
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Outside work


It's a pretty day here in North Texas, the wind is blowing and the temperatures are staying around 79 degrees.

We've been waiting for cooler temps to do some work outside because any other time during the summer, is just too scorching hot and within 10 minutes we are drenched in sweat, bit by chiggers and ready to get back in the house.


We have quite a few Pecan trees on our property and it's getting to that time of the year, so they're starting to fall to the ground by the hundreds, some already out of their outer shell, others working on it.

Our yards are literally covered in pecans and so it's time to start harvesting the ones already on the ground.  I spent an hour out there going from tree to tree and grabbing the ones I could, not all made it into my basket because certain little birds had already gotten to them.

I can't tell you how exciting it is to be surrounded by pecan trees, I've always been such a fan of pecans and being able to harvest them in my own yard is a wonderful thing.  I know with the holidays coming up they will certainly help with all the pecan pies I will be baking.


While I got busy harvesting the pecans, Curt and Nick worked on gathering, chopping and starting a wood pile up against one of the fences.

Nick had never yielded an axe so he found it a lot of fun and before long was chopping here and there, wood bits flying all over.


Living in the country is beautiful, and peaceful and just what we have always wanted, but for anyone who has never lived away from a city, you would never understand the amount of work that goes into keeping a home and acreage on a place like this.

We've never been ones to shy away from work and so I face it with a smile on my face and thankful for every pecan I pick up, every prickly weed I remove from my pants and every gorgeous sunrise I get to witness every morning.



It's now a quarter to 3 in the afternoon, and I thought I would sit down and write up a quick post while I watch some TV with Jasmine.  We just finished watching True Monsters and are now starting one of the episodes of My Haunted House from the DVR.

The rest of the afternoon I'll be spending doing laundry, ironing, catching up on the DVR and just trying to have a restful Sunday.

I sure hope you are enjoying your weekend.  Thank you for stopping by for a visit, I appreciate every reader that stops in, comments and continues to read my blog :)


  1. Good Sunday afternoon dear Sandra ~ You are blessed to live in the peaceful countryside, picking your own pecans. I can almost taste a pecan pie. Yummy! Haven't made one of those in ages.

    Happy Fall to you and your dear family ~ FlowerLady

  2. Hi Sandra! I lived in Longview TX for one year (3 decades ago!) and we had great steak in that area! I was reading your other post and I want you to know that we have milk delivery. It is a farm in Maryland and they deliver to there and also nearby Pennsylvania and Delaware. it is at if you want to see...they offer other items also. Their milk is minimally processed (still pasteurized and is against the law in DE to not have it pasteurized) and comes in pretty bottles. It tastes delicious! No other stores' milk can compare to it. Very sweet and refreshing. Andrea

  3. Good evening......I know how rewarding it is to have the pleasure of enjoying what nature has to offer......hubby has picked up around two 5 gallon buckets of black walnuts to shell.....we just pressed 4 bushel of apples from our trees today and yielded 8 gallons of cider.....wonderful to live in country isn't it? Love to hear and see what all of you are doing with your new country home........

    Thank you for sharing........


  4. Sandra I hope you got my message on Instagram about the pecans. I'm sorry friend.

    It has been cooler here and dry so we have been harvesting when we are not FIXING something that broke down. Argh! It's always like that when we get started though.

    Wish we were closer!

  5. I always enjoy reading your blog. You feel like a friend. I pray for you sometimes and think of you from time to time, especially when I'm cleaning my house!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
