
Thursday, December 01, 2016

BLOGMAS 2016 - Day 1 { The Christmas Tag }

Happy December everyone!!!!

Oh my word, it is December, my favorite month of the year.  I can't believe Christmas is just around the corner, I haven't yet shopped for anything and I've just started getting my decorations out.  I guess I'm not as on the ball as many others are out there, but I'm also not as behind as I was last year.  I think I only really got started decorating about 2 weeks before Christmas.  Horrible!!!

Anyway, it's December which means BLOGMAS.  I'm so excited.

If you don't know what Blogmas is, it's a cross between blogging and Christmas, in which you promise to post every single day, whether on a specific topic or just in general.

I didn't do Blogmas last year, there was just too much going on, but I did it the year before, and you can check out those posts here.

So anyway, you ladies ready to jump in and join me this year???

I'm going to put up a list of topics, from day 1 to day 25.  I honestly just jotted down whatever I felt was significant or relating to Christmas, so I hope you all enjoy them just as much, and I hope to see a lot of participants.  AND I do promise I'll come by and visit you each day, going to make it a priority to do so.

Below you will find the list of topics in order.  Please don't feel you have to do exactly the same that I am doing, you can change it up if you want, or you can simply just post whatever you want for that day without it having to follow a specific list.  Just remember to add your name to the linky below so that I and others can come and see you :)


Day 1 - The Christmas Tag
Day 2 - Christmas Movies on the Must Watch List
Day 3 - Christmas Wishlist
Day 4 - Christmas Playlist
Day 5 - Pictures and Memories of Christmas Past
Day 6 - Pot Simmer Recipes
Day 7 - Cookies to be Baked (can be a recipe you make every year, or some you want to try)
Day 8 - Favorite Family Christmas Recipe
Day 9 - How do you decorate?
Day 10 - Real Tree or Artificial Tree
Day 11 - Stocking Stuffer Ideas
Day 12 - Quiet Christmas or Family Filled Loud Party Christmas?
Day 13 - Christmas Cards (do you send them, show us your favorites this year, or tells your favorite cards to send whether vintage, or bright and colorful)
Day 14 - Advent Calendar
Day 15 - Christmas Party Food Ideas
Day 16 - Winter Tag
Day 17 - Christmas Wishes
Day 18 - Homemade or Store Bought (What are you giving this year)
Day 19 - Recap of Christmas 2015 in pictures
Day 20 -  Christmas Decorations Reveal (show us your tree, your home decor, your mantle, anything you want)
Day 21 - Holiday Family Traditions
Day 22 - Preparing for the big day (show us your wrapping skills, are you making lists, getting the house ready for guests?)
Day 23 - Post whatever you wish
Day 24 - Christmas Eve (Are you opening presents tonight, is this your big celebration, what are you doing)
Day 25 - Christmas Day

Day 1 - The Christmas Tag  

✨Whats Your Favourite Holiday Movie?

National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.  I have to watch it every single year and it never gets old.  Funniest, cutest movie ever.  Just love it :)

✨Whats Your Favourite Christmas Colour?

Red, absolutely red. 

✨Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas?

I always dress up, mainly because we have guests every year and I don't like walking around in pjs.  That and the fact that I'm usually the first up and cooking breakfast etc. 

✨If You Could Only Buy One Person a Present This Year Who Would It Be?

This is a hard one.  I love buying presents for everyone.  I would have to say my husband though, because he works so hard all year round to provide for us and allow me to stay at home and take care of the kids and everything else.  He deserves to be spoiled, for sure. 

✨Do You Open Your Present Christmas Eve Or Christmas Morning?

Christmas Eve.  Always have and always will.  Though we do save the Santa presents for Christmas morning. 

✨ What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas Break?

What's that?  lol  As a stay at home mom, and mom and wife in general, I don't ever get a break, so not really sure how to answer this one.  I guess I do like taking a day here or there where I do minimal housework and try to relax as much as possible.  Watch movies, or catch up on shows, do some crochet, read a book and drink coffee or tea. 

✨Any Christmas Wishes?

For health for everyone in my family, and currently, for this country to pull together and stop being so divisive. 

✨Favorite Christmas Smell?

Pine tree.  One of the reasons I always get real trees for Christmas, there is nothing like the smell of the pine needles in the house. 

✨Favourite Christmas Meal Or Treat?

All our Portuguese goodies we have on Christmas Eve.

✨What are you doing for the holidays this year?

Staying home and having family visit.

✨What’s your favourite holiday drink?

Eggnog.  LOVE IT.

✨Candy cane or Gingerbread men?

Ooohhhh I like both, but I would probably go with the gingerbread men. 

✨What’s your favourite holiday/Christmas song?

White Christmas

✨What is most important to you about the holidays?

Being with family and remembering the real reason for the season.  I don't like to make it too commercialized, I prefer to keep it simple and keep it to the basics :) 

If you're joining in, don't forget to add your name below so we can come by and say hi.


  1. I love this! I don't blog but I am going to play along on FB. Hopefully some friends will join me there. Great ideas, thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you so much for doing blogmas again Sandra!! It's so fun to read others answers and learn their tradtions. It really helps me get even more in the Christmas spirit!!

    I love your white tree! Even without decorations it's stunning! xoxo

  3. Thank you for doing BLOGMAS. I LOVE doing it - really keeps me centered for the holidays. Did get the tree up and a lot of the decorations, but will finish tomorrow and Saturday as it is supposed to rain quite a bit here. LOL I forgot about that movie - LOVE Chevy Chase, so funny!

  4. Oh I Love this, I am very, very late. I try to spend as much time with family during the holidays and have unintentionally I don't want to say break because I do pop in daily but I am very behind on most of my media favorites. I am going to try to paly catch up and join in. I really enjoyed reading your tag and look forward to reading the other ladies as well. Merry Christmas!


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
