
Thursday, October 08, 2015

A fallish kind of week....

It's been such a pretty Fall week here in North Texas.

The temperatures have dropped, there's a nip in the air and our mornings are seeing temperatures in the lower 50's.  I'm loving it, I'm soaking in every single moment and preparing myself for the full beauty of Fall.

This week has certainly given us preview of what is to come.


Even our mornings take on a sort of magical aura. Dew drops on the grass, blue and pink, orange and reds in the sky contrasted by the stark darkness of the tree limbs.

If I were to pick one of my top favorite subjects to photograph, it would have to be just that....the contrast between the early morning trees and the sky.




I could ask if there was anything more beautiful, but in all honesty, there is we are constantly surrounded by beauty and nature, we just sometimes fail to soak it all in while busy with the craziness of our lives.



My grandmother's hospital stay has taught me so much.  Oh my word, just when I thought I was old enough to know quite a bit, something like this comes along to teach me that I still know nothing, and I will continue to learn new lessons.

If I were to sit and tell you everything I've learned or opened my eyes to, I think I would easily get the award for the longest ever blog post.

To put it all simply, I've learned that I spend too much time focusing on what doesn't matter.

I've learned that I am who I am, and I can't expect other people to be who I expect them too, if I do, I am always disappointed.

Most of all, I've learned to slow down and to take a deep breath and to worry about myself and my family and what I'm doing in the here and now.  Everything else will fall into place.


With that new knowledge before me, I've also learned to not be so quick, but rather listen, take it in, see both sides and not sweat the small stuff, which usually gets turned into major big issues and drama.

I've gone into a sort of zen state.

I've drank copious amounts of tea, worked on numerous projects around the house like these fabric covered boxes below.


I've baked pies and cakes with my daughter.

And I've taken in every single sight of the changing from summer to fall.


My camera has once again become my best friend.

It has a tendency to bring me back to the simple joyful things in life, I sometimes think of it as a little child and how you see things so differently through their eyes.  That is what it does for me.

How beautiful is that? 



A week of Fallish beauty and of reflection.

I almost feel like I'm learning to gain back my time, like it was lost in some black hole somewhere and now I'm regaining it all back.  It feels really really good, to be honest.

I've taken this time to catch up on some shows and scout out some new ones starting soon.  Oh there are some really great ones coming up.  Home Fires is brilliant, you need to watch that one, also Midwinter of the Spirit though a little scarier, Olympus, Sons of Liberty is also really good and I actually want to see if it's ok for my kids to watch.  Coming up there is Jekyll and Hyde and The Frankenstein Chronicles, both from the UK and both look super good.

In between all that, I've been dealing with my gran's situation.  She is doing so much better but is refusing Physiotherapy, we have to convince her to please do it so she can go home.  Old people can be quite stubborn at times hahahah

She is a bit bruised from all the tubes and pipes and whatnot, but is in good spirits, although very confused at times.  I understand that it is normal at her age of 92, when they've been in the hospital for a long period of time they tend to get a little confused, but once the family gets therE and staRts talking to her, she snaps right out of it.

It's just going to be a very long process for her, but she is one tough lady :)

I've also been thinking about doing an October prompt kind of thing, just for the last two weeks of October.  Almost like our Christmas one that I started last year, but with October/Fall/Halloween specific categories, and not really questions to answer persay, but more along the lines of one word prompts that we can then talk about, share pictures etc.  For example.....for the 15th of October, the first day I'm doing it, the prompt will be Chilly.  Let me know if you would like to join in, it could be kinda fun and might break up the writer's block for some of us :)

Anyway, it's been a bit of a Fallish week around here, lots on my mind, lots that I've learned, lots that I'm focusing on, and lots more of drawing closer to God which is always a good thing.

I do hope you've all had a pretty good week so far and that you enjoy the rest of your Thursday.

Blessings to all,


  1. Oh yes, I'll join in! I'm laughing because last week I was going to try to update every day in October. Hm... have yet to get to the next post a week later! Love your photos, as always, and I'm glad you're finding yourself in a better place! Continued prayers for your grandmother!

  2. So glad to hear your Grandmother is doing so much better! Your photos are gorgeous. Texas nature really has a beauty of it's own.

  3. Great photos Sandra,

    You've really had a hectic few years, what with moving and all, now your gran's condition and your aching heart.

    I have also learned the value of letting petty things go, since my dear husband went to his heavenly home. Life is too precious to be wrapped up tight in inconsequential stuff.

    Enjoy your fall. Keep loving your family.


  4. So glad your grandmother is doing better!

    Love all your photos today. I am trying really hard to get into that place as well, where I focus on the here and now and not let little things escalate...

    As far as your October prompts...that sounds interesting...count me in. I have found that I have been in a blogging slump and not really motivated to write anything so maybe that would help.

  5. glad grandmother is getting there, would love to join inxx amazing photos

  6. Thank God for prayers answered - and again so thankful for your Grandma being okay!! I think it's so powerful when we learn things about ourselves, others and even life in difficult times.

    I loved your Fall photos - so beautiful!! I would love to join in whenever I'm able if you do an October prompt. ;)

    Blessings my Dear. xoxo

  7. Love the idea of the Fall prompt! Will try my best to join in!

  8. Your grams is looking much better! We had a little taste of fall but not enough for me!


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