
Monday, July 04, 2016

Tree Classics - Independence Day

Independence Day

Happy Independence Day!!!

For a lot of people, the 4th of July means barbecues with family, weekends away, celebrations, fun and fireworks.

For us as a previous active duty military family, Independence Day was always spent doing activities around the base and ending the night watching the fireworks.

There is always such a profound sense of patriotism when surrounded by the military, and I'm so glad that we were able to share that with our children and raise them in those surroundings.

Independence Day

Independence Day for me, personally has a very important significance, seeing that I was not born in this beautiful country. It IS after all my home, and has been for the past almost 18 years.  I honestly couldn't imagine living anywhere else.

So when I think of Independence Day, I think of the country that has taken me in, that has provided me a wonderful life and the opportunity to raise my children in a safe place.

With my children being born in this country, and their father being a retired military member, we have always taught them that this day is much more than simple fireworks and fun.

It is a day to reflect, to remember those who fought for their country, those who gave their lives in that fight and all of those alongside them who fought for this great nation's independence. 

Independence Day

We always decorate for the 4th of July.  Red, White and Blue lights are strung outside the house, flags line the drive way and the fence surrounding the house, banners are placed on the windows and inside, small pieces here and there remind us of what we're celebrating.

Independence Day

This year I have a beautiful Brentwood Glistening White Pine Tree that I have decorated with simple touches of red, white and blue.

This stunning tree stands 7.5' feet tall and has sheer white lights and is dusted with glitter.

It was my first year using a tree to help celebrate the 4th of July, and I'll tell you that it will now become a permanent fixture every year.  The white combined with the bows, the stars garland and the little flags makes a bold statement while keeping it simple.

Check out the other white Christmas trees available by going here

Independence Day

Now that we are no longer active duty and living on base, our favorite way to spend this holiday is by having family over for a big barbecue, enjoy some holiday inspired desserts, talk, have fun and tell the kids all about Independence Day, what it means, how it happened and why it is so important.

Our hope is that the love we have for this country will transpire onto them and they will one day pass it on to their own children.

Thank you to Tree Classics for sending me the beautiful tree in exchange for an honest review on my part. 


  1. What a beautiful tree and I love how you have it decorated for the holiday.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  2. Beautiful tree and beautiful post!

  3. What a beautiful tree! You always have such great taste in decorating. I am often inspired by your ideas. Thanks for sharing them with us. Happy Independence Day!

  4. That tree is just beautiful Sandra!! I just love how you've decorated it too. Perfect for a true patriotic centerpiece in your home. Love it! xoxo


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