
Monday, September 21, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday - 09/21/2015


Monday, Monday, Monday, was so not ready to see you quite so soon.  I think I had just gotten into the weekend mode when the alarm went off this morning.  *sigh*

Well, I guess nothing can be done now but to just get on with the week ahead.

On the weather front:
Had the most glorious of rain this weekend, the kind that pours down from the skies and lights everything up with lightning and loud roaring thunder.  It felt good to sit inside and watch it all come down for hours on end.  The rest of the week seems like partly sunny skies but warm. 

On my bedside table:
My notebook (I write menus, work out budgets, doodle, compose to do lists etc)
Nail polish

On my TV:

This past weekend, Jasmine and I have been doing a marathon of the Lockup series.  I don't know why we enjoy those so much, maybe it's because it gives us an insight into what prison is like?
Aside from that we also watched Unfriended, which was quite creepy, not so much terrifyingly scary but just creepy.
The new and last season of Downton Abbey started last night in the UK and of course you know I will watch it live, I just can't wait until January, sorry.  If you want to watch it online too let me know in the comments and I'll provide some links.

Favorite Youtube Video last week:
I watched quite a few good ones, and found quite a few more new ones to enjoy.  For all you other mommies out there, if you haven't yet subscribed to the channel Channel Mum, be sure to do so.  It is the UK's first youtube community just for moms, and it's filled with brilliant youtubers sharing their life, pregnancies, day to day life, recipes etc.  Brilliant!!!

News story that caught my attention:
You know it used to be that there was 1 or 2 really bad news stories that would grab everyone's attention.  Now I feel like there are so many, all at once, that it's quite difficult to feel safe or joyous about the world we're living in.  I guess for me, this week what really caught my attention was the story of the beautiful little 4 year old girl that was found dead and no one knew her name or where she even came from.  Police were able to finally identify her, give her a name and are now looking for her mom and dad as suspects.  How awful!

On the menu for this week:

Monday - Carne de Porco c/ batatinhas (Pork and potatoes)
Tuesday - Hamburgeres no forno (Oven hamburgers with pepper and cheese)
Wednesday - Roast chicken and potatoes
Thursday - Roupa Velha (Portuguese dish using leftover meat)
Friday - *grocery shopping, don't have the new menu yet*
Saturday -
Sunday -

New Recipe I tried or want to try:
A few I made that aren't yet on the food blog, like my greatgrandma's meatballs.  But I also posted the recipe for the Chocolate Cake and the Portuguese Steaks.

On my To Do List:
I have so much I need to get done today, last week I was pretty busy with Nick being sick, but now I just need to get right in there and accomplish some tasks.
School....need to scan Nick's Science project and submit it.  Also have to help the kids catch up, they're falling a little behind.  Nick because he was so sick, and Jasmine because she's struggling with her Algebra 2 and the lessons are just piling up.
Kitchen....unload dishwasher and reload with breakfast dishes.  Clean up and tidy counters.  Wipe down fridge.
Bedrooms....make beds, open curtains and blinds, open windows, tidy up.
Bathrooms....clean toilets and sinks.
Living rooms....tidy up, vacuum.

In the craft basket:
Crochet scarf is coming along nicely.  I still have my blanket in there but I set it aside for now, I was needing something easy and quick and that I can do while watching TV etc. so the scarf fits all those categories for me.

Looking forward to:
Another week of accomplishments.

What's going on this week:
Monday - Housework and catching up
Tuesday - VO5 hair review
Wednesday - Painting (need to paint my bed side tables and the kitchen table and chairs)
Thursday - Sewing
Friday - Jasmine and I have doctor appointments in the morning, then grocery shopping right after

What I plan on doing for myself this week:

Who knows, I really would like to still catch up on shows but as much as I say I will, I just never get around to doing it.

Favorite photo:

Lesson learned the past few days:
I need to stop worrying about what others think, or feel about me.  I also need to stop trying to want others to feel or act the way I do, because truth is, it's never going to happen.  I'm a very giving person and I'm always ready to help everyone, I tend to bend over backwards for people I care about, and it's very disheartening when they don't reciprocate.  For example, going out of my way to check in on certain people, talk to them, ask about their family, and they make absolutely NO effort in return.  Or when I'm going through a hard time or have a sick family member, they can't even be bothered to ask if I'm ok or if the family member is ok.  Those to me are not real friends, and it just bothers me, so I'm trying really really hard to stop, to not worry about it, to just concentrate on being me and doing what I need to do.  Most of all the lesson I'm being taught is that their actions should NEVER change who I am.  They may not reciprocate but that is not going to stop me from still doing what I feel is right, whether that is to continue checking on them or saying hi, or being who I am. 

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:


  1. Your photography is amazing, and your menu sounds so delicious! I know what it's like to worry/fret/fuss over people and have them not give a flip in return. You are doing God's work, and He will reward you for it. Don't worry about what people think, they're just people, after all! Much love to you, and have a great week :)

  2. That rain sounds wonderful!
    I always have a notebook around too. I will never give up the good old fashioned method of actually writing things down. It helps me organize my brain somehow!?
    Amen to caring about what others think!
    Have a wonderful week and thanks for hosting!

  3. LOL I had the same reaction to the alarm going off - seemed like I had just fallen asleep!

    Sounds like your your insight and lesson learned are "Spot on" as Mel B would say.

    Have a great week my friend.

  4. Happy week Sandra!

    I would so love to watch Downton live - but my friends would kill me. We watch it all together and talk it over each week and they won't do it early. So I need to wait ::sigh::

    I know that the awful news seems so overwhelming, but I feel that's what the darned media does. It sensationalizes the bad and we have such access nowadays so that's all we hear & see. It makes news. The beautiful good peaceful things in the world don't, unfortunately. I think we need to be smart and aware of what's going on in our world - but we need to FOCUS on the good as there's just as much of that too.

    I love your photo - so pretty! And I know what you mean about self centered people, but I think it's best to always take the high road. Always treat others the way you want to be treated (that beautiful Golden Rule), however life is too short to have bad energy surround you. I think it's important to evaluate true friends and surround yourself with them. ;)

    Blessings to you dear Gal! xoxo

  5. Happy Monday Sandra.....sounds like a wonderful weekend you had...mine so so...I would love to have links to all the tv shows you watch...I looked on sidebar but couldn't find them.....we just did away with satellite a few months ago, back to old days, any links for shows would be greatly appreciated.....

    As for your note on caring for others but not getting it in return, I feel for you because I am going through that myself.....I am a very giving and caring person, too much I am told, I made the decision this morning, I must focus more on myself and hubby and let them, figure it themselves....I will be here if needed but I am not the middle man or the piece picker upper....I am emotional drained and must focus on my life..... So that being said.....thank you again for sharing your life with us....

    Have a great day

  6. We had one of those wonderful rainy days here in Illinois last week, it was so nice to curl up on the sofa with some books and magazines and cup of tea. I have to add my amen to not caring about what others think.You be who God created you to be,use your talents and gifts to bless those around you for His glory. You are such an encouragement to me here on your blog.

    Have a wonderful week!

    I would love a link to watch Downton Abbey, we canceled our cable, so I watch most shows online, when I get a chance.

  7. You know, time goes by so fast and it seems Monday's are blurred all the way until Sunday. How do you slow it all down? It is dry here but I still say, keep the rain away from here til after harvest. I'll just enjoy yours via Instagram! Lol.
    Your menu looks good for the week. I have not done one yet. My boy is sick again and I have still not completely gotten over the crud he gave me last time. I'm getting sooo behind.
    I love the Black eyed Susan's. They are my favorite fall flower and are in the same family as the mum.

    I wish I could watch things online.....I don't think any kind of decent internet service will ever be available to us here.

    Sandra, when it comes to helping people/bad news/ relationships/ etc...people are harder to deal with now more than ever before. I think it's because The Lord is getting ready to come and claim his people. Sin is rampant and unchecked. A dear older wise friend told me a long time ago, "Do what's right and go on.". Don't expect anything from anyone but when you do what Holy Spirit leads you to do, the rest is on THAT PERSON. Know that all you do may not be appreciated by THAT PERSON but God appreciates & acknowledges & WILL reward you in Heaven. That is very hard for me also but I don't want all my rewards on this earth when I know that Jesus has so much better for me on the other side. You are a good woman Sandra...hang in there! Let's pray for one another!

  8. Your photo is gorgeous!

    Don't you just love those rainy days to relax inside. I need to get all caught up on Downton Abbey. I just lost my mojo with that show. I don't want to be done with it though.

    I know exactly how you feel with the giving and giving and giving in friendships and getting nothing in return. That's not really a friendship or relationship. You are supposed to have give and take not give give give or take take take. It's to stressful and not worth it. Hang in there, and have a good week.

  9. I hope that you are having a good week and will enjoy your painting day on Wednesday! Two quotes you may find useful from Maya Angelou,

    "When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time.”

    “Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.”

    Both worth bearing in mind when dealing with some others in our lives! xx


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
