
Saturday, January 07, 2017

{ My Saturday }

January 7, 2017

Hi everyone, I sure hope your Saturday has been a good one :)

I was all ready to do a grocery haul for you, because I had to get groceries this morning, but then before I could get it all out and pictures taken, we had already put away some of the stuff.  I thought about taking it all out again but, no, that would have just been silly to do.  I guess the grocery haul will have to wait until 2 weeks from today when I go back out.

I can tell you that I spent $270 and that was because I had to get a few things that we were completely out of, so items that I don't usually need to get every grocery trip.  It also included a $5 tip for the young man that took them out for me at the Commissary.

Which brings up a question for me, do you always tip them, and how much do you usually tip them?  I try to tip every single time, but there have been a few times in the past where I really didn't have extra money, what I had was for food and then I felt absolutely awful not giving something.  So I try to give at least a dollar, but it makes me feel so guilty.  Anyone else feel that way?

So anyway, went out this morning in 7 degree weather.  I'm not even joking, thanks Texas.  I thought my cold days were behind me in Idaho but I guess not.

We even had snow yesterday.

January 7, 2017

January 7, 2017

January 7, 2017

January 7, 2017

It snowed on and off all day, nothing stuck really, so for someone who is used to Idaho snow, this made me chuckle, but nonetheless I guess it was snow right?

The temperatures dropped significantly so when I headed out for groceries this morning it was 7 degrees.  I did not want to leave the house, but didn't much have a choice.

I guess seeing the trees and fence like this didn't help either  Hahah

January 7, 2017

January 7, 2017

January 7, 2017

But anyway, I got my shopping done, came home and put it all away, which seems to take about as long as going out and getting it.  It's definitely not one of my favorite chores of being a homemaker.  I like the grocery store part, just not the unpacking.

This afternoon we took Marley for his very first walk. It felt good to be out there in the crisp air, it wasn't as cold and we want to get him used to walking on a leash and being out and about.

Living in the country does have it's perks either, you get to enjoy nature in all it's glory.

January 7, 2017

January 7, 2017

We have a few Cardinals in our trees and I just love them, they are so beautiful.

January 7, 2017

Marley loved his walk. He was a bit apprehensive at first and kept jumping at Curt and I to pick him up. He was even intimidated by the horses next door but after a few minutes, he got into it and loved being outside. I think we need to make this a part of his routine especially since he is such a big boy and needs more exercise than our pugs ever did.

Back home, I got right into fixing dinner which was a very simple but filling meal. Layered Nacho Dinner. As I explained in my menu post yesterday, this can be eaten over tortilla chips as nachos, or with soft flour tortillas which is what we did tonight.

It tastes amazing, it is filling, it is quick and I don't think anyone in the family will complain. I also have quite a bit leftover which will be great for mid week lunches.

Layered Nacho Dinner

Layered Nacho Dinner

If you want to try for your own family, go on over to my blog and check out the Layered Nacho Dinner post.

I wanted to also show you my list of books to read or that I'm currently reading.  I've been getting this overwhelming need to go to the library and I may have to bite the bullet and go tomorrow.  I'll see how I'm feeling.

But for the moment these are on my shelf.

January 7, 2017

And speaking of shelves, I just have to show you what my son gave me for Christmas. He sure knows his mama :)

January 7, 2017

How beautiful are these glasses?  Oh my goodness, I was in utter shock when I opened my gift and saw these.  Being the huge Jane Austen fan that I am, these couldn't have been a better choice for me.  Just gorgeous!!!

January 7, 2017

Well friends, I'm going to end this post, I still want to go watch a few vlogs, see if there's anything on TV, share the post over on the Facebook page and try to relax the rest of the night.

I have tons of laundry to get through tomorrow as well as wanting to give the hard floors in the house a real good sweep and mopping.

I'm hoping it's not as cold when I wake up though, let's pray for that right???


  1. loved seeing this post Sandra..

  2. It is really cold here too. Was at 1 degree when we took Rebecca to her basketball game today. Love the photo of the individual cardinal! So glad to see you blogging again :-)

  3. It is awful cold here to. We had snow but it is gone. That nacho dish sounds so good too!

  4. Love the photos and love to see you back blogging more again! I must say you always give me inspiration on the homemaking front and really just in general. I love reading your blogs. :)
    Marley is ADORABLE by the way! Love the Jane Austen glasses too. Both of my son's love Nachos so I am definitely going to give that recipe a try. Thanks for sharing it!

  5. Nice to read this newsy post from you. I loved your winter scenes with a hint of purply/pink on trees and fencing. Your pooch is a sweetie pie.

    Your glasses are pretty.

    Going to check out your recipe next. Happy January ~ FlowerLady

  6. oh how I miss commissary shopping!! and yes, I always tipped - at least a dollar if nothing else. that is these people's job and like waitresses, they don't get a minimum wage (it is less than) so they count on tips. I used to try to keep some dollar bills just for tipping with my coupons (which I also kind of miss doing - we shop at Aldi now and can't use coupons).
    Anyway, lovely post, lovely pics, lovely pup!!! :)

  7. PS and Patricia Cornwell has a NEW BOOK!!!! What!?! I need to get to my library and try to get it!! She's my favorite (among my favorites). :)

  8. I always tip the baggers. I usually tip $3 unless I've spent less than $100, then it's $2. From Thanksgiving until January I tip $5 for the holidays, and I ALWAYS tip kids (high schoolers and college looking kids) $5 no matter when.

  9. $2 to $3 seems to be the standard commissary tip although some (as Jess says above) add a little extra during the holidays. I remember years ago (shopping at the commissary when my dad was active duty), it used to be 10 cents a bag - you get a lot less in a bag these days so I'm sure baggers are glad tipping has evolved from those days!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
