
Monday, April 04, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday - 04/04/2016

Good morning everyone, can you believe it's Monday already?

I'm feeling kinda tired today, just feel like I didn't get good sleep the whole weekend, either Bella was keeping us up or it was my allergies making it impossible to breathe, or it was hot and we couldn't get comfortable.  Oh boy!!

Anyway, it's time for Happy Homemaker Monday, I'm using one of my older ones for inspiration this morning, I just needed a bit a of a change.

Breakfast time....what is on the plate this morning::::
For the moment, just a big cup of coffee with Hazelnut Creamer.  I'm not sure what I'll have to eat but when I get up out of bed and into the kitchen, I'll probably have some toast with apricot jam.

On today's to do list::::
Laundry - Did most of the laundry yesterday, today I have to to put it all away, iron some and do a load of Bella's bed stuff. 
Clean and tidy the house
Meal planning

Currently reading::::
Sophie Kinsella "I've got your number"

On the TV today::::
Portuguese Soaps
Orange is the New Black (almost done with season 2)

The weather outside is::::
At the moment 50 degrees though inside my house it feels much cooler than that.  We are hitting a high of 84 later this afternoon. 

On the menu this week::::
Monday - Portuguese Steak, Fries, Egg, Salad
Tuesday - Breaded Fried Tilapia, Tomato Rice, Mixed Veggies
Wednesday - Chicken Enchiladas, Mexican Rice
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::
Probably read my book, or watch a show on the laptop

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week::::
Oh my gosh, I haven't tried anything new in a very long time.  It's not easy to do when you have so many people to feed, because usually with new recipes I have to buy more ingredients, and there's also the fact that it may not turn out well and it would be such a waste.

In the garden::::
I planted a bunch of herbs the other day and they are already starting to grow.  I'm not putting them outside, I've decided to keep them inside, just need to figure out how or where, but I'm thinking I'll look on Pinterest for some inspiration.

Favorite photo from the camera::::
Owl at the Renaissance Faire


Homemaking Tip::::
Keep a menu book.  I have a notebook that I bought, every two weeks when I meal plan, I write it in the notebook on one page and then on the next I write the grocery list.  It has helped me get inspiration for when I'm meal planning, but I also like looking back through the different months or even to the year before to see what we were eating. 

Visiting with Blog friends (blog you want to share, blog post that caught your eye)::::
I haven't visited anyone in a very long time, I'm horrible at that.  So, I don't have a specific blog or blog post to share with you, but you can go on over to my side bar and find the ones I follow, they're all written by wonderful ladies and I'm sure you will enjoy them. 

Praying for::::
My husband's uncle Mike is going in this morning for surgery to remove a Brain tumor.  It is a highly risky and delicate surgery and he could really use all your prayers.
One of my blog readers, Tasha, also is in need of some prayers for her mom who is going in for outpatient surgery. 

Bible Verse, Devotional that is resonating with me at the moment::::
"The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever."
Isaiah 40:8

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!


  1. Good's dreary and cold here in seeing your photos of the fair.....I can not wait for festivals and such......wanted to mention your blog list doesn't appear on the side anymore, unless your narrowed down to three, I remember you use to have a ton 😃
    I pray your hubbys uncle does well......hope your brother had good results in job hunting too........

    Blessings to you enjoy your weather...I am envious....


  2. Good's dreary and cold here in seeing your photos of the fair.....I can not wait for festivals and such......wanted to mention your blog list doesn't appear on the side anymore, unless your narrowed down to three, I remember you use to have a ton 😃
    I pray your hubbys uncle does well......hope your brother had good results in job hunting too........

    Blessings to you enjoy your weather...I am envious....


  3. I hope that you have a good week and that your herbs grow well. I also, and especially, hope that all will be well for your Uncle Mike and that he will make a good and fast recovery from the surgery. xx

  4. I love your idea of a recipe notebook. I meal plan in my planner, but I may just have to start a designated notebook. I do like the idea of being able to easily look back for reference.

  5. I'm feeling a bit tired this morning also, Monday after spring break around here. Hope you get some good rest soon. Great owl photo. Have a great week!

  6. HUGS & PRAYERS for your family and Uncle Mike that the surgery goes smoothly and is successful.

    I need to get my herbs going too, but there just aren't enough hours in the day! Have a great week.

  7. Happy MOnday Sandra!

    I love our time here together on Monday's - so thinks for continuing to be such a wonderful hostess. ;) I have blog catching up to do too.

    I LOVE your recipe notebook idea! I would have fun looking back on that too. And can't wait to see what you come with for the herbs. I need to get planting some of those too. You're such a Gal after my own heart.

    Prayers for your relatives surgery and blessings on your week!! xoxo

  8. Good morning Sandra,

    Thanks for hosting another Happy Homemaker. I hope you manage to get some good sleep this week. It makes all the difference!

    I shall keep your uncle Mike in my thoughts and hope all goes well with his surgery.

    Have a lovely week.

  9. Love the Renaissance Festival! I haven't been in years! That owl pic is awesome! Have a great week!


  10. You are all settling in well, I'm so glad to read this. I can't imagine what living in Texas is like, it's so big.nwere you able to find a church home nearby?

  11. I just might have to adopt your menu book. I've been so unmotivated lately to cook and have forgotten such good recipes I used to make and I haven't tried anything new either. Maybe this will motivate me.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
