
Monday, December 14, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday - 12/14/2015

Good morning all, can you believe it's Monday already?

Hubby and I woke up this morning and kept saying to each other that it's not fair, the weekend just flew right on by and we're not feeling it today, just not ready for a whole new week LOL

We are also one step closer to Christmas, oh goodness.  Anyway, let's concentrate on other things and let's get this day going shall we?

The weather outside is::::
41 degrees and clear skies.  Yesterday we had cloudy and foggy skies and some rain too.  This weather is so confusing, I wish it would just pick one and stay with it....really.   d

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Haven't had breakfast yet, just a cup of coffee with hubby at 5:30am.  I will finish up this post and then get some breakfast, but not really sure what I am in the mood for.  Bagel?  Cinnamon Toast or Pumpkin Spice?  Cereal?  Yogurt parfait?  Who knows.

As I look outside my window:::
It's really bright outside, or maybe it's because yesterday was so dark and gloomy.  There are ton of squirrels in the yard, playing and running back and forth through the grass and then up the one tree.  

Right now I am::::
In bed, Lola is snoring next to me and Bella is on her bed on the floor.  I'm trying to tell myself that after this post I need to get up and get going with my day, but I'm feeling so incredibly lazy today, ugh. 

As I look around the house::::
It is homey and cozy, but I've not really decorated as much for Christmas as previous years, and I don't know if it's because my kids are getting older and I don't feel the need to go all out.  I am just not sure what is going on lately, kind of wish I got the Christmas spirit back though. 

On today's to do list::::
Laundry....Have the boy's laundry to finish, fold and put in his room for him to put away.
Cleaning....In the kitchen, Unload the dishwasher and reload with breakfast dishes.  
In the living rooms....Vacuum, dust and tidy up a bit.
In the bedrooms....make the beds, pick up and tidy up, open curtains and blinds and windows to let in some fresh air.
In the bathrooms....clean the toilets, sinks and mirrors.
Homeschooling....prepare the lessons, check grades.

Cooking.....for lunch Tuna salad, and for dinner, Teriyaki Beef Stir Fry and Rice.

Happening this week::::
Monday.....School, housework, writing more Christmas cards
Tuesday....Matcha Green Tea Review
Wednesday....Finish school before winter break
Thursday.....Out to eat for dinner
Friday....Relaxing day with kids

Currently reading::::
Nothing at the moment.

On the TV today::::
Catching up on my DVR list:
Watching another Christmas movie

On the menu this week::::
Monday - Teriyaki Beef Stir Fry and Rice
Tuesday - Homemade Hamburger Helper, Salad
Wednesday - Homemade Pepperoni, and Hawaiian Pizza
Thursday - Out to eat
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -

What I am creating at the moment::::
A safe place for my daughter who unfortunately is going through a break up. 

New recipe I tried or want to try this week::::
The Teriyaki Beef Stir Fry is something that I haven't made before, and am just throwing together tonight, hoping it turns out good. 

Favorite photo from the camera::::

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!


  1. I can't believe that we are so close to Christmas! I've been re-running your Blogmas from last year to keep me on track with all that is going on here.

    Perfect inspiration for what J is going through. So hard as a teenager to understand/know that this only means something/someone better is coming her way. HUGS & Prayers that her broken heart mends quickly.

    Have a wonderful week my friend!

  2. Just keep focusing on the reason for the season dear Friend - and that Christmas spirit will come on in. ;)

    Continued good thoughts and prayers sent to Jasmine - such a difficult thing. I hope you can all have some lovely quality holiday family time in the days ahead that may help with the healing and bring some joy.

    Christmas is coming too fast (as it does every year! Lol). Trying to take moments to stop and enjoy too.

    Blessings on your week Sandra! xoxo

  3. My heart goes out to Jasmine. Being her age is so rough, with so many ups and downs. All part of growing up and life.

    I know your home is a sweet, comforting haven for her.

    Happy Christmas holidays ~ FlowerLady

  4. My heart goes out to Jasmine...teenage breakups are so tough. And my prayers are with you as well, dear friend. It's hard to watch our kids go through this, and our Mama heart wants nothing more than to scoop 'em up and make it better.
    Hugs all around.
    Have a beautiful week.

  5. I love your photo! I adore snowmen. Hugs to Jasmine. Have a great week Sandra.

  6. I hope that you have a good week and that all will be well for Jasmine. Hugs to you both. xx

  7. Oops, I forgot to type in add the onions and garlic when you add the sauces and seasonings.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
