
Thursday, January 14, 2016

The grocery haul that didn't happen!

Oh my word what a busy day I had.  I am simply exhausted and counting down the minutes until I can get to bed.

Our Bella got us up at 3am, her tummy was rumbling and she was crying to go outside, so hubby got up and let her out.  She then wanted to walk around the house and then out again and back and forth, she just would not settle down.  By the time hubby got back in bed and we were able to get back asleep, it was close to 4am, which means no sooner had we closed our eyes, than the alarm was going off at 5:30.

We both mumbled and grumbled and complained about having to get up, but we did and I got our coffees and saw him off to work.

I did my usual morning routine and then got up, cleaned the house and finished the menu plan and the grocery list.

Usually if I need the car, I will take him to work in the morning and then pick him back up, but being that I was so tired, I told him to just go ahead and take the car in.  He was coming home for lunch anyway, so I decided to go back with him and get all my errands run then.

Now I need to back track a little here, and this is probably more information than you need to know, but I've always been extremely open on my blog and have no problem discussing certain things.

If you've read my blog for a while, you will remember that I was having some issues with my birth control, the pills were making me really sick and the IUD worked until I had it removed and then almost passed out when they tried to get another one in, so I gave up on that.

When I moved to Idaho, two years ago, I asked to try the Patch and have loved it ever since.  Haven't really had many issues with it, aside from if I didn't use it properly I had some periods that were off, or spotting etc.

At the end of December I had my usual cycle and I needed to get my refill prescription because I was supposed to put on my new patch  that Sunday, the 3rd of January.  With the holidays and the New Years etc, the hospital on base was closed down and I wasn't able to get the prescription until the Monday after, the 4th.

So when I put on the patch, I was a day and a half late.  That was all it took to throw my body out of whack.

Woke up this morning and am having some spotting going on, literally feel like I'm about to start my period again.  I know, I know, TMI, but we're all women here and we all understand right???

By the time hubby picked me up at lunch time, I was already not feeling too well.  Nevertheless he took me to lunch at Burger King on base because he didn't have much time before needing to be back at work.

On the way back to his Hangar though, he took me by the base's thrift store, which I had never been to.  I picked up this book which of course caught my eye.  It was 50c and I couldn't leave it behind, you'll see why when I show you some pages.

January 14, 2016

It's a book about the Old West, more specifically, the Women.  Oh goodness, the cover it self was so pretty that I had to have it, but when I flipped through the pages inside I grew even more excited.

January 14, 2016

I am starting on it tomorrow, I have to, I just have to see what it's all about.

January 14, 2016

I dropped him off and then had 3 hours to kill before picking him back up.  Feeling the way I was, I really debated just getting my groceries, coming home and going back at 4pm to get him, but decided against it and I'm glad I did because time flew by.

January 14, 2016

One of the first stops I made was at the base library.  I hadn't been there since we first arrived here in Texas, and had forgotten just how big it really is.  I could have stayed in there for a really long time but my lower back hurt, my head hurt and so I looked around a bit and quickly settled on two books.

The Last Wife of Henry VIII by Carolly Erickson
The King's Curse by Philippa Gregory

I then stopped in at the Base Exchange to pick up some allergy meds for myself and some mascara for Jasmine.  By the time I looked at the clock, it was 2:45 and so I made my way to the commissary for my grocery shopping.

I thought I would do it pretty quickly and be out of there in time to go by the food court to get some Charley's subs for the kids.  They had been asking for Charley's for weeks and since I was right next door I figured I would get it as a very late lunch/early dinner.

I walked around the commissary, not really feeling very well, seemed the more I walked, the more my lower back hurt and the more my sciatica kicked in.  I honestly got to the point where I just wanted out of there as soon as I could.

I glanced at the time and it was 3:35.  By the time I checked out and got the groceries loaded, it was 10 minutes to 4pm and I knew I wouldn't have time to pick up the food before grabbing hubby, so went to get him first and then the food next.

Came home and really couldn't muster up the energy to film or even snap pictures for the blog.  I'm sorry folks, but it just was not going to happen today.

I will tell you that I stayed well under budget, coming in just over $200.

January 14, 2016

By the time I finished getting everything put away, the sun was setting.  I had just enough time to grab my camera and snap this shot.  Such a beautiful end to the day.

Tomorrow it's back to a normal homemaking day.  Later in the afternoon though, we have Curt's cousin and aunt coming in, they are spending the night and leaving Saturday late afternoon.

They are actually coming to bring us the rest of the chairs for the dining table they surprised us with, and also helping us stain everything, and paint the furniture in the living room, white.  His cousin is also going to give it a rustic antique kind of look, I'm so excited.

So yeah, I'll be getting ready for their arrival, doing my usual homemaking chores and hopefully getting some reading of my new books in.

Hope you've all had a wonderful Thursday, wishing you a restful and peaceful night.

See you all in the morning :)


  1. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Feel better quickly. I know you are excited for the dining table and chairs. they sound so nice.

  3. Hi Sandra,

    Hope you feel better soon, take carexx

  4. So sorry you are not feeling well. Trying to deal with women issues is never easy.... Hope you feel better today!

  5. I hope you wake up today feeling much better than you did yesterday. I must say that Old West book is a great find! Beautiful on the inside and out and such a fantastic price!

  6. These are horrible tribulations that we women have to go through aren't they. You have my full sympathies and hopes that you are perhaps feeling a bit better now. Feeling grotty myself right now. I suspect that it was far more important for you to share this with us today thank your grocery shopping. Take care and look after yourself a little. Or a lot actually. Hugs! xx

  7. I hope you are feeling better. It seems like you did the things you needed to do on Thursday. Hope your Friday has been fantastic!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
