
Monday, June 06, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday - 06/06/2016

Good morning and a very Happy Monday!!!

I would like to say that I'm excited for it to be Monday, but to be honest, I'm not really because I had such a busy weekend that ended up not having much time to relax and rest.  I'm tired folks, like super tired and just not ready for this new week, but alas I can't stop time (YET, haha), so forth we go.

Happy Homemaker Monday
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The Weather:::
Hot and humid.  Had the craziest torrential rain Saturday afternoon and if I tell you it came out of nowhere, I'm literally telling you it came out of nowhere.  One minute it was clear blue skies, then in 10 minutes clouds came in, dropped a crazy amount of strong heavy rain and disappeared within 10 minutes again.  This Texas weather is WEIRD!!! 

On my reading pile:::
A pile of books for all my reviews coming up, next one on the TLC Book Tour is "How Secrets Die". 

On my tv:::
Portuguese Soaps
Legends and Lies (I had no idea about this one but came across it the other night and have been enjoying it.  Check it out if you like History and learning about famous and infamous people from our past)
General Hospital

On the menu for this week:::

Monday -  Crispy Cheddar Chicken, Garlic Mashed Potatoes and Steamed Broccoli
Tuesday -  Slow Cooker Fiesta Chicken, Rice
Wednesday - Baked Ziti with Cottage Cheese, Garlic Bread
Thursday - Parmesan Pork Chops, Wild Rice, Salad
Friday -  Homemade Pizza
Saturday - Fried Smoked Sausage and Potatoes
Sunday  - Bread Fish Fillets, Black Eyed Pea Salad, Tomato Rice

On my to do list:::
Laundry - My dryer decided to die, which is not shocking because we've had it for 12 years maybe?  We can't afford another one until next payday, so for the next two weeks I'll be doing laundry and hanging it out to dry on the clothesline.  I don't mind it at all, but the ironing pile is now humongous.  I did all my washing yesterday but have to tackle the ironing today.
Mop kitchen floors
Wash bed linens

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
I truly and honestly miss having a project to work on.  Truth is that ever since I moved to Texas (a year ago), I haven't made hardly anything and really haven't picked up my crochet hooks or knitting needles.  I want to but just never get around to it.

Looking around the house:::
Usual pick up needed after the weekend. 

From the camera:::
Pretty flowers

Day 26

On my prayer list:::
My brother still hasn't found a job and is quite frustrated at this point.  If you could send out a prayer for him it would be very much appreciated.
My daughter, as she continues with her therapy and is learning how to value and love herself and change the negative way of thinking she has developed over the past few years.

Bible verse, Devotional:::
Oh, to be like Him, tender and kind,
Gentle in spirit, lowly in mind;
More like to Jesus, day after day,
Filled with His Spirit now and alway. —Ellsworth


  1. Your menu sounds yummy this week! That's a bummer about the dryer! I would go nuts without mine, as I so hate to iron! Have a great week!!

  2. Wow, you've been super busy over there. Hope you find some time to rest and recharge this week. I haven't checked our weather yet but I am hoping for some sunny skies all week. We had rain overnight on the weekend. I'm so tired of it and ready for the hot (not humid but we'll get that as well) summer days to be here. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. I hope the weather holds a bit so you can get the clothes dried on the line. I know down here we're supposed to see a break in the weather Tuesday and Wednesday. We got caught out in that Saturday storm and had another like it last night while we were out to dinner with my uncle. Even being from Texas I don't think I'll get used to the weather here - too spoiled by growing up in California.

    Have a great week and I hope you can find some restful moments.

  4. Such lovely flowers, I feel for you with the Ironing. Thankful I have a hubby who loves to iron, so he does almost all each morning. yeah I think Ill keep him!

  5. My husband was laid off 2 weeks ago and is already very frustrated, so I can just imagine how your brother feels. I will definitely keep him in my thoughts & prayers, too! Your menu this week sounds delicious -- just might give me a few ideas for my own!

  6. I hear you Sandra! It's been wacky weather like that here too. And you're living like a true pioneer these days with the laundry down! I think that's my worst nightmare over here. Lol!! Never realize how much those appliances are appreciated until we don't have them, huh? ;)

    Prayers sent for your Bro and for your sweet Jasmine.
    Blessings on the rest of your week.

  7. Your menu sounds yummy this week. One of my favorite memories of childhood is my mom hanging out laundry and how wonderful it all smelled!

  8. Oh how I miss reading your blog! We're on Instagram but I've just recently been able to get back into the blogging world and used to read yours every week and looked forward to Happy Homemaker Monday posts! I'll certainly be praying for your brother in his search for a job and your beautiful daughter! Thank you for sharing!🤗💖


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
