
Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday snippits!!!

Monday came in the blink of an eye, and just that quick, it went.

January 11, 2016

With the cold temperatures that have settled upon us, I've been waiting for my sciatica to flare up, and flare up it did.

Had a hard time moving around this morning, thankfully it is not as bad at the moment but once I get to bed, I know I'll be waking up pretty stiff and in pain.

January 11, 2016

I didn't let it hold me back too much.  I got my housework done, not as fast as usual, but done nonetheless.

Made Cheesy Garlic Pizza for lunch, and even whipped up some Bread Machine Cinnamon Rolls.

January 11, 2016

Took a slow walk down to the mailbox and enjoyed the setting sun and the glorious color that it shines down on everything.  Even the mailbox looked pretty to me.

January 11, 2016

January 11, 2016

Christmas lights have yet to be removed, but that will be a job for Curt this coming weekend.

I wasn't going to come in and post anything, but I made a promise to myself that I would try to really focus on my blog this coming year, to post daily or try to at least and to go back to my true self.

To crochet, to continue making things for my home, to take care of my family as always and to enjoy every moment of every day.

I'm not thinking it will be easy at times, but I'm willing to give it my best shot.


  1. So sorry about your sciatica. Jack's bothers him many days and he often has to stretch out. Have some new essential oil to try on it and will make him a sciatica pillow to sit on. Huggles my friend.

  2. Glad you are posting I love your blog, you are soo sweet, god bless!!

  3. Hope you get some relief from that sciatica pain!

  4. Oh, I have sciatica issues too. It all started with swimming and spinning my son on a "floatie". Snap! Some days are worse than others. And the doctors don't give much in the way of helping it heal quicker. But we can't let it slow us down!

  5. All you can ask of anyone, including yourself, is to do your best and if somedays you don't post here or don't get all of your housework done then it doesn't matter, it will still be there tomorrow. Hope that you are feeling better again soon. xx

  6. I'm a new follower and I too suffer from Sciatica so I completely understand . I look forward to reading more posts and getting to know you . Take each day as it comes ...and make the most of it ...if you don't accomplish all you think you should , don't be so hard on yourself will be there tomorrow or ten days from tomorrow. Have a great day ~Blessings Angela

  7. Hope you are feeling better. I've been craving cinnamon rolls, hope you enjoyed the ones you made.

  8. Hope you are feeling better now. Great to see such regular posts out here, love it :)

    Pizza and cinnamon rolls, oh my! Someone in my house (NOT ME!) is on a healthy eating kick and doesn't want things like bread, pizza, pasta, sweets, etc. They seem to want a salad every.single.night. Ugh. I'm over salads already!

    Have a great day and week!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
