
Wednesday, June 01, 2016

And then the dryer broke....


Hello friends, I'm sure you're a little surprised to see me around here.

I'm a little surprised myself, as much as I say I want to post more, something always shows up to keep me from doing it.  Goodness!!!

Anyway, I apologize first and foremost for no Happy Homemaker Monday this week, we still had the family reunion going on and then decided to head into Lawton to visit Curt's grandparents grave and also take our kids to my father in law's grave at the Fort Sill National Cemetery.




It wasn't easy for my husband and his brother to visit their father's grave, and even for me, I had to hold back the tears.  It's hard when you miss the person so much.

The last time Jasmine had been there she was 4 and Nick was still in my tummy, so it was a long time for them as well.  I'm just so incredibly glad that we are close enough to go visit his grave and put some flowers on.

I honestly didn't have a chance to be on my computer the past week, it's been that busy.

The reunion went great, we all enjoyed spending time together, laughing, eating delicious food, playing games and just visiting as much as we could.  It's always so much fun when the family can get together.


After everyone left on Monday afternoon, it was time for me to sit down and take a breather.  I love reunions but it's so much work for me, I feel like I'm kind of stuck in the kitchen making sure that food is available, that dishes are washed, that everyone has what they need.


Our cousin Cindy taught us how to make Prayer Beads and we had so much fun making them.  I ended up with 3 different ones, which I'll take a picture of later to show you.  This was one of them, it's a bracelet.


There was gathering around the fire, making s'mores and chatting.


And little Miss Presley was the best part of the reunion, she is the cutest little one and got plenty of love and cuddles.


The past 2 days I've been trying to get caught up on my housework, cleaning, picking up, putting things back where they belong and just getting back to normal after having a house full of relatives.....23 to be exact.


In the middle of all this, my dryer has decided it has had enough and given up.  I have so much laundry to get through, and unfortunately Bella has a bit of a runny tummy too so I've been having to wash all her bedding non stop.  Makes it harder when I don't have the dryer to help me, but I'm managing, truly.


So it's clothesline and chairs, and whatever else I can find to put clothes on to dry.  You know a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do right?

You know I've learned that the way we face our challenges is what determines what kind of a life we'll have and I for one don't want to be constantly complaining, whining and upset that something is not going the way I want it.

So as frustrating as some circumstances may be, I just smile through it and sometimes actually laugh out loud at the absurdity.

I'm ending this post with a few pics of my front yard and the wildflowers we planted a few months ago, they are finally blooming and it looks so pretty out there.





Oh and this little fellow, or one of a few little fellows that has made our yards it's home.  With all the rain we've been getting we have tons of them around.


As I finish this up, the skies are once again cloudy in preparation for more thunderstorms heading our way.

I better go snatch up all the clothes so they don't get wet again.



  1. Beautiful Photos, looks like your reunion was a blast! and just think how nice your clothing will smell drying in the sun! this post made me laugh because I have been asking my hubby to make me a clothing line in our back yard, I love hanging our clothes outside during the summer. hope you get your dryer fixed soon.

  2. Dear Sandra,

    There is no need to apologize for not blogging. You have your priorities straight by taking care of your family and enjoying life. :) I say blog when you can and I will certainly be grateful to catch up when you have the time and energy for this little space.


  3. HI Sandra!

    It looks like it was another wonderful and successful reunion. So sad to visit cemeteries like that and reflect on the past, but they sure are beautiful too.

    Hope that dryer gets fixed soon poor Gal! Ugh!!

    Love all the flower pics - so pretty. ;)

  4. The family reunion sounds good. The dryer, not so much! Yep, a girl must do what a girl must do! Huggles and prayers.

  5. I'm glad your reunion went well. Our dryer went out for two weeks right after we brought our younger son home from the hospital two years ago. Before that I'd used my clothesline a couple of time per week for cloth diapers--after those two weeks, I never used it again. ;) Hope you get it fixed or a replacement soon!

  6. I loved seeing the pictures of the cemetery where you all visited. Such a good thing to do on Memorial day Weekend.

    It was wonderful to see the pictures of the different things you did with your family and guests. It helps give others ideas for their own gatherings!

    Your clothesline looks great! That must have been a lot of work without the dryer! But so nice to do!

    Mrs. White

  7. Glad to see your post today. I'm trying to catch up. I've been busy putting the vegetable garden in and new herbs. I hardly ever use my dryer. I have 3 clotheslines, and several indoor drying racks. Even my kids will do their own laundry and put it outside or on racks. Your reunion sounds like it was fun.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
