
Monday, August 15, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday - 08/15/2016

Good morning friends, how was your weekend?

I had a good one, though I always feel like it's not long enough.  I could have used another day off, to be honest.

But, here we are, another Monday and today marks the first day of school for this year.  I'm looking forward to it, but also not because this is Jasmine's Senior year and next year she'll be off to college and leaving us.  It's a bittersweet moment for sure, I can't even believe we've reached this point in our lives, feels like she was starting Kindergarten not too long ago.

Anyway, let's see what we have going on in our Happy Homemaker Monday!!!

The weather.....
We had a bit of rain last week, actually had 2 days where we saw some thunderstorms.  They didn't last very long, but it was enough to cool things down a bit.  This week we're looking at a cold front (or so they say here in Texas, because 80's is not cold to me lol).  We should be seeing a whole week of 80's and looks like a rainy one too. 

Right now I am....
Still in bed, it's only 7:13am.  It's quite dark today because it's cloudy, so I have my candle on and am just sitting here enjoying the quiet morning. 

Of my to do list for today, everything I need to get done, first day of school, getting Jasmine's permit tomorrow, needing to take pictures of some of my birthday haul from hubby which are cooking books and some devotionals too. 

On my reading pile....
First Star I See Tonight by Susan Elizabeth Phillips.

On my TV.....
Portuguese Soaps
General Hospital
Supernatural Season 11

On the menu for this week....
This will be the last menu including my brother and his family.  They are moving out on the first, so I'm working on the next menu for just the 4 of us.  Much as I love cooking, when you have to cook for 8 people every night, it becomes a bit of a chore hahaha  I'm looking forward to making meals for just as 4 again.

Monday - Meatloaf, Macaroni and Cheese, SteamedBroccoli
Tuesday -  Chicken Stew, Salad
Wednesday - Steaks with Pepper Sauce, Rice, Veggies
Thursday - Slow Cooked Pizza in a Pot
Friday -  Chicken with Green Peppers, Mashed Potatoes
Saturday - Homemade Pizza
Sunday - Spinach Sausage Dip, Corn Chips, Homemade Naan

On my to do list today and this week....
All the laundry is done, except for some bed sheets that need to be washed.  Have 2 shirts to iron and one pile of clean folded laundry to put away.

Homeschooling - Not much to do today except for get the kids folders set up, and they each have to go through their lessons and answer a few questions.  Tomorrow they will officially start the full lessons.
Clean bathrooms
Tuesday - Hubby has the day off, we are going to get Jasmine's permit and I also need to get my new driver's license.
Thursday - Jasmine's therapy appointment

In the craft basket....
Nothing at the moment.

Looking forward to this week....

School starting and trying to get back to a better schedule.  By this time of the summer, we are all, and I mean even the kids, ready for a more structured routine. 

Looking around the house....
It's quiet.  Living room needs to be tidied up, the kids always stay up late and make quite a mess in there.

From the camera....
My gorgeous girl got her hair colored on Friday.  When she first asked for this color I wasn't quite sure I liked it, but I'm one of those moms that believes in letting them experiment with their hair and have fun.  By the time the hair dresser was halfway getting this color on, I was falling in love with it and now?  I'm absolutely besotted with this color.  It is GORGEOUS and I think it suits my girl so well, this is her, this is my Jasmine, spunky and fun and beautiful. 

On my prayer list.....

My husband.  We found out that come October 1st he is being laid off along with a few others from work.  It's a worry but I'm certain that God has a plan and another job in store for him.  Please keep him in your prayers, he's already applied for a few open positions on base and if he could get one of them, it would be wonderful.  :)
Still praying for my daughter, it's so hard being a teenager in this day and age.

Bible verse, Devotional....


  1. I love your daughter's hair color. It is quite striking! Sorry to hear about your husband's job. Hope you have a wonderful back to school week around there.

  2. Love that new color on Jasmine - fits so well! Prayers that Curt finds the perfect position for him. Happy structuring! I know we all need it and I even believe we crave it for a happier life. Have a great week my friend.

  3. Hello, dear friend! Jasmine is your TWIN! She is beautiful! I hope you have an amazing week!

  4. Morning dear friend! I surely see you in your daughter's beautiful face. I pray your day is blessed.

  5. We have felt the same about the start of the school year: we looked forward to the summer break from all of the busyness of the school year, but by the end of summer we are more than ready for more structure. In more recent years the difference is not as pronounced because my kids have been working during the summer. And this year, I only have one going back to school; my foster son will be going to college, but he is in boot camp right now so he is not home getting ready. The adjustment is hard on me!

    Jasmine looks terrific! And I am so sorry about your husband's job. Will be praying for you, not only that the solution will be manifest, but also that you can feel peace during the process. Hang in there and happy birthday!

  6. I love Jasmine's hair. I also am a firm believer in letting them play and experiment with their hair. Some jobs don't let you do fun colors like that so let them do it while they are young.. That's what I think anyway.

    I'm ready for the structure of the school year, but not ready for my kiddos to go. :( Hope school is going well in your home.

    Have a lovely week.

  7. Wow - Jasmine looks stunning!!

    I'm so envious of you getting back to a routine. I'm honestly so ready for school to start around here too and get back to that structure. Won't be too long now though. ;)

    Prayers for your Hubby to find a new job soon!!! Have a great week sweet Lady.

  8. Oh Sandra!! Your sweet girl is so lovely!!!

    I am praying for your husband to get another job with no delay and that it will be even better than the one he has.


  9. Prayers for your hubby and family! I love linking.
    Just letting you know I feature a different party each week.
    This week I'm featuring HHM.

  10. Love Jasmine's hair color! So sorry to hear about your husband's job but keeping you all in my prayers.

  11. My daughter (the youngest) will be starting kindergarten next week. I know the years will go by too quickly so I'm trying to savor every moment. I haven't participated in HHM all summer. I really miss it. I will try to get back at it in a few weeks when the school routine starts again. Happy belated birthday!

  12. @cahuddleston
    We are kindred spirits. My daughter who is now 20 has done many artistic things with her hair as well. Now she has ventured into tattoos as well. I really am enjoying your blog as I am new to actually reading them for what they are. Keep up the good work momma!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
