
Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Let it go....

Out front

That's what I'm doing, letting it all go.

I woke up this morning with a renewed sense of purpose and I sat for a few moments thinking on my life the past few months, and especially the past few weeks.

Yesterday I kind of reached my breaking point.  I made a post on Instagram and wrote what was on my heart at the moment, now going back and reading it, I feel sorry for myself.  Goodness, to be feeling so down is never a good thing.

I'm a positive optimistic person and I think I've allowed myself to be a downer for a bit too long, it's time to stop, pull my big girl panties up and get on with it.

On Monday, I am turning 41.  41 years old folks, time has flown for me, I don't consider myself in my fourties, I still feel like just yesterday I was graduating high school.  Your only as old as you allow yourself to be and feel.

Maybe it's because I'm turning 41 that I've been feeling a bit out of whack, questioning some things, wondering if I'm on the right track, if I need to change to adapt to this crazy world, or if I need to just let it go and BE.

I choose to just BE!!!  Be me!!!  That's it, no more, no less, just me, just like what I like and continue to be the person I am.

Anyway, so with this renewed soul that I woke up with, and I'm sure in part due to all the prayers I've been receiving from my friends and family, I thought that I would stop the whining and get back to the happy go lucky gal that I am inside.

I took a few pics this morning just to show you what my day has started with.


I grabbed my bible yesterday morning and have had it with me ever since, where I go, it goes.  Even if I'm not reading it, it's there close by reminding me that I'm not on this roller coaster alone, and also reminding me that if I had never tried to go on by myself, I wouldn't be feeling the things I was.

Thank you Lord!!!


Something else I hadn't been doing but which I adore and is a major part of my life, is my crochet.  Oh it's felt so good to get back at it, and I'm jumping right into a blanket for the Fall, can't wait to see it finished.

I sold a lot of my crochet blankets a few months ago, I'm sure you remember, and now I've found that I'm missing having them around, so it's onwards with yarn and hooks.

Corner of the house

I truly am a happy homemaker at heart.  I know, some may think it crazy or wonder why on earth I would be happy doing this, but I just am.  Everything about it makes me happy, so I try to surround myself with cute things all around the house, things that when I happen to walk by and take a quick glance, will bring a big smile to my face.



Why? Because I love cooking and if I can pick something straight from my garden to use, even better.

It's been a few years since I've had a nice garden going, last one was in Arizona and I had to leave it all behind only to find that whoever moved in after me, removed every single plant and put down river rock.  Bummer!!!!

I have a lot of land here at this new place and I've got an area in sight, my only problem is that we don't have a running mower at the moment and I really need to get in there and work the land so that I can plant something.

I do know Fall will be here soon though and quickly followed by Winter so I need ideas/advice on what I should be planting.  I know I'll have to winterize it when it gets really cold and I'm prepared to do that, but what should I be planting???

Morning sun

I accidentally snapped this picture this morning.  I set my camera down while watering my herbs and when I went to pick it back up I pressed the button and snap.  My first thought was "Ooops, gonna have to delete that one"......but after seeing it, I am fascinated by it.

The blades of grass, the sun shining, the background bokeh effects.  It's just beautiful, and it goes to show that sometimes the best things come purely by accident, when we're not trying SO hard.  Good lesson to keep in mind.

Right friends, I have a house to clean, laundry to do and I must push on with Jasmine's cosplay costume, we now have less than a month before the con and I haven't really done anything.  Oh my!!!

Oh and I almost forgot, not that it's not important, but I took Lola to the vet yesterday to get her established here in town, and also to get a new prescription for her seizure medication.  Her seizures have now been happening every 3 weeks, but the new doctor listened to her heart and said he is a bit concerned because it doesn't sound right and it may be what is actually causing these seizures/episodes she has been having.

We have to take her back in two weeks for an xray.  If the heart and lungs look fine, then we'll check the medication for the seizure and just go from there, but if the heart is enlarged then it means she doesn't actually have seizures but heart disease and we will have to treat it accordingly. 

Prayers would be appreciated!!!

Alright, now I really must crack on.  Have yourselves a beautiful Wednesday and I'll see you all back here tomorrow :)


  1. we are in wild fire season, its been so hot and dry here..If only we would get some rain in the winter it would help..
    praying for you all and your sweet little pug..
    keep the prayers for us here in cali going, please! we soooo need them..

  2. I am also looking for advice on what to plant this fall...

  3. Inspiring post! Keeping you all in my prayers.

  4. Praying for you this morning! Keep letting go! Love reading your posts. Have a most wonderfully blessed day!


  5. Wonderful attitude Lady! Let go and let God as they say. Perfect. ;)
    And you're going to rock all those 40's! I think the 40's are turning out to be my fave decade so far. Feel very confident in who I am, have more wisdom and experience under my belt to handle life, and yet feel young enough to feel good and active. Rock on!

    I love the photos of your daily life...beautiful land, crochet and that one of the grass is mesmerizing.

    Stay tough awesome Lady and have a wonderful rest of your week! xo

  6. Happy belated birthday.
    I must agree turning 40 was okay but turning 41 (earlier this year) was even better. I'm old enough to know who I truly am, to feel confident in the person, wife and mother I have become; yet I'm not too old to enjoy life with my 9 year old daughter. Must admit though it does make me sad at times knowing that I'm getting older.

  7. I am so pleased to have found your refreshingly honest blog! Glad to follow along and keep you in prayer.
    God bless

  8. "let it go" sung to that familiar tune is my mantra and I sometimes have to repeat it to myself a lot! I am a little older than you and I can confirm that your 40's will only get better and better and you will worry less and become more yourself than you did at any other time in your life. At least that is what I hope as that is how I have felt! I hope it will be the case for you too. So, if you can grow to let it go and let it be that will be a great thing! xx

  9. I decided not to fall plant, as it's too late for us here. Next year, if we have less rain, I will try it again. We fall plant broccoli, cauliflower, shell peas, rutabagas, and a few others. This year, we had a bad garden year, so I am running from Farmer's market to road side stands to stock up for winter. So glad to see you crocheting. I've been tinkering around with mine too lately. Hugs and prayers.

  10. Sandra sending happy to see you pick up your heart and push forward, believe me they will never stop tugging at your heart I have a 32 and 27 year old....;)

    I was wondering, you.being a military wife if you may be of some help in directing me in the right direction for my son, he is in the Airforce 13 years, he is dealing with some issues and I don't know who to contact for help...could you email me I would rather talk about it through that....being personal.....thank you...



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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
