
Bedrooms....make beds, change kid's bed linens.
Bathrooms....clean toilets and sinks.
Work on Cosplay:
- Polyurethane coat on chest and bracers then they're done
- Cut out, paint and attach detailing to boots
- Paint gold designs on fabric, let dry and hot glue to armor pieces
- Finish painting gold design on fabric pieces
- Finish painting staff
- Add gold detail to Nick's (Jasmine's boyfriend) glove

In the craft basket:
Crochet blanket, Cosplay Armor

Looking forward to:
Being finished with all this armor and putting the anime convention behind us.  I'm tired folks, like really tired and I just want a break.

What I plan on doing for myself this week:
Last week I wanted to watch Far from the Madding Crowd and guess what?  I never got around to it, dangit.  I am hoping to do that this week while I work on the cosplay.  Also want to go back into my Feedly account and check out some old blogs I used to follow, been wondering how everyone is doing.

Favorite photo:

Lesson learned the past few days:
That my life seems to go through certain phases.  I tend to really enjoying doing something and will do it for months or a year, then I'll forget about that and get into something else for a while, but I always come back to the things I love.

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:


  1. So glad to hear you're back on track. Your menu sounds especially good this week. Have fun at the fest!

  2. You had me at Cheese Stuffed Sausages, and I so admire your crafty side!

  3. I hope that you have a good week and that you are feeling more yourself again in a few days time. xx

  4. You are so busy Sandra! I'm so glad you're back to blogging often. Ive always loved HHM. :)

  5. You are so busy Sandra! I'm so glad you're back to blogging often. Ive always loved HHM. :)

  6. I missed out on this again, but hope to join again soon. Looks like you are busy and having a wonderful week.

  7. that is awesome that you are doing great on your food budget I need to work on this myself


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